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London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

no names

A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.

On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a 'crisis management' advice company, better known to you and I as a PR firm.

Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch.

Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.

The transcript is as follows.

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.

Source: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/july2005/090705bombingexercises.htm

I'm not too sure about the conjecture in the article but the interview took place. Visor Consultants exist. You can find their website here: http://www.visorconsultants.com/index.html

An MP3 clip of the interview from BBC Radio Five is here: http://www.prisonplanet.com/audio/090705exercise_clip_2.mp3

A larger clip putting the comments in context is here: http://www.prisonplanet.com/audio/090705exercise_clip.mp3

To have been conducting an exercise mirroring the exact stations bombed at the exact time is a startling coincidence, if it is a coincidence.
An interesting hypothesis but the links to prisonplanet with it's chemtrails and other tinfoil hattery makes me dubious. That is not to say that there are not loads of 'private military companies' doing he govts dirty work but I would need to see stuff that is not from prisonplanet which links to wankers like Joe Vialis et al.
KeyboardJockey said:
An interesting hypothesis but the links to prisonplanet with it's chemtrails and other tinfoil hattery makes me dubious. That is not to say that there are not loads of 'private military companies' doing he govts dirty work but I would need to see stuff that is not from prisonplanet which links to wankers like Joe Vialis et al.

I also have the same misgivings about 'conspiranoid' shit. That's why I added the links to the MP3 clips from Radio Five.
A terrible coincidence and that's it then, no?

No doubt the conspiraloons will be quick to dream up some ludicrous scenario, though.
There's probably some sort of event like this going on 2 or 3 times a week in London. There are quite a few firms calling themselves "crisis management advice consultants" and I'm sure they all provide their services on a regular basis.
A dreadful realisation!
This could be a conspiracy!

Was it a massive coincidence then that the bus bomb went off right outside the BMA where there were doctors trained in disaster response or did 'they' arrange it that way....ask yourself that.
editor said:
A terrible coincidence and that's it then, no?

No doubt the conspiraloons will be quick to dream up some ludicrous scenario, though.

As others have said there are lots of these Risk and Recovery co's out there. They seem to be a permanent pension fund for ex mil nd ex plod types.

I think that rather than looking at co-incidences and drawing wrong conclusions those who want to investigate murky doings should turn their attention to real scandals like the use of british mercenaries in Iraq and the east african countries that give them bases and support which allows Blair and crew to say that the British Army is a clean hands army. Which is total bollocks if there are unregulated troops in the area.

There is a whole world of real stuff that needs exposing and the conspiraloons are just white noise that stops real bad deeds being exposed.
KeyboardJockey said:
There is a whole world of real stuff that needs exposing and the conspiraloons are just white noise that stops real bad deeds being exposed.

This is not true. Nearly all the bad deeds of US foreign policy have been exposed well and truly. But not only is it not stopped, it just carries on with impunity.

You're doing a disservice to anyone out there that questions what our leaders are up to. Anybody questioning them should be welcomed.
fela fan said:
This is not true. Nearly all the bad deeds of US foreign policy have been exposed well and truly. But not only is it not stopped, it just carries on with impunity.

If you think that you are very much mistaken :(

fela fan said:
You're doing a disservice to anyone out there that questions what our leaders are up to. Anybody questioning them should be welcomed.

I don't think I am doing a disservice to those asking questions. If sensible questions about how the world is run and the misdeeds of our leaders are subsumed in a morass of chemtrails, distorted suns, alien abductions, mind control, HAARP, and other such tinfoil hatted bollocks then it i natural that people will treat the genuine questions with the same justfied distdain as the conspiraloon shite if they are presented in the same style, in the same environment and sadly by similar wankers like Joe Vialis et al.
editor said:
A terrible coincidence and that's it then, no?

No doubt the conspiraloons will be quick to dream up some ludicrous scenario, though.

Allegedly the exercise consisted of bombs going off at the same stations at the same time. That is some fucking coincidence. Just like the coincidence of multiple military exercises on the day of 9/11 that mirrored the real life events.

Given that this was broadcast on the BBC you would imagine that it would be of major interest to other news media. Journalists should be asking who is the client company involved, who are the alleged 1000 people involved in this exefcise and how come they have nothing to say on the matter. But no, the customary silence of anything not conforming to official orthodoxes. So no wonder this stuff gets written up and posted on 'dubious' sites like prison planet, when the rest of the media is asleep at the wheel.
sparticus said:
Allegedly the exercise consisted of bombs going off at the same stations at the same time.
Back that up please, there's a good chap.

With grown up sources, of course. I've no interest in reading any more conspiraloon sites, thanks.

1) The Radio 5 clip does seem genuine--the interviewer was Peter Allen.

2) On further examination, the exercise was not at exactly the same time--they sat down to a planning meeting at 9.30am, ie 40 minutes after devices in the underground had gone off.

3) It is difficult to read anything reeking of foreknowledge here: after all, wouldn't it make sense (if you wanted maximum damage) to pick a day when there was no planned exercise?

4) Also, were other stations targetted as well? Liverpool St & Kings Cross are, actually, very obvious targets you would put in an exercise, along with say Victoria, Euston & Clapham Junction for example.
Exactly. It's the conspiraloons clutching at straws again, so desperate are they to find an exciting conspiracy to liven up their dull lives.
Larry O'Hara said:
1) The Radio 5 clip does seem genuine--the interviewer was Peter Allen.

