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Let's talk about China

There has been a video call between her and some Tennis officials. Apparently she was not under duress.

The call was with the IOC, not the Tennis officials.

The IOC don't want the pressure over the Olympics and it appears they did not mention anything about the sexual assault allegations she made. They also did not release the video of the call, only a single still image.

The WTA, again to their credit, are continuing to play hardball and the IOC are being pilloried for their lack of ethics by sporting rights organisations.

But the WTA said the recent videos "don't alleviate or address the WTA's concern about her wellbeing and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion".

"This video does not change our call for a full, fair and transparent investigation, without censorship, into her allegation of sexual assault, which is the issue that gave rise to our initial concern," it added.

The sporting rights organisation, Global Athlete, criticised what it called the IOC's "nonchalant" approach to Peng's disappearance and accused it of displaying "an abhorrent indifference to sexual violence and the well-being of female athletes".

"The release pretends that Peng never made sexual assault allegations and has not been missing for more than two weeks. The statements make the IOC complicit in the Chinese authority's malicious propaganda and lack of care for basic human rights and justice," it added.
China didn't do shit, the travails of the US are largely self-inflicted wounds. China isn't immune to falling flat on its face either, the CPC's centralisation of power under Xi and his cronies only makes this more likely.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that "China didn't do shit." Most of the US's problems are self-inflicted, but China has been quite happy to exploit those issues. For instance, China is the largest Fentanyl supplier in US. I can't say if the tables were turned, that the US wouldn't be just as happy to exploit those issues too.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that "China didn't do shit." Most of the US's problems are self-inflicted, but China has been quite happy to exploit those issues. For instance, China is the largest Fentanyl supplier in US. I can't say if the tables were turned, that the US wouldn't be just as happy to exploit those issues too.

True, but if the US was more equitably and competently administrated, then there wouldn't be so many opportunities for their enemies to fuck with them. Stoking up class and racial divisions might seem like a good idea to keep the masses distracted if you're a wannabe Machiavellian, but once created, such levers of power can also be pulled by foreign enemies.
True, but if the US was more equitably and competently administrated, then there wouldn't be so many opportunities for their enemies to fuck with them. Stoking up class and racial divisions might seem like a good idea to keep the masses distracted if you're a wannabe Machiavellian, but such levers can also be pulled by foreign enemies.

True. We could also deal with income inequality. People wouldn't be so attracted to escape mechanisms if their quality of life was better. I know I've mentioned this statistic before but in my poorer neighborhood, the average life expectancy is 59 years. In the richer part of town, its 92. Most of that disparity is down to poverty, lack of access to healthcare, and deaths from despair, including drug overdoses.
Just heard about this on the radio Sri Lanka Bows to Chinese Pressure Again

"China and Sri Lanka have strong relations. Over the past decade, China has emerged Sri Lanka’s largest investor and has played a huge role in the island’s infrastructure development. So deeply steeped in Chinese debt is Sri Lanka that it is said to be caught in a Chinese debt trap."
I also heard that they have also reached out to Lithuania. China’s trade halt with Lithuania over Taiwan ties sends warning to Europe
Just heard about this on the radio Sri Lanka Bows to Chinese Pressure Again

"China and Sri Lanka have strong relations. Over the past decade, China has emerged Sri Lanka’s largest investor and has played a huge role in the island’s infrastructure development. So deeply steeped in Chinese debt is Sri Lanka that it is said to be caught in a Chinese debt trap."
I also heard that they have also reached out to Lithuania. China’s trade halt with Lithuania over Taiwan ties sends warning to Europe
When historians come to look back at this period, some of them at least will doubtless consider how China's use of operations or actions other than war to mould the strategic environment before any actual hostilities were considered by European or American countries
I blame Nixon, his visit to China was dubbed the week that changed the World. I think he believed if he made friends with China and encouraged their growth they would
become a capitalist society in their own image and in a way they have. Rather than throwing their weight around and bombing the shit out Afghanistan, Iraq, Viet Nam Etc.
they surreptitiously bring very strong influence to bear financially. The worst of this must be in Africa, where they are not even building infrastructure for their own ends but
they are building towns and villages in order to house Chinese labour as opposed to using locally available man power.
It's official now, from "C" at MI6. @ChiefMI6

"The Chinese Intelligence Services are highly capable and continue to conduct large scale espionage operations against the UK and our allies ... They also monitor and attempt to exercise undue influence over the Chinese diaspora.


