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Liz Truss’s time is up

What are those blue remembered hills

Andrew Bridgen has just told Sky news that if the Party cannot get behind one person then there would have to be an General election
They'd still need a leader.

Or maybe not. Maybe they could campaign as a collective with a promise to choose the PM when they win the election? Leaders are overrated.
I'm actually quite relieved. She was never supposed to be in the job and the last few times I saw her in videos she looked like death warmed over. I dislike her as much as the next person but watching someone fall apart for real is no fun.
Feel sorry for her, really. She didn't apply for the job, she fought tooth and nail for it.
Is that true I cant believe it?

It's not quite like a stipend, "The allowance is a reimbursement of expenses for “necessary office and secretarial costs arising from fulfilling public duties”"

Ie it's an administration costs fund, to reclaim actual expenses made in the fulfillment of post-office public duties.

e2a: here are some very dry details: Public Duty Costs Allowance guidance
The Guardian must have been prepped for this as they've already published an article on the shortest serving leaders. Truss obvs takes the record for British PM. But Kwarteng loses out to.... Joseph Goebbels... although i think the term chancellor means something different there?

British prime ministers

The Tory statesman George Canning had, until Thursday, the distinction of holding the UK record, serving 119 days in office before dying of tuberculosis on 8 August 1827. The holder of many senior government posts in his time, including foreign secretary, he is remembered for his part in such an extreme example of cabinet in-fighting that Truss’s woes pale in comparison. As foreign secretary, such was the antipathy between him and the war secretary Lord Castlereagh, that the government became paralysed by their disputes. It ended in a duel on Putney Heath when Canning, who had never fired a pistol, was wounded in the thigh. Though both resigned, amid outrage that two cabinet ministers had conducted themselves in such a manner, he subsequently became prime minister. He died after barely five months in office.


Joseph Goebbels can technically claim this record. He was, in effect, the German chancellor for just one night after Adolf Hitler killed himself on 30 April 1945. But the day after he replaced Hitler, Goebbels and his wife, Magda, poisoned their six children, then killed themselves.
It's not quite like a stipend, "The allowance is a reimbursement of expenses for “necessary office and secretarial costs arising from fulfilling public duties”"

Ie it's an administration costs fund, to reclaim actual expenses made in the fulfillment of post-office public duties.
yep, I can't imagine she's going to have any public duties, but she'll definitely try to claim the money for appearing in whatever panto will have her as a joke.
The Guardian must have been prepped for this as they've already published an article on the shortest serving leaders. Truss obvs takes the record for British PM. But Kwarteng loses out to.... Joseph Goebbels... although i think the term chancellor means something different there?

Goebbels didn't want truss to break his record
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