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Liz Truss’s time is up

I posted Allister Heath's ravings on the Telegraph thread
Ejecting Truss was a terrible mistake - Telegraph (archived)

but it appears she still has a small, but perfectly formed, fanbase:

View attachment DanWooton.mp4

Wootton on Tuesday night.
We have been cheated out of a reforming Prime Minister who could have saved broken Britain!'
@danwootton reflects on the one year anniversary since Liz Truss was elected Prime Minister claiming she was 'the only real conservative left.

And yesterday:

Darren Grimes: ''One year on from her election as leader of the Conservative Party, it’s safe to say that Liz Truss was right on much.''

X-twitter link.
Darren Grimes @darrengrimes_ 15h
One year on from her election as leader of the Conservative Party, it’s safe to say that Liz Truss was right on much.

Truly the wankers choice.
So, they still haven't got to grips with their sound levels, that pre-recorded bit in the middle of Wooton's rant is so much louder. :facepalm:
The former Prime Minister will relive her tumultuous 49 days in office in Ten Years To Save The West, in which she will argue that Western governments have been captured by the same ‘Left-wing orthodoxy’ which she blames for wrecking her administration.

She's even more bonkers than deluded Dorries.
From The Guardian:

Liz Truss is writing a book about her 49 days as prime minister, which will argue the main cause of her downfall was a lack of “support for Conservative ideas” – and too much support for the “global left”.

The former prime minister wants to see a “Conservative movement revival” and has decided to “share the lessons” from her time in government, where she was “often the only conservative in the room”.

The book, Ten Years to Save the West, is being touted as warning against authoritarianism and the threat from “fashionable ideas propagated by the global left” – the same movement she blames for derailing her premiership.

The former foreign secretary, who is now a backbench Conservative MP, will write about her meeting with the Queen shortly before the monarch’s death and her experiences with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping.

In a statement, Truss said: “I want to share the lessons from my experience in government and those international meetings where I was often the only conservative in the room and demonstrate that we have stark choices to make if we wish to avoid a managed decline of the western architecture that has presided over generations of relative peace and prosperity.”

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, she said that ideas like “redistributionism, business being bad, the anti-growth people like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil” have dominated politics over the last decade.

She warned of persistent low growth and argued that western culture is “being questioned, even basic things like human biology”.

‘She’s totally lost it’: inside story of the unravelling of Liz Truss’s premiership
“If you look at the knots in which people tie themselves in western politics about whether somebody with a penis is a man or not, it shows how effective unfortunately these people have been,” she told the newspaper.

Taxes are too high and the government is too big and spends too much money, she said: “We are not going to get a dynamic economy if half of every pound spent is being spent by the government.”

She also revealed that she thinks Boris Johnson should never have been removed of office. “That was fundamentally the wrong thing to do,” she told the paper. “He’d been elected leader of the country by the electorate and I think that’s caused us huge problems.”

She is keen to see a Republican back in the White House, although she would not comment on whether it should be Donald Trump: “There is no doubt in my mind that what Biden is doing is damaging the United States economy by pursuing huge subsidies, huge spending, raising taxes and now trying to impose this on the rest of the world through the OECD minimum tax agreement.

“It’s not good enough for Biden just to have a socialist economic policy in the US, he also wants to export that socialist economic policy to Europe and to the United Kingdom.”

She added: “You’ve got the global left which Biden is obviously a key part of, but also the global environmental movement, the Greta Thunbergs of this world, the anti-capitalist movement, and they have been very effective in pushing what is politically acceptable.”

Truss also dreads a Keir Starmer-Joe Biden double act: “That would be very bad.”

She didn’t rule herself out for a comeback, saying that she would not rest until she sees real change in Britain. “I think that can be delivered but I’m not specifying any role for myself in the future.”
I posted Allister Heath's ravings on the Telegraph thread
Ejecting Truss was a terrible mistake - Telegraph (archived)

but it appears she still has a small, but perfectly formed, fanbase:

View attachment 390535

Wootton on Tuesday night.

And yesterday:

Darren Grimes: ''One year on from her election as leader of the Conservative Party, it’s safe to say that Liz Truss was right on much.''''One year on from her election as leader of the Conservative Party, it’s safe to say that Liz Truss was right on much.''

X-twitter link.
Darren Grimes @darrengrimes_ 15h
One year on from her election as leader of the Conservative Party, it’s safe to say that Liz Truss was right on much.

Truly the wankers choice.

Given recent events, it´s amazing Wootton can continue on air with a tone of such strident arrogance, although "snivel service" is quite entertaining amid the usual dismal array of lame right-wing hate terms. Also: I couldn´t put up with more than the first minute of his drivel in this clip, but it´s highly unusual that he managed to get through a whole sixty seconds without saying the "w" word.
I don't recall seeing that sketch before. I have just laughed a lot, thank you. My first thought on seeing that photo is however some weird character from the Adams family.
"Two Soups" should outlive us all, I hope.
From The Guardian: Liz Truss is writing a book about her 49 days as prime minister, which will argue the main cause of her downfall was a lack of “support for Conservative ideas” – and too much support for the “global left”.
Chalk one up for the marketplace of ideas 👍
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