We are concerned by [China's] attempt to distort public discourse ... across the globe...Beijing believes its own propaganda about Western frailties and underestimates Washington’s resolve. The risk of Chinese miscalculation through over-confidence is real.


Adapting to a world affected by the rise of China is the single greatest priority for MI6. We are deepening our understanding of China across the UK intelligence community, and widening the options available to the government


Our intelligence targets have online lives. Our officers need to operate invisibly to our adversaries..we need to be able to run our agent & technical operations in an environment in which “Made in China” surveillance technology is found around the world.


These technologies of control & surveillance are increasingly being exported to other governments by China: expanding the web of authoritarian control around the planet...we want other countries to be clear-eyed about the...vulnerability to political coercion."

Be very wary of the CCP's - generally hidden - United Front Works Department network. They are very strong in the UK. In ChinaTowns; in Universities (and many Chinese student unions); in community organisations; in Confucius Institutes; in Chinese language press, media and, particularly, social media; across numerous groups, activities and media, etc.; etc.

There have been escalating problems over the last few years in Toronto, Vancouver, Sydney, Melbourne, New York, Los Angeles, London, Warwick and every other global city and potential influence points. These networks have been built over many decades and incorporate Triad clans in every city (pro-CCP for obvious reasons and long time allies, especially in Hong Kong,) and are insidious throughout the global diaspora. They are poison. Poison.

The UFWD has deep roots and long *tentacles, is pervasive and often misunderstood, seen as benign and "cultural" but is anything but. It is an enormously well funded network of global infiltration - at a local level - in major cities across the world.

Be very, very aware. Always look beneath the surface.

So much of this UFWD activity is underground, coercive, corrosive, and largely missed or dismissed by non-Chinese as innocuous cultural activities.

It's far, far fucking from it. It's a global United Front exercise that the CCP has been copiously funding for many multiple decades. And since 2012, the CCP has used its increasing superiority in global technological innovation to upgrade, strengthen and amplify these networks.

There's an online "Wumao" army, paid and unpaid - and over a million strong - pervasive across global social media. Just check out the comments in the (CCP-owned,) South China Morning Post on certain issues - swamped by pro-CCP propaganda. The party line is millions strong - and global.

There are terrorists in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Tibet is thriving. Taiwan needs to be taken. Peng Shuai is safe. The narrative is loud and pervasive - it swamps any dissent.

Get it?

One, relatively limited, recent example comes from ChinaTown in London, UK, last weekend ...

"NO COLD WAR!" is fronted by a young, white, female "Tankie". It's funded by the UFWD and is associated with a plethora of UK-based UFWD-linked organisations and associations.

It co-opted the idea of "Stop Asian Hatred" (commendable, of course,) and conflated it with any kind of criticism of the CCP ('cos criticism of The Party promotes racism against Chinese people - don'tcha know?).

Some, recently arrived, HongKongers decided to hold a small, peaceful, vocal, counter-protest to point out the hypocrisy and mendacity of these groups (who all support the CCP and promote the suppression of the people of Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang in China, support the forced taking of Taiwan and support the regimes in Myanmar, Belarus, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. etc.).

The HongKongers were physically attacked by CCP/UFWD thugs, with weapons. A fair few of the HongKongers required hospital treatment.

You get the idea, right?

Stay awake peeps. Stay very awake. It's insidious.

Be nice to each other. And keep thinking! 🐬

There are also some videos of the violence. They are easily found online.

(EDIT: To correct the spelling of *tentacles - it isn't tenticles or even testicles. Apart from that, every single [fucking!] word stands.)

Stay safe peeps. Wear a mask. 😷

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Some western academics have argued that the, extensive and ubiquitous, CCP State Apparatus (and 70 million Party members,) closely resembles the functioning of an (albeit massive,) Organised Crime Mafia System, with co-operating and competing "Families" or "factions" operating within a larger system of Gangsterism, Criminality, Violence, Brutality, Corruption, Prostitution, Gambling, Money Laundering, Protection Rackets, etc., etc. - all overseen by a Boss-of-Bosses. And that the last decade's anti-corruption-drive, has merely been the latest episode in an internal, ongoing turf-war between two main factions (families,) within the overall hierarchy, resulting in the purging and expunging of any internal opposition within the "Families" architecture and cementing the Boss-of-Bosses family in place at the top of the pyramidical, hierarchical, infrastructure - potentially for decades to come.

As a Hongkonger, of course, I obviously completely disagree with this analysis.

