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London rioting and looting, Aug 2011

Just fuck off you antagonising little cretin. Put your wooden spoon to bed. You are much more offensive than any other group discussed lately...at least with them we know what we are dealing with.

Yeah. And like I keep telling you, you are an idiot. I have been telling you this for years. Please put me on ignore or something. It's just tedious to keep telling you the same thing over and over. Other people here are a bit more wise to how I put things. But you're like, whoosh! No point.
pk, can you just fuck off please. I'm pretty sure no-one wants to hear this racist shit you're coming out with.
Yeah. And like I keep telling you, you are an idiot. I have been telling you this for years. Please put me on ignore or something. It's just tedious to keep telling you the same thing over and over. Other people here are a bit more wise to how I put things. But you're like, whoosh! No point.

Keep dreaming and wanking. Shit stirring , dishonest prick.
out of curiosity, do you ever descend from your fantasy world?

A lot more than you do. You didn't answer my question. It was a fair question, asked in remarkable good spirit too, considering.

What will you tell people in years to come when they ask "what did you do in the summer of 2011?"
Not all WWC who mobilize are EDL or racist as some seem hell bent on having us think.

Who's said they are?

Those cunts in the Eltham vid are though. And from my own experiences of that fucking hole I can tell you that as a black bloke, I felt hugely uncomfortable there. A friend of ours used to live in a place nearby called Mottingham. Found ourselves in Eltham on a couple of occasions and it's an intimidating place. We didn't get any trouble but I felt that had I not been with a couple of lumps, that could've been different. It's not just in the pubs either, on the streets was the same.

A really fucking nasty vibe about the place.

Fuck Eltham and all the racist cunts that live there.
A lot more than you do. You didn't answer my question. It was a fair question, asked in remarkable good spirit too, considering.

What will you tell people in years to come when they ask "what did you do in the summer of 2011?"
i did answer your question, you thick fuck.
Love it. Keep 'em coming.

Enjoy sweetie...I'd rather spell things incorrectly than imagine being the bitter, miserable, sad, shit-stirring cretin that it must feel like to be you. Seriously, I hear Cameron likes to give hugs away, you clearly missed out on them too!
Why does anyone acknowledge PK's posts. The poor right wing, racist cretin has nothing better to do with his time than posting drivel on a bulletin board set up by a welsh Brixtonian who likes parties and protests. The man clearly doesn't have a life. Just leave him wither away in the empty void of his own pathetic existence.
Load of media hype in Eltham tonight it seems, unsurprising because of Millwall and Steven Lawrence I imagine the community feel quite proud of the way they pulled together despite the EDL trying to exploit them.
pk, can you just fuck off please. I'm pretty sure no-one wants to hear this racist shit you're coming out with.

I'm sorry do you have any idea?

I'm not coming out with "racist" shit - the idea being that people can be judged by the colour of their skin is abhorrent to me.

It's the colour of their character I am more concerned about.

If you would like to discuss this, then I'm all ears. But I really thing unless you are prepared to go through the various connotations of the rap world, the consumerist ideals that sadly emerged from a positive DIY punk culture and isolate so many good things that could have happened, you're out of your depth my good lady.

Just pretend I'm autistic or crazy or racist, if it makes you feel better.

To me it still feels like a lot of the posh plastic bubble-wrap anarcho kids here never actually grew up with black kids, never had to stick up for them in shitty school fighting, or really had anything to do with black communities until they started renting a student flat in Brixton. I thought this board had matured beyond that.
Those people, and they know who they are, they can fuck off calling me racist for several reasons, most of them are fucking hilarious.

And Pickmans, don't deny the love we have between us. It was meant to be.
I'm sorry do you have any idea?

I'm not coming out with "racist" shit - the idea being that people can be judged by the colour of their skin is abhorrent to me.

'The EDL are saying "none of you dare to come to our Eltham patch where we killed Stephen Lawrence" and the bored teens all saying "actually there's cops guarding the JD Sports, so lets fuck these dirty racist chav motherfuckers up instead".

Bye bye Eltham. It'll probably be an improvement. A lot of these young black kids most definitely want a race war, not enough to really matter, but there is a lot on anti-white sentiment.'

And what was that on the other thread about the families of those involved not being born in Britain and therefore they should be deported? Not racist? You're doing a very good job of appearing so.
I'm not coming out with "racist" shit - the idea being that people can be judged by the colour of their skin is abhorrent to me.
Except you do it all the time. On this thread, and plenty of others. You repeat the views of the EDL word for word, you echo precisely their vapid, thoughtless, mindless, childishly violent mindset, but are to stupid to see it, and too cowardly to act on them (one small mercy, i suppose)

You think your posts make you look hard and 4 real, but you're just a fucking joke, spewing up drivel on thread after thread to cover for your own inadequacies and impotence.

