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Off topic anti-vaxx nonsense

I didn’t say we have one. I made the point that IMO this acceptance of authority combined with the now very clear evidence of fear based division as apposed to fear of a virus and belief in a vaccine- divide and rule - means we’re on the slippery slope of acceptance of one... well, many people are!
Everything you're spouting is smoke and mirrors for you to exercise innate selfishness and disregard for our society. You're okay, so fuck everyone else, it's on them and their decisions.

I've been vaccinated and boosted, not because I believe it's necessarily the long term or final solution to eradicating the virus but because it's the best option we've got right now, and it makes the virus less of a risk to me, my family, my friends, my community and to our health and support systems. Of course any potential long term effects can't be known yet because they've only existed for a short period of time. But the understanding to this point and benefits of the short to medium term make it entirely worthwhile in my opinion.

Same thing with wearing masks. Of course they're not massively effective but if they make things even a tiny amount less risky for you and those around you, why wouldn't you want to wear one?

I truly, truly hope you don't find yourself in a position of your health being badly effected by the virus - but if you do would you expect the NHS or other public systems to help you? Or would you be okay with them telling you it was your decision not to accept the preventative options they made available to you, so it's on you and you need to look after yourself?
Agree 100%. Hamlet could - and should - really be setting an example here.
You know already that both Gavin Rose and Peter Crouch are pro choice on the issue of vaccines so the example has already been set; you commentated on that earlier in the thread.
I didn’t say we have one. I made the point that IMO this acceptance of authority combined with the now very clear evidence of fear based division as apposed to fear of a virus and belief in a vaccine- divide and rule - means we’re on the slippery slope of acceptance of one... well, many people are!
What’s scary is how many people don’t accept science.

Anyway - there’s no such thing as a vaccine passport - we have COVID passes (which don’t even apply to DHFC) and if you’re unwilling to even take a test for COVID that’s saying a whole lot about how much you give a shit about others.
Everything you're spouting is smoke and mirrors for you to exercise innate selfishness and disregard for our society. You're okay, so fuck everyone else, it's on them and their decisions.

I've been vaccinated and boosted, not because I believe it's necessarily the long term or final solution to eradicating the virus but because it's the best option we've got right now, and it makes the virus less of a risk to me, my family, my friends, my community and to our health and support systems. Of course any potential long term effects can't be known yet because they've only existed for a short period of time. But the understanding to this point and benefits of the short to medium term make it entirely worthwhile in my opinion.

Same thing with wearing masks. Of course they're not massively effective but if they make things even a tiny amount less risky for you and those around you, why wouldn't you want to wear one?

I truly, truly hope you don't find yourself in a position of your health being badly effected by the virus - but if you do would you expect the NHS or other public systems to help you? Or would you be okay with them telling you it was your decision not to accept the preventative options they made available to you, so it's on you and you need to look after yourself?
I don’t deny you the choice of the right to be vaccinated or indeed to wear your face mask. You have your full vaccinations and your face covering to feel safe and to believe you are protecting our society and our NHS; that’s a choice I don’t criticise but also one I refuse to follow.

As to my tax and national insurance payments record I’ve worked pretty much constantly since 1985 so yes I-bloody well expect the NHS that I’ve paid in to to assist me any time I need it to and I’m confident it will.
I don’t deny you the choice of the right to be vaccinated or indeed to wear your face mask. You have your full vaccinations and your face covering to feel safe and to believe you are protecting our society and our NHS; that’s a choice I don’t criticise but also one I refuse to follow.

As to my tax and national insurance payments record I’ve worked pretty much constantly since 1985 so yes I-bloody well expect the NHS that I’ve paid in to to assist me any time I need it to and I’m confident it will.
So in not taking the preventative options that have been made available to you, you don't think you're being innately selfish in the potential impact you're having on others? I've read your posts in this thread and I've yet to see you set out why you believe that's the case. I'm genuinely interested to understand your thinking on that.

And on the subject of your being treated if you're badly effected by the virus - surely that should be the decision of those you're asking to support you? Or should they be denied the freedom of choice you so clearly cherish?
What’s scary is how many people don’t accept science.

