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Local Elections 2023

How long before we hear reports of Tory tellers outside of polling stations (the fuckers always get some old members to do this) asking to see the photo ID and triaging those without so they’re not counted on the ERO’s sheets collated inside?
How long before we hear reports of Tory tellers outside of polling stations (the fuckers always get some old members to do this) asking to see the photo ID and triaging those without so they’re not counted on the ERO’s sheets collated inside?
Who are you voting for broggers?
Voted just after 7am for "Tusc". Used my driving licence as ID. Only 1 other person was voting there at the time.
How long before we hear reports of Tory tellers outside of polling stations (the fuckers always get some old members to do this) asking to see the photo ID and triaging those without so they’re not counted on the ERO’s sheets collated inside?
I would be surprised tbh
Just exercised my democratic right. As we walked to the polling station, Mrs SFM told me to read the ballot paper properly and reminded me of the time I was so spangled that I accidentally voted Tory. Luckily they didn’t get in on that occasion but she’s never let me live it down since.
How long before we hear reports of Tory tellers outside of polling stations (the fuckers always get some old members to do this) asking to see the photo ID and triaging those without so they’re not counted on the ERO’s sheets collated inside?
There are official "greeters" outside many polling stations who are not recording figures for people who go away unlike the staff inside. I posted a news story about it somewhere. Might be in this thread.

There was one outside my polling station. I just said "i know about the id" before he spoke and walked past him.
Just exercised my democratic right. As we walked to the polling station, Mrs SFM told me to read the ballot paper properly and reminded me of the time I was so spangled that I accidentally voted Tory. Luckily they didn’t get in on that occasion but she’s never let me live it down since.
Not checked on google but I think you can ask for another ballot paper if you make a mistake in the polling booth.
there's actually an election for parish council where i am this year - think it's the first time in the 20 years i've lived here that they have needed one rather than 'elected unopposed' - i don't think i even knew they existed for the first few years i was here (don't think i'd lived anywhere with a parish council before.

i'm also not voting this time - i have got a photo driving licence, so i could, but i'm not going to.

and for those in urban areas without parish councils - they are not anything to do with the church and boundaries may or may not match. civil parish (or town) councils do a few lowish level things, like some parks, bus shelters, public bogs and so on, and while they don't make final decisions on planning etc, they do have some level of input in to what the local districts / boroughs do.

i'm no sort of expert in things religious, but believe that the C of E does have parish church councils, which are not no longer the same thing. (although the concept of local government in england has some of its roots in church parishes and the local parish 'vestry' which used to have some responsibility for public services outside the church itself.)
We have a Parish Council level here although there's no election for it this time around. The next parish over, where I used to live, changed its name from 'parish' to 'village' council to distinguish itself from the church parish.

A few days ago, they announced the councillors who were were elected unopposed in the neighbouring parishes this time and there's someone called Dick Kiss.
there's actually an election for parish council where i am this year - think it's the first time in the 20 years i've lived here that they have needed one rather than 'elected unopposed' - i don't think i even knew they existed for the first few years i was here (don't think i'd lived anywhere with a parish council before.
There are parish councils in various parts of Oxford. They actually have money to spend on stuff locally (think it comes via council tax?) so while they're a bit pointless, they can be a useful form of financial support for local projects.
Good to know. In the case I mentioned, I was walking down the road before I realised - the problem was that the candidates’ names were similar - and it was an awful sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
If the candidate didn't win then your vote didn't really count for much of that's any comfort!
How long before we hear reports of Tory tellers outside of polling stations (the fuckers always get some old members to do this) asking to see the photo ID and triaging those without so they’re not counted on the ERO’s sheets collated inside?
Tell them to fuck off I always do, (Tories, Labour and Libdem alike) Party members stood outside the polling stations have no right to even know who you are.
Tell them to fuck off I always do, (Tories, Labour and Libdem alike) Party members stood outside the polling stations have no right to even know who you are.
Whilst I completely agree with the sentiment, the party tellers do apparently have the right to ask for polling details and whether or not you're prepared to divulge voting intent/action.
Whilst I completely agree with the sentiment, the party tellers do apparently have the right to ask for polling details and whether or not you're prepared to divulge voting intent/action.
Should be banned though (not that they will of course).
Should be banned though (not that they will of course).
Again, agree with the sentiment, but what political party (that still relies on this analogue data collection to direct GTVO operations) will willingly legislate to get rid?
Should be banned though (not that they will of course).
Obviously you're completely within your rights to not answer.

