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Linked fire/heat alarms law

And you’re wrong about this. Scotland wasn’t even mentioned in the OP or title (hence my incorrect assumption) until Sue mentioned it and whose post I liked for doing so. So not ‘male posters’ at all (although some did then follow).
I thought that starting the thread in the Scottish forum was an indication of which specific info I was asking for. I’ll try harder next time.
Yeah, I didn't realise he meant Scotland at first. I also didn't realise that Scottish regulations would be separate to The UK/EU or that Govts were the ones to set them (although they obviously pass things into law).

I understand the confusion, for the sane section of the land, it doesn't apply. The Scottish Nazis have to have some sort of command and control bullshit going though.
Sasaferrato, whatever you think of the SNP, this is offensive rubbish. I really don't know why you think this is okay because it's not.

Oh really? And wishing the deaths of Conservative politicians is? Hypocrisy of the highest order on your part.

The Scottish Nazis have a long and documented Nazi affinity. Donaldson, who wrote to Hitler offering to be Scottish Gauleiter when the invasion succeeded.

I will oppose the Scottish Nazi party to my last breath, they are utter and absolute self-serving vermin.

And if my view offends you and the rest of the SNP vermin, I really could not give less of a fuck.
Oh really? And wishing the deaths of Conservative politicians is? Hypocrisy of the highest order on your part.

The Scottish Nazis have a long and documented Nazi affinity. Donaldson, who wrote to Hitler offering to be Scottish Gauleiter when the invasion succeeded.

I will oppose the Scottish Nazi party to my last breath, they are utter and absolute self-serving vermin.

And if my view offends you and the rest of the SNP vermin, I really could not give less of a fuck.
Exactly which of their current policies espouses Nazism?
Oh really? And wishing the deaths of Conservative politicians is? Hypocrisy of the highest order on your part.

The Scottish Nazis have a long and documented Nazi affinity. Donaldson, who wrote to Hitler offering to be Scottish Gauleiter when the invasion succeeded.

I will oppose the Scottish Nazi party to my last breath, they are utter and absolute self-serving vermin.

And if my view offends you and the rest of the SNP vermin, I really could not give less of a fuck.
Okay, so imagine people or relatives of people who suffered under the Nazi regime in Germany. Or people who fought against Nazi Germany in WW2. You may even know some of those people.

Can you see how likening the SNP to Nazi Germany would be offensive to them? That applying that label to the SNP could be seen to minimise what the Nazis did and what those people suffered? Kids growing up now and hearing this kind of stuff and getting a completely inaccurate idea of what Nazism was?

I know you don't like the SNP. I'm not massively keen on them myself. But equating their actions and policies with Nazi Germany is not just inaccurate, it's irresponsible and offensive to those who suffered because of Nazi Germany. I really can't believe you need to have this explained to you.
smoke alarms?
We're getting a sprinkler system fitted in my block, common areas and every single flat.
Not looking forward to it tbh
The installers managed to cut everyone's internet for a day already while doing the common parts.
Okay, so imagine people or relatives of people who suffered under the Nazi regime in Germany. Or people who fought against Nazi Germany in WW2. You may even know some of those people.

Can you see how likening the SNP to Nazi Germany would be offensive to them? That applying that label to the SNP could be seen to minimise what the Nazis did and what those people suffered? Kids growing up now and hearing this kind of stuff and getting a completely inaccurate idea of what Nazism was?

I know you don't like the SNP. I'm not massively keen on them myself. But equating their actions and policies with Nazi Germany is not just inaccurate, it's irresponsible and offensive to those who suffered because of Nazi Germany. I really can't believe you need to have this explained to you.
FFS! One of their heroes is Hugh MacDiarmid, an unashamed Nazi lover.
Sasaferrato, whatever you think of the SNP, this is offensive rubbish. I really don't know why you think this is okay because it's not.

It's fairly typical amongst Tory-voting yoons. You'd think it was Nicola Sturgeon who has a well documented history of racist language, and the SNP that were killing the poor and disabled, cracking down on protest, and rounding up refugees and shipping them offshore.

As I said earlier, the fire alarm thing does seem like overkill in a small flat like mine, but was probably conceived to stop things like Grenfell happening. The Tories clearly couldn't give a crap about that though.
Lol the anti SNP feeling is so strong for Sass he won’t even take fire prevention measures in his home - that’ll show them!
Lol the anti SNP feeling is so strong for Sass he won’t even take fire prevention measures in his home - that’ll show them!
Not that I want it to happen, but I hope he doesn't use my council tax payment to call out the fire service when the fire is out of hand because he hasn't fitted a alarm.
Fuck off back to licking Sturgeon's arse.


You're totally unhinged on this subject, I am really not sure why.

You're a right-winger; fine, I don't think this forum should exclusively be for "the Left". There are many, many criticisms to be made of the SNP in government and I'm on record here as saying I'll never vote for them again.

One thing we can't say is that they are "Nazis". It's offensive, and wrong, and merely reveals you as a totally unserious simpleton on this topic. I know you've banned yourself from SNP-related discussion before as by your own admission you cannot be rational about them. I really don't understand why, but then I don't have to; you have to live with your own complexes, not me.

Perhaps go back to avoiding this topic so the rest of us can actually discuss it without having to field your deranged, weird, spittle-flecked, purplefaced rage. And seek help for your obvious anger-management issues.

PS: in what way was Hugh McDiarmid (CM Grieve) an "unashamed Nazi-lover"? He was both a Communist and Scottish Nationalist. He spent WW2 doing war work in an aircraft factory in Hillington. You're historically illiterate as well.
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And you’re wrong about this. Scotland wasn’t even mentioned in the OP or title (hence my incorrect assumption) until Sue mentioned it and whose post I liked for doing so. So not ‘male posters’ at all (although some did then follow).
I'll take that apology any time you want, given as the thread is in the Scottish Forum. As has already been pointed out to you.
Does it have to be there? Is it not hear detector in the kitchen, one fire detector upstairs, and one in the entrance hall?

Or do I need one in the TV lounge, one upstairs lounge in addition to the others?
One of these in the kitchen

Then you need a smoke alarm in the hall and lounge, upstairs hall as well. They should all be interlinked and have a 10 yr battery in them. Screwfix also have compatible smoke alarms for £50 so £200 for the bits and whatever it costs to fit if you can't do it yourself. We're struggling to get FIL's flat done as he needs teh one for deaf folks and they've been out of stock for months. This is one reason they can't enforce the law yet
I'll take that apology any time you want, given as the thread is in the Scottish Forum. As has already been pointed out to you.

Given you were dishonest about what happened chronologically in order to shoehorn in an accusation of sexism (should I expect anything less?) perhaps you should be giving the apology?
I only wanted info about the rules, in Scotland, about the fire alarms/heat detectors.
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