Anyway - there’s no such thing as a vaccine passport - we have COVID passes (which don’t even apply to DHFC) and if you’re unwilling to even take a test for COVID that’s saying a whole lot about how much you give a shit about others.
That’s merely semantics: Covid passport when you fly or take the Eurostar: Covid pass when you go to the theatre or the football.

PS. I’ve flow tested numerous times as I was given ten boxes of 7 cassettes- not sure where you got the idea that I’ve never had a test as I still have maybe 50 cassettes.
That’s merely semantics: Covid passport when you fly or take the Eurostar: Covid pass when you go to the theatre or the football.

PS. I’ve flow tested numerous times as I was given ten boxes of 7 cassettes- not sure where you got the idea that I’ve never had a test as I still have maybe 50 cassettes.
Well this whole thread is pointless then as you’d be able to get a COVID pass with a negative lateral flow test and that’d all anyone would be asking for. However DHFC don’t have to as they’re below 4,000 & the game’s been called of because of COVID outbreak in the squad.
So in not taking the preventative options that have been made available to you, you don't think you're being innately selfish in the potential impact you're having on others? I've read your posts in this thread and I've yet to see you set out why you believe that's the case. I'm genuinely interested to understand your thinking on that.

And on the subject of your being treated if you're badly effected by the virus - surely that should be the decision of those you're asking to support you? Or should they be denied the freedom of choice you so clearly cherish?
I have an NI number and decades of paying in to the NHS. Insurance insuring health care in our NHS so the answer is no it’s not a choice it’s my paid for right!
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You know already that both Gavin Rose and Peter Crouch are pro choice on the issue of vaccines so the example has already been set; you commentated on that earlier in the thread.
I choose to drive a car with that I accept I have to stick to the rules that goes with driving a car, say a 20mph speed limit. I may not agree with the speed limit and would prefer to choose my own but I can’t. Therefore if you choose not to get vaccinated then you understand that you may not be able to attend certain events like a football match. So really if you want choice you may have to have a re-think.
It’s an interesting question who takes the financial implications of game’s being called off. Presumably the players still get paid but prob not bar staff etc….
Well this whole thread is pointless then as you’d be able to get a COVID pass with a negative lateral flow test.
Do you really believe that that option will remain open for much longer ? I don’t, and in any case I don’t register my negative result to the NHS app as I refuse to use such a service be it check and trace or report your test result. I’m happy to keep my medical results between me and my GP.
I have an NI number and decades of paying in to the NHS. Insurance insuring health care in our NHS so the answer is no it’s not a choice it’s my paid for right!
You've made your choice not to get vaccinated. Why shouldn't the NHS have a choice on whether or not to treat you? Starting to feel like double standards to me - you're allowed to make your choices, but if someone else makes a choice that you don't like, that's not okay?

Also waiting for your answer to the first part of my post - I've copied it below to make it easy for you:

So in not taking the preventative options that have been made available to you, you don't think you're being innately selfish in the potential impact you're having on others? I've read your posts in this thread and I've yet to see you set out why you believe that's the case. I'm genuinely interested to understand your thinking on that.
Do you really believe that that option will remain open for much longer ? I don’t, and in any case I don’t register my negative result to the NHS app as I refuse to use such a service be it check and trace or report your test result. I’m happy to keep my medical results between me and my GP.
Not really sure this thread’s in the right forum if this is your angle.
I choose to drive a car with that I accept I have to stick to the rules that goes with driving a car, say a 20mph speed limit. I may not agree with the speed limit and would prefer to choose my own but I can’t. Therefore if you choose not to get vaccinated then you understand that you may not be able to attend certain events like a football match. So really if you want choice you may have to have a re-think.
That’s a terrible analogy to use. The reality of the 20 MPH speed limit is to guarantee an average speed of 25- 30 MPH in town. Most people drive at a strict 20 MPH when they get the camera ahead warning or they see the speed marker lines ahead or spot a police car. The 20 MPH limit was effectively brought in to insure 30 MPH or less as 30MPH wasn’t working.
It’s an interesting question who takes the financial implications of game’s being called off. Presumably the players still get paid but prob not bar staff etc….
The players put in more effort on a postponed match day than the bar staff do on a day the match kicks off so I’m not surprised 😂
I think there may be people reading this who would not venture into the covid/health forums i.e. it may be getting the argument to a different set of people
Think these arguments should remain in the covid forum tbh - especially as this now has no relevance to DHFC.