But if you've ever indicated to any of the parties that you (or anyone in your household) is planning on voting for them, you may well end up with them banging on your door later on to check you've voted/persuade you to do so.
Again, agree with the sentiment, but what political party (that still relies on this analogue data collection to direct GTVO operations) will willingly legislate to get rid?
None of them hence the "not that they will of course" bit.
Whilst I completely agree with the sentiment, the party tellers do apparently have the right to ask for polling details and whether or not you're prepared to divulge voting intent/action.
Of course, what's going to happen this time round is that people will turn up with their ID and not bother with their polling card (which they never needed anyway) and without the number the tellers will have the devil's own job finding them quickly enough on the electoral roll to tick them off before the next punter rolls up. :thumbs:
Since I've lived in this ward it has always returned 3 Tories with comfortable majorities, until last year, when due to a resignation, we had 2 seats to fill - both went to Labour and by big margins, the 2 won around 50% vote share each, with the 2 second placed Tories both getting under 30%, so there's no doubt Labour will take the 3rd seat this year.

There were two tellers from both the Tories & Labour outside, the 2 current Labour councilors - apparently this year's candidate is on duty later, the Tory candidate and his brother, all four from the Asian community, as is Worthing's current mayor, which demonstrates how much the borough has changed in recent years.

There was no one from council outside to remind people they needed photo ID and nor were the tellers doing that, inside I asked if they had turned anyone away for not having ID, apparently only 7 as of 2pm, and 2 of those had already returned with ID.

I voted Green, just to give them a bit of encouragement, as they are in 4th place behind the LDs, so it would be nice if they overtook them as they have in some wards, but all their 3rd & 4th places are well behind the main two parties.

There's one exception where they came 2nd last year having gained a 32.5% vote share, up 23% and the Tories only got 43.8% share, down 17%, Labour 3rd 23.6%, up 3.1%, but I think they were helped with the LDs not standing last year for some reason, whereas they are back this year - apparently the Tories are fearful of losing that seat to the Greens, I am not so convinced.

Labour won their first ever seat in the history of Worthing Borough Council in a 2017 by-election then in -
2018 they went up to 5 seats
2019 they doubled that to 10 seats
2020 West Sussex County Council elections cancelled due to covid
2021 they ended up with 15 seats / in the delayed County Council elections they gained their first ever seats in Worthing, taking 5 out of 9 seats.
2022 they took control with a whopping 23 seats, Tories on 12, LDs on 2.

I don't think the Tories know what hit them, nor the LDs for that matter, as they tended to be the second place in most wards.
I applied for a Postal Vote after the last GE so I've used that to vote this time around. Strolled to the corner shop to get myself a sarnie at lunchtime which is next to the village hall being used as the polling booth. No sign of anyone outside but there were plenty of signs outside saying "You Need Voter ID"
Just been to vote.

The worker on the desk who was checking ID made a big deal of it. Looking backwards and forwards between the pic on my driving licence and me. Must have taken nearly a minute before my ID was approved. Not sure whether it was just theatrics ("look, we really do check the ID!") or whether they really were dubious it was me.

What a palaver. Someone, somewhere is going to get denied the right to vote cos someone didn't like their photo.
The libdems have been leafleting furiously over the past month or so - lost count how many I received. Receioved a few from labour as well, but unsurprisingly none from the vermin. I guess they know it's a complete lost cause round here so just don't waste money printing them.
Just been to vote.

The worker on the desk who was checking ID made a big deal of it. Looking backwards and forwards between the pic on my driving licence and me. Must have taken nearly a minute before my ID was approved. Not sure whether it was just theatrics ("look, we really do check the ID!") or whether they really were dubious it was me.

What a palaver. Someone, somewhere is going to get denied the right to vote cos someone didn't like their photo.
Middle Q and her husband live in one of the areas where they trialed it and he took his Irish passport as his proof of identity. Middle told us there was a 5 minute discussion amongst the tellers about it before they agreed it was good enough.
Middle Q and her husband live in one of the areas where they trialed it and he took his Irish passport as his proof of identity. Middle told us there was a 5 minute discussion amongst the tellers about it before they agreed it was good enough.

That's a bit grim.
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