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London Anarchist Bookfair 2022

ska invita

back on the other side
Friends, comrades and co-conspirators, we are pleased to share some good news in these dark times:
Following last year’s successful collaboration, the Antiuniversity and Anarchist Bookfair in London will once again join forces this year for a week-long festival of radical learning, mutual education and printed resistance.
These events will take place in September, Antiuni festival will be in locations all over the world and, as always, programmed by you. The Bookfair will take place on during this week Sept in London, showcasing the most exciting rad publishing of 2022 with all your favourite radical booksellers, campaigns, stalls, alongside talks and workshops.
We urgently need funds to make this event happen, we're looking for at least £2250, so that we can secure the venue, provide accessibility support and sort out all of that good stuff which makes the yearly bookfair so special.

DONATE HERE: https://www.firefund.net/bookfair2022


Hang on, I’m just setting up a repeating popcorn order for the stall debate.
Can the ACG get a stall to sell popcorn and other refreshments for this thread?
yeh i saw september
That thing states "The Bookfair will take place on during this week Sept in London", which is a bit :confused:, but clicking around a bit I got to the official website, which says: Home
Antiuni fest will run 10-16 Sept in locations all over the world and will be, as always, programmed by you. The Bookfair will take place on Sat 24 Sept in London, showcasing the most exciting rad publishing of 2022.

Registration to host an Antiuni event or run a Bookfair stall will open in the summer. Check out www.anarchistbookfair.london and www.antiuniversity.org for more information nearer the date.

In the meanwhile, start plotting!

If you have any questions please do get in touch.

eta, I notice it says "registration to run a Bookfair stall will open in the summer", but there's also a listing of groups, which is the sort of thing that you might do if you'd already made some decisions about who was going to get a stall?
Can the ACG get a stall to sell popcorn and other refreshments for this thread?

That thing states "The Bookfair will take place on during this week Sept in London", which is a bit :confused:, but clicking around a bit I got to the official website, which says: Home

eta, I notice it says "registration to run a Bookfair stall will open in the summer", but there's also a listing of groups, which is the sort of thing that you might do if you'd already made some decisions about who was going to get a stall?
i'll have to send my apologies as i'm on holiday then
It's quite an unusual and pretty poster, approve of the birdlife, even with the pelican wearing a flat cap. Could they have made the location any harder to read though? Date would be better bigger as well.

It’s broken pretty much every graphic design convention for getting information across.
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