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Liz Truss’s time is up

Where’s the lettuce?
At this time of year on the welsh border, what the fuck do you think were growing in, a polytunnel? We don't get the gulf stream here lad ffs, well we do but next doors mansion probably absorbs it.

I chopped a bit of kale into it which will be coming into season in the raised beds over the next month. We ate all the lettuce having BBQ's with the grown up kids showing off at our 'good life' salad production prowess and then it went cloudy and wet. For months on end :(

Still the winter veg is looking lush though which is more than can be said for the relationship between Liz and her farther.
At this time of year on the welsh border, what the fuck do you think were growing in, a polytunnel? We don't get the gulf stream here lad ffs, well we do but next doors mansion probably absorbs it.

I chopped a bit of kale into it which will be coming into season in the raised beds over the next month. We ate all the lettuce having BBQ's with the grown up kids showing off at our 'good life' salad production prowess and then it went cloudy and wet. For months on end :(

Still the winter veg is looking lush though which is more than can be said for the relationship between Liz and her farther.
i get this friedaweed! Farther being more distant, as in estranged, not speaking, remote from etc etc :thumbs:
How could I get evidence of a reported conversation? I don’t like being called a liar tbh
FWIW, I do believe that somebody genuinely told you that a friend of a partner of a colleague said something about someone.

I’m just not sure I believe that the thing that somebody told you that a friend of a partner of a colleague said is necessarily gospel truth.
FWIW, I do believe that somebody genuinely told you that a friend of a partner of a colleague said something about someone.

I’m just not sure I believe that the thing that somebody told you that a friend of a partner of a colleague said is necessarily gospel truth.
Which is perfectly reasonable. I think a titbit becomes an urban myth when it has been removed from the person it happened to by three or four degrees, depending on how trustworthy each teller is. So I believe a story told to my father by the colleague of the person the story is about but I can see why someone I’d never met wouldn’t believe the story as they don’t know any of the parties who related the story
At this time of year on the welsh border, what the fuck do you think were growing in, a polytunnel? We don't get the gulf stream here lad ffs, well we do but next doors mansion probably absorbs it.

I chopped a bit of kale into it which will be coming into season in the raised beds over the next month. We ate all the lettuce having BBQ's with the grown up kids showing off at our 'good life' salad production prowess and then it went cloudy and wet. For months on end :(

Still the winter veg is looking lush though which is more than can be said for the relationship between Liz and her farther.
Have you tried any of the winter lettuce varieties? Some of the hardiest ones will cope with proper snow and everything. [/derail]
. So I believe a story told to my father by the colleague of the person the story is about but I can see why someone I’d never met wouldn’t believe the story as they don’t know any of the parties who related the story
Ah, but what about a story told to your father by the partner of a colleague of the person that the story is about?
Ah, but what about a story told to your father by the partner of a colleague of the person that the story is about?
I wouldn't believe anything my dad relays to me by anyone since his dementia kicked in. He told me our uncle Ted had had an affair with my mum but what had actually happened was she bumped into him at the fair with his son. He gets very confused nowadays and everyone knows uncle Ted's been knocking aunty Jude off for years.
i would usually have the greatest sympathy when a father and daughter become estranged from one another, even if they were unknown to me. But someone told me that in this case sympathy for the daughter might be misconceived. Mrs redcogs heard the same from one of her works colleagues (whose moral antenna is acute). i am therefore prepared to withhold a personal judgement until Urban's wisest have deliberated and reached a unanimous verdict. our postie believes similarly but is confused as to which Urbanites are wise and which are not. i completely understand the posties view (particularly as he/she has never read any Urban material whatsoever). i was told by the baker that insomnia can be most damaging to sleep patterns.. Bakers are early risers and their judgements are known to be sound.
My point is that she’s not being given some automatic stipend as a reward for 6 weeks of chaos. She has to grift for it, and basically break the law (if she wants personal benefit). Maybe she will, maybe she won’t, but if she does then it’s that that gets the ire, not the theoretical possibility of it. And she certainly couldn’t use it to go and live on an island somewhere.

Anyway that’s the last I’m saying on the matter!
She fucking does live on an island somewhere you numpty. She could make a fortune having added a whole set of adjectives and adverbs to the lexicon. Should probably trademark Truss and revert to using her married name. There is bound to be a cheese or a bacon company; a mobile phone company even, that could use her for promotion
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he wouldn't have done much for the pork markets though
Joke aside (edgy but clever) What went on there was swine flu fucked China's pig industry and they had to reboot, and that was not a small ask. Which explains a few things, without wanting to sound alarmist but China pretty much has a zero Swine flu doctrine thats up there with their zero covid one
i am confused but not remotely alarmed by whatever it is you're saying about Chinese pigs gosub
When she said she would be in china expanding pork markets or whatever it was she said she was doing. If you don't think Mr Milliband would have been capable... it was demand lead. If its confusion on the Milliband end...have to say now he isn't trying so hard to try and run the country his sense of humour shines thru
If the entire Labour party doesn't turn up in t-shirts with this printed on them, they're missing an enormous trick.

Eh, I suppose it'll do.

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