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London rioting and looting, Aug 2011

A conversation I had. Some things I read. Stories I heard.

If you need proof that a lot of those youngers in those gangs think nothing of robbing rich looking young white folk then you're even more of an idiot than I already consider you to be.

I also accept that this is not the thread for this. This thread should be for updates, not speculating.

Robbing people isn't a race war.

And I bet that black robbers would rob richer black people as soon as white rich people. They want money, not the chance to make a political statement.
It's part of their plan for global domination. Ask VP.

It's true. :(

problem is, as a race we're absolutely shit at keeping secrets, so we keep on getting rumbled. You wouldn't believe how much trouble Rabbi Lefkowitz leaving that copy of the minutes of the Elders lying around caused us!
No idea if you guys are referring to what I have posted, if so, I'm baffled.

Guys. Girls. This one just simply doesn't get the jokes. Everything is literal. Can you treat with kid gloves please? It's delicate.
Guys. Girls. This one just simply doesn't get the jokes. Everything is literal. Can you treat with kid gloves please? It's delicate.
This 'one', 'it's', delicate? Come on Pk, dehumanise me a little more I am enjoying it and you are covering yourself with glory! ...I know what they were on about now. The back up you are seeking here doesn't exist.
Guys. Girls. This one just simply doesn't get the jokes. Everything is literal. Can you treat with kid gloves please? It's delicate.

Ooh ambassador fumblewit, with your vile putdowns you are really spoiling us.

Often when I read your ooze, my soul wants to riot. Congratulations.
The EDL's vigilante group in Eltham apparently descended into a bunch of middle aged white chaps vs. the police


Riot police were hit with “missiles” including bottles as more than 1,000 officers battled with dozens of middle-aged men on the streets Eltham, south-east London.

Witnesses reported that many of the 200 men were chanting in support of the English Defence League, the controversial Right-wing group.

The group had promised to defy police orders and mobilise their own forces to protect their families and businesses from mobs of looters.

Last night hundreds of police from eight separate forces tried to restore calm from the mainly white, middle aged men.

Earlier they had claimed they were “protecting” local shops and businesses for a second consecutive night.

I live in the USA, in a Northeastern city.

I feel very bad for the people who have been harmed in England right now, I hope you straighten things out quickly.

We have had riots over the years in some of the poor sections of cities, Los Angeles, Detroit, and actually New York when there was a blackout.

The thing you should learn from this is that you cannot depend on the government to take care of you. All those surveillance cameras do nothing to make you safer. Within the space of two days, you are in some important respects back to the stone-age, with people scared to go out of their dwellings, worrying about how to fashion a weapon to defend themselves out of the sports equipment in their house.

You've tried to outlaw all guns, and all knives, and who knows, maybe baseball bats and tire irons are next. But it has not made you one bit safer.

You seem to have lost all spirit of self sufficiency and community cohesion. Except for some of the recent immigrants who stand together and band together.

In most states here in the USA, you may purchase as many firearms as you like. High-capacity semi-automatic rifles. Silencers. Many people believe that self-defense is a human-right, not something that can be granted or taken by the government. There are still certain matters that we trust ourselves to live responsibly as a free citizenry. Or rather many of us do. There is a large component of voters, mostly in big cities, who have fallen into the fantasy that disarming themselves will make them safe. So it is a constant battle to prevent our states and federal government from disarming the populace. And once disarmed, it is very very difficult to get that freedom back.

When you think about how your own government has left you helpless, and worse, is ready to prosecute you should you even think of hurting a thug who is attacking you, I would like to leave you with some quotes from one of our founders, Thomas Jefferson

Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add "within the limits of the law" because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

And this quote, which I think applies to your own situation right now

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it.

I am allowed to carry a handgun if I so choose.
If there were a riot or breakdown of government order in my city, I will sleep better knowing that I have the weapons I need to defend my home and family. And in fact have enough to arm my neighbors should it come to that.

Benjamin Franklin, another revered founder is said to have written this
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

In this case, you should take a hard look at whether you have traded away your liberty and safety for empty promises from your increasingly overreaching government.

In this case, you should take a hard look at whether you have traded away your liberty and safety for empty promises from your increasingly overreaching government.

Thank you for your concern, but everything in now under control - and without the use of guns even by the police, let alone the public.

The only deaths directly linked to the riots were caused by someone using a car as a weapon, if guns had been used it's a safe bet that many more lives would have been lost.

We're generally happy with our low gun-related crime & murder rate, so I can't see anything much changing here in respect of our gun laws, you're clearly happy with your high rate, which is just weird.

ETA: BTW have you been following our problems on Fox News by any chance?
Too right claphamboy.

If it came to it, I'd rather be caught in the middle of a riot conducted with bricks and baseball bats than a firefight with guns on both sides.
I don't think the crime rate has anything to do with the right to bear arms. England has always had a lower crime rate than the US, even when any
gentleman could purchase a pistol for his pocket. And violent crime in England has risen lately.

The crime rates in the US and UK have been converging, however. But non-criminals in the US are still free to defend themselves, or
not to, it's their choice.

It sounded like there really isn't anything to prevent the London riots from happening again, the thugs just got tired of terrorizing people. Until next time..



I have been following the coverage from NYTimes, BBC, and Telegraph.
Telegraph is a respectable yet heavily right wing biased newspaper over here. Take it with a large pinch of salt.
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