Now, kindly fuck off and leave the grown ups to talk. Take a sock to the bedroom with you.
Load of media hype in Eltham tonight it seems, unsurprising because of Millwall and Steven Lawrence I imagine the community feel quite proud of the way they pulled together despite the EDL trying to exploit them.

Fair enough. I don't like Eltham, never have, but it's still a community.
PK said that? :hmm:

Can you link to the post please?

Not sure how to link to it but #109 on the thread abot Greenwich evicting people:

'Also - and this will no doubt make the yogurt weavers shit a yurt - let's have a look at the immigration status of the people involved in the more serious incidents.
I would wager a fairly large percentage of people who must have known their kids were involved were born abroad.
Put them on a plane, one way ticket. All the benefits and freebies provided by the UK are revoked. Drive them to the airport, and sayonara.'
And Pickmans, don't deny the love we have between us. It was meant to be.
pk said:
Put it this way - I never felt anything apart from abject pity for you.

That has turned over the years into utter contempt.

Do it Picky. Do it and see how many people give a fuck.


pk said:
I won't expect an apology from Prickman, he doesn't have the spine.

And yes, I would sooner piss on ol' Picky's slab than claim he and I were anything approaching friends.

He's a fucking worm, always was, and you know it too.
but what was the difference between Sunday/the days after and any other normal days? I mean, there's also a logic to the Vancouver riots - they lost, people had been drinking, there's a violence endemic to that particular sport etc.

I'm not sure if there was a logic to it. Burning police cars because a hockey team lost seems pretty senseless; but it becomes even more senseless if [as happened with one rioter] you are a middle class athlete about to enter university on a full-ride scholarship - and then, when your photo is taken of you putting a gas soaked rag into a police car gas tank and lighting it is published, you lose it all.
'The EDL are saying "none of you dare to come to our Eltham patch where we killed Stephen Lawrence" and the bored teens all saying "actually there's cops guarding the JD Sports, so lets fuck these dirty racist chav motherfuckers up instead".

I think that's a fair assessment of what could be a situation. Probably not helpful I know. Definitely not intended to stir up any more real life shit. But if the EDL claim any part of London as "their own" they'll be laughed out of town or beaten out of town, I care not which. That is my opinion and the point I was trying to make, which may or may not have been expressed in the most diligent manner, but this is my sandbox for crazy thoughts and you fuckers help to shape them. I'm not even convinced many of you are even human anymore, with all these automated internet response bots and software. Maybe I'm a fake prototype bulletin board droid. You'll never know.

Bye bye Eltham. It'll probably be an improvement. A lot of these young black kids most definitely want a race war, not enough to really matter, but there is a lot on anti-white sentiment.'

Oh my dear, do you labour under the illusion that a lot of these poorly educated, disenfranchised black youth do not bear resentment toward white people in general? I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but they often do. Can you blame them?

And what was that on the other thread about the families of those involved not being born in Britain and therefore they should be deported? Not racist? You're doing a very good job of appearing so.

If they were born in Sweden or France or Brazil I would say the same thing.

What, if anything at all, does race have to do with it? My point there addresses the legion of Portugese and Czech and Polish squatters, who are fucking it up for us who need our own squats. By assuming that by revoking citizenship to foreign nationals that somehow I am targeting black people - well that my dear is your own nasty little casual racism creeping in to the debate.

It's amazing how this board sometimes seems to stand still, life goes on and on, and here it still feels like chatting to a bunch of scared goths in 1993. I find it comforting. The innocence of the young idealist blended with the stale drunken know-it-all.
I guess I must be somewhere inbetween.
Not sure how to link to it but #109 on the thread abot Greenwich evicting people:

'Also - and this will no doubt make the yogurt weavers shit a yurt - let's have a look at the immigration status of the people involved in the more serious incidents.
I would wager a fairly large percentage of people who must have known their kids were involved were born abroad.
Put them on a plane, one way ticket. All the benefits and freebies provided by the UK are revoked. Drive them to the airport, and sayonara.'


PK comes out with some dickish shit like this sometimes but he's playing to the gallery.

He's not a racist.
You've intercepted their Blackberry messages have you, Alf? Why don't you write it all down somewhere? Somewhere else, preferably.

And let you and your black flag waving muppets sit back, do fuck-all, and say "see, I told you so!".

Not likely my old china. You can put me on ignore if you need to. The button is around here somewhere, fuck knows what they done with it.

Boards look great with the Xenforo uprgade by the way, really nice. Avatars for the win!!
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