"Mason Greenwood: CPS discontinuance of charges
NB: People who allege they are victims of sexual offences receive lifelong anonymity. It is a criminal offence to publish a complainant's identity or any information that might lead to the complainant being identified.
Mason Greenwood was charged in October 2022 with one count of attempted rape, one count of controlling and coercive behaviour and one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
A decision has been made to discontinue prosecution in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors.
A CPS spokesperson said: “We have a duty to keep cases under continuous review.
“In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, we are under a duty to stop the case.
“We have explained our decision to all parties.
“We would always encourage any potential victims to come forward and report to police and we will prosecute wherever our legal test is met.”
Notes to editors
It is not the function of the CPS to decide whether a person is guilty of a criminal offence, but to make fair, independent, and objective assessments about whether it is appropriate to present charges for the criminal court to consider."
(Source: Crown Prosecution Service, 2 February 2023)
Manchester United FC have announced that Mr Greenwood will not train or play until they have conducted their own investigation.