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Love/Hate - Dublin gangster nonsense

Sounds suspiciously like a variation of the “You live in London? I have a friend in London! Do you know Dave Smith? From London?” American tourist thing :hmm:

Lol no we're from the same village with a population of less than a thousand people so everyone knows everyone. He's a twat btw.
Haha I know him he lives in my village.

so holier than thou he personally ensured all the kids in his local secondary are fingerprinted from the age of 11 up . Which will come in handy should any of them turn out to be not so holy as adults .


What reason were they given for the need to be fingerprinted?
school dinners issuing library boos etc . amazing what you can get done when a sinn fein minister lives right beside your local school and can deal effectively with any parental concerns .

ID card not enough then? (Obviously they can be forged though, by pupils over the age of 11, or their dodgy parents) :rolleyes::D

Has he suggested microchipping newborn babies yet?
WTF ??
Did the parents not object?

Don't get sucked in by CR's patent bolloxology.

Lots of secondary schools over here are 'cashless' - ie instead of kid's having to carry round money, parents pay in advance for school meals etc. The ones with the older systems use pre-paid cards (which kids lose all the time). The newer ones (including the flagship, state-of-the-art grammar school CR is mischievously referring to above) all use your fingerprint. No doubt they will shortly move to iris 'prints' as soon as budgets and technology allow.

And that's a singular 'print' btw. One finger.

Nonetheless it's all a Shinner conspiracy in CR's wonderful world of conspiraloonery.
Yeh pretty much. Typical holier than thou Shinner.

Seems remarkably 'well got' amongst all sections of the community in south Armagh. Same for his family. Same for his wife who is rightly recognised and respected as a community activist (she organises that big community festival you fall round drunk at every year amongst many other things).

So why all the hostility from you two gimps to the tall, dark, handsome... athletic... eminently popular... intelligent... successful... local hero/ex-Prisoner? Oh, right. I've answered my own question.
I don't know if this has taken off in the Republic...:hmm:
I remember about ten years ago a teacher teaching a simple primary science lesson took pupils' fingerprints and there was uproar from some parents wanting to know what was done with the prints...
Seems remarkably 'well got' amongst all sections of the community in south Armagh. Same for his family. Same for his wife who is rightly recognised and respected as a community activist (she organises that big community festival you fall round drunk at every year amongst many other things).

So why all the hostility from you two gimps to the tall, dark, handsome... athletic... eminently popular... intelligent... successful... local hero/ex-Prisoner? Oh, right. I've answered my own question.

Haha his wife and his family are indeed well respected but he himself isn't amongst many people. As I said he's a bit of a twat not the worst person in the world. All you have to do is come to the village and ask about and people will give you their opinions.

Also there are many other ex-prisoners who rightly despise him and his party for reaping the benefits of our new political world whilst leaving them behind.
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