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    Lazy Llama

Mail: a truly despicable article ("nothing 'natural' about Stephen Gately's death")

I'm writing to you because your advertisment has been placed next to some truly horrible, objectionable and hateful content on the Daily Mail website/newspaper [CHANGE AS APPROPRIATE] today.

I'm aware that you don't have prior knowledge of what will appear in editorial features but I wanted to let you know of the damaging effect this has on your brand.

Comments from Mail online readers have suddenly stopped appearing on the article, but the top rated comments - with an unusually high number of endorsements - 800 or 900+ apiece - all make the case clear: this is a truly sickening and vile piece in which the journalist infers that the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of a young man, in a committed relationship, who died suddenly of natural causes were 'more than a little sleazy' and infers that his lifestyle was 'very different and dangerous' - before going on to bash civil partnerships in what can only be described as a hateful and deeply homophobic fashion.

Such displays of bigotry and muck-raking gutter journalism are shameful, and should not be appearing in a mainstream newspaper.

What advertiser would be happy to be associated with such malevolent and ignorant content?

A storm of protest is brewing, with the columnist in question now the number one trending topic on Twitter, and a facebook group has been set up expressing disgust.

I hope that you will be talking to the mail through your media buying department, and exercising your power as an advertiser to say that homophobic, ignorant hateful content is not something you or your customers want to be associated with.

it's called "The Daily Mail should retract Jan Moir's hateful, homophobic article" Can you search for it?

Argh - how to link? :confused:
It is so amazing up here on the moral high ground. I feel the warm breeze in my hair and the sun on my face :cool:

In Fairness you're on the moral highground above a deep sea trench bottom feeder.
I'm writing to you because your advertisment has been placed next to some truly horrible, objectionable and hateful content on the Daily Mail website/newspaper [CHANGE AS APPROPRIATE] today.

I'm aware that you don't have prior knowledge of what will appear in editorial features but I wanted to let you know of the damaging effect this has on your brand.

Comments from Mail online readers have suddenly stopped appearing on the article, but the top rated comments - with an unusually high number of endorsements - 800 or 900+ apiece - all make the case clear: this is a truly sickening and vile piece in which the journalist infers that the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of a young man, in a committed relationship, who died suddenly of natural causes were 'more than a little sleazy' and infers that his lifestyle was 'very different and dangerous' - before going on to bash civil partnerships in what can only be described as a hateful and deeply homophobic fashion.

Such displays of bigotry and muck-raking gutter journalism are shameful, and should not be appearing in a mainstream newspaper.

What advertiser would be happy to be associated with such malevolent and ignorant content?

A storm of protest is brewing, with the columnist in question now the number one trending topic on Twitter, and a facebook group has been set up expressing disgust.

I hope that you will be talking to the mail through your media buying department, and exercising your power as an advertiser to say that homophobic, ignorant hateful content is not something you or your customers want to be associated with.


Added to group discussion board
BTW - I don't think she's claiming she's a gay rights champion in that last paragraph, rather that he was.

It is a bizzare piece of invective though.
From twitter...

Carter-Ruck tries to gag questions in parliament about the amount of toxic waste Jan Moir is dumping on us

The link to the story on first page of this thread is working fine , but the one on facebook is not for some reason , I double checked in case the story had been taken down but its still there :confused:
I like Fry's Tweet: stephenfry I gather a repulsive nobody writing in a paper no one of any decency would be seen dead with has written something loathesome and inhumane.
From Stephen Fry on twitter:

I gather a repulsive nobody writing in a paper no one of any decency would be seen dead with has written something loathesome and inhumane.

Grrr @ Kanda :mad:
Feck it Ted - help then?! I can't work out what's wrong with it :confused:

you copy and pasted the address from Badger Kitten's urban post. urban automatically shortens web addresses so they don't take up the whole screen. what you need to do is go to the original article here, copy the url and paste it into your facebook group text :)
I must admit to at first wondering how I might be able to turn this thread into an amusing distraction for a quiet Friday afternoon but after reading the article again even I could not not stoop that low.

Its an awful piece of journalism.

I would be defined by many of you on here as homophobic and I have made no secret of my opposition to the whole idocy of civil partnerships and the like but the young man in question died in the privacy of his own home.

Even if his death had been unnatural he was not hurting anybody else and it certainly does not deserve the vitriol.

I accept that I laugh at sick jokes, including ones about this incident but for me this article really does go beyond the pale.
I must admit to at first wondering how I might be able to turn this thread into an amusing distraction for a quiet Friday afternoon but after reading the article again even I could not not stoop that low.

I just started reading that post in time, I was about to reply with 'fuck off' - lol. :D
i like charlie brooker's comment on this "Jan Moir manages to walk the difficult tightrope between being a bitch and a cunt"
We are simply outraged at this article. Like, really really outraged. As ever.
- Urban75, London, 16/10/2009 9:59

:confused: is that a genuine post? not saying it isn't correct
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