Think this thread shows that it’s a very small proportion of people that are anti-vaxxers and don’t think their strange thinking needs to be amplified by having it in other forums.
I think there may be people reading this who would not venture into the covid/health forums i.e. it may be getting the argument to a different set of people
The Covid/health forum is scientific debate and conjecture. This conversation is about my freedom to choose and your freedom to choose and the club have not yet spoken.
Think these arguments should remain in the covid forum tbh - especially as this now has no relevance to DHFC.

Think this thread shows that it’s a very small proportion of people that are anti-vaxxers and don’t think they’re strange thinking needs to be amplified by having it in other forums.
That’s rather narrow and prejudicial. I’ve had numerous vaccinations in my life time all the childhood ones and others to boot. Anti-vaxxers is a very lazy terminology.
All companies producing the COVID-19 vaccines and its variant tweaked versions are immune from medical law suits against them.. it’s in the contract. I have no intention of taking part in a live medical trial and that is my right just as it is your right to participate.
You do realise that in a medical trial you have to have a control group which receives no treatment or a placebo. By not having the vaccine you have opted to be part of the control group so are still part of the medical trial. :)
You do realise that in a medical trial you have to have a control group which receives no treatment or a placebo. By not having the vaccine you have opted to be part of the control group so are still part of the medical trial. :)
I’m for the placebo! 🎅
The Covid/health forum is scientific debate and conjecture. This conversation is about my freedom to choose and your freedom to choose and the club have not yet spoken.

No such thing as scientific 'conjecture'. Just one of the many areas in which you're as wide of the mark as a Kamu Laird shot on goal.
No such thing as scientific 'conjecture'. Just one of the many areas in which you're as wide of the mark as a Kamu Laird shot on goal.
A conjecture is a proposition that is unproven. Conjectures are related to hypotheses, which in science are empirically testable conjectures. In mathematics, a conjecture is an unproven proposition that appears correct.

Hypotheses are always being proven only later to be disproven even I know that 👍
Probably a good idea as on this thread one fascistic type has already called for pens for the unvaccinated at champion hill... That’s so 1930’s and very scary- rather like Boris’ mandated inoculations debate.
Make that two now.
A conjecture is a proposition that is unproven. Conjectures are related to hypotheses, which in science are empirically testable conjectures. In mathematics, a conjecture is an unproven proposition that appears correct.

Hypotheses are always being proven only later to be disproven even I know that 👍

I’m really fucked off now. Your type of rabbit hole knobbery was kind of funny when it was faked moon landings and Kennedy being shot by aliens. But now thanks to your kind of loonspudery the rest of us have to see our kids mental health broken and entertainment business we love go out of business all because of the 5% of the population who were too fucking thick to learn basic arithmetic at junior school or the simplest of science at secondary. You are fucking selfish ignorant loons and whilst you are, and will always be hilarious to the vast majority, the consequences of your stupid selfish behaviours are getting boring now. Fuck off to an island with no immunisations, no WiFi or Mobile phone coverage and no vaccinations.
I don’t deny you the choice of the right to be vaccinated or indeed to wear your face mask. You have your full vaccinations and your face covering to feel safe and to believe you are protecting our society and our NHS; that’s a choice I don’t criticise but also one I refuse to follow.
So you're not vaccinated and not wearing a mask? Sounds like you're all set to catch Covid :thumbs:.

Let's just hope you don't pass it on to anyone else eh.
So you're not vaccinated and not wearing a mask? Sounds like you're all set to catch Covid :thumbs:.

Let's just hope you don't pass it on to anyone else eh.

Order confirmed: you’re going to see Dulwich Hamlet FC v Welling United FC (NLS)!​

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