2) On further examination, the exercise was not at exactly the same time--they sat down to a planning meeting at 9.30am, ie 40 minutes after devices in the underground had gone off.
It was the same morning, same type of attack... and it nailed the correct locations! If that isn't the most impossible coincidence...

3) It is difficult to read anything reeking of foreknowledge here: after all, wouldn't it make sense (if you wanted maximum damage) to pick a day when there was no planned exercise?
If one dismisses, as one must, the possibility that this was mere 'coincidence' then there has to be some link. The sinister point about the 'exercise' is that it enables people to carry out the attack itself, while thinking they are simply carrying out the exercise.
DrJazzz said:
It was the same morning, same type of attack... and it nailed the correct locations! If that isn't the most impossible coincidence... [/I]
Oh do tell. What do you think the real story is?

Oh, and I haven't seen any credible eviddnce to suggest that the exerecise were taking place in the exact same locations.

Could you provide some now please if you insist on peddling this comment?
shows to me that the excercises were worked out to correctly time thing's for maxium impact for rush hour chaos.... which would be between 8:30 and 9 in the morning would be my bet...
DrJazzz said:
If one dismisses, as one must, the possibility that this was mere 'coincidence' then there has to be some link. The sinister point about the 'exercise' is that it enables people to carry out the attack itself, while thinking they are simply carrying out the exercise.

are you suggesting that there is some level of cluision between the emergancy services and the bombers....

is that really what your suggesting here... if so then i think it's more than a bit out of order...
GarfieldLeChat said:
shows to me that the excercises were worked out to correctly time thing's for maxium impact for rush hour chaos.... which would be between 8:30 and 9 in the morning would be my bet...

Seeing as terrorists usually try and go for maximim impact and would thus be most likely to hit during the rush hour, it wouldn't make a great deal of sense to run exercises at Northwood Hills station at 3 in the afternoon.
DrJazzz said:
The sinister point about the 'exercise' is that it enables people to carry out the attack itself, while thinking they are simply carrying out the exercise.
Balls, DrJ, utter balls.

Crisis management company, that specialises mostly in "TEWT" type training for private companies. Now you're claiming that they blew up the underground. Have you ever taken part in a disaster exercise? I've done a few and what you alledge is ridiculous.

Then last of all, please tell me why they dropped a bomb off on something so pointless as a buss? They are only good for death toll and piccys, ie terrorist attacks. But irrelevant in terms of infrastructure, evauation or disaster management...

In this case you're talking utter utter shit.
GarfieldLeChat said:
are you suggesting that there is some level of cluision between the emergancy services and the bombers....

is that really what your suggesting here... if so then i think it's more than a bit out of order...
It'll be a minor miracle if you manage to get a straight answer out of DrJ. What he does it like to "suggest" things based on the flimsiest of "evidence" and then hastily retreat when asked to actually articulate what he is alluding to.
editor said:

Seeing as terrorists usually try and go for maximim impact and would thus be most likely to hit during the rush hour, it wouldn't make a great deal of sense to run exercises at Northwood Hills station at 3 in the afternoon.

i think it was mentioned on the bbc that these attacks were usually done in the moring rather than the evenign becuase the morning rush hour was more likely to cause the most dispruption because people had to get in once people were on their way in then if all hell breaks loose then it causes massive confusion where as on the way home there's no defined home time ....
elbows said:
If the training stuff was in some way related to a conspiracy then why the hell would he tell everyone this stuff on the radio?
Curse you and your sensible ways!
DrJazzz said:
The sinister point about the 'exercise' is that it enables people to carry out the attack itself, while thinking they are simply carrying out the exercise.

Explain what the hell you mean by this please, seriously .... it is terribly badly phrased or either that or a simply wicked statement... which is it?
Bob_the_lost said:
What exactly do you mean by that?

Well just suppose, for the sake of argument, that you are a shady figure in an intelligence service, and you are looking to stage a terror attack on your own soil. How are you going to carry it out? You can't go telling people what you are about to do, even your own colleagues, they would be horrified and call the police. You can't do it yourself, far too risky!

The 'exercise' scenario is one way you can accomplish your goal. People are recruited to take part in the exercise to plant 'fake' bombs on trains... they do so, where's the problem? Except that the bombs are real. But, they don't know that.

Consider that on 11th September 2001 the Pentagon was running war game scenarios involving the multiple hijackings of passenger jets!
DrJazzz said:
Well just suppose, for the sake of argument, that you are a shady figure in an intelligence service, and you are looking to stage a terror attack on your own soil. How are you going to carry it out? You can't go telling people what you are about to do, even your own colleagues, they would be horrified and call the police. You can't do it yourself, far too risky!

The 'exercise' scenario is one way you can accomplish your goal. People are recruited to take part in the exercise to plant 'fake' bombs on trains... they do so, where's the problem? Except that the bombs are real. But, they don't know that.
FFS: how much more of this disgusting conspiraloon bullshit are you going to post up?

Have you any credible proof at all to support your scenario above YES/NO?
Have you any credible proof that the exercise involved people planting fake bombs on trains YES/NO?
Have you any credible proof that the exercises were scheduled to take place in the exact same locations YES/NO?

I've already warned you about posting up this kind of offensive fact-free slippery shit on these boards. You're already indulging in your usual tactic of posting up vague allegations and then refusing to back them up, laving an unpleasant eau de conspiraloon whiff lingering in the air.

Don't think I wasn't being serious about my warning.

urban75 is NOT an appropriate board for an endless stream of evidence-unhampered wild conspiracy theories like the above.

I do not want this site associated with such shit.
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