I fully accept and endorse the argument that this merely demonstrates the truly meritocratic and democratic nature of the internal Party structures that ensure a competitive, democratic society.

In OUR family, we call it: "Full Process Democracy". It's by far the most superior form of "democracy" ever delivered to humanity. It was devised by the Supreme Leader himself.

Let's face facts ... One point four billion Chinese people support this superior form of democracy. There's barely a peep of dissent! FACT!

So who in their right mind could possibly disagree?

It's amazing! Mind blowing! It's too good to be true!

It's an offer that you just can't refuse!



It also pertains to Hong Kong too. Many tens of thousands of CCP-controlled "AstroTurfing" accounts are re-writing the recent history of the HK protests. And framing the current scenario as a - new peace and stability. (Check the HK thread.)

Wake up!

The new, improved, Hong Kong Legislative Council Election. Nineteenth of December, Twenty Twenty One (19/12/2021).

"Democracy" with Chinese characteristics. As defined by Xi Jin Ping's Socialist Thoughts for A New Era Paradigm.

After extensive, scientific(-ish,) research ... the results show that: "Eight out of ten slave owners say their slaves prefer it!"

Under the law you have the following rights:

1) You have the right to freely choose to vote for any (pre-screened and CCP approved,) candidate that you are eligible to vote for. (Participation in the voting system.)

2) You have the right to freely choose to cast a blank ballot. (Protest vote against the voting system.)

3) You have the right to freely choose to cast a spoiled ballot. (Protest vote against the voting system.)

4) You have the right to freely choose to refuse to vote. (Boycott. Refusal to participate. Total rejection of the voting system.)

5) You have the right to freely choose to suggest, promote, advocate, celebrate, canvas for, lobby, incite - and even to insist that it is everybody's essential patriotic DUTY to exercise Right 1) and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! for the "Patriot" of your choice.

6) You do NOT have the right to even suggest that anyone should exercise Right 2). That is a criminal offence commanding three years in jail.

7) You do NOT have the right to even suggest that anyone should exercise Right 3). That is a criminal offence commanding three years in jail.

8) You do NOT have the right to even suggest that anyone should exercise Right 4). That is a criminal offence commanding three years in jail.

Know your rights, peeps. And VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! for the "Patriot" of your choice. Only "Patriots" may participate in the election so you are free to choose the "Patriot" of your choice.

These are the geographical constituency elections, of course. They comprise 20 seats out of the, newly improved, 90 seat Legislature. The other 70 seats are, essentially, chosen by the CCP.

So, know your rights, peeps! Roll up! Roll up! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

The last (probably the very last!), essentially democratic election in Hong Kong (the November 2019 District Councils election,) was held after six months of daily, increasingly violent, clashes between protestors and police. The Chief Executive (puppet Carrie Lam,) insisted that this election must go ahead. It would demonstrate that the "silent majority" was against the protestors.

She was right, sort of ... In the highest ever turnout of ANY election in the history of Hong Kong, the "silent majority" turned out in droves. A 72% turnout in local elections - wholly unprecedented!

But she was wrong about who they would vote for ...

Previously, the pro-CCP/Establishment camp held a majority, and also hence the Chairmanship, in all of the 18 District Councils.

In November 2019, on a 72% turnout, the pro-democracy camp won 87% of the vote, 83% of of the 450 seats and hence control - and the Chairmanship of - 17 of the 18 District Councils. And 90% of those elected comprised under 25 year old, female and male, university educated "Sau Juk", the "Hand and Foot", the "Brother and Sisters", the "Front-liners" of the escalating protests.

The silent majority spoke loud and clear!

Fortunately - in the last two years - the District Councils have been abolished, the National Security Law has been introduced, Patriotic Education is entrenched in schools and academia, etc. etc. Finally!

And the brand new, shiny, improved, Patriotic, LegCo election is upon us.

The last, independent, pollster in Hong Kong polled the public two weeks ago. Voting intention was @ 50%.

The pollster was threatened with prosecution under Clause 8) of Right 4) above. "Inciting people to not vote".

All clear?


Roll up! Roll up! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Under the brand new, squeaky, shiny, improved, Patriot only, election system.


Personally, I'm so disgusted I've decided not to cast a blank or spoiled ballot.

I have decided, for the first time in over 20 years, to completely boycott the election. Refuse to participate. A total rejection of the voting system. It's simple really ...

Fascism is not democracy.

For everybody else, I urge you to get out there and exercise your rights under the law.

Exercise your "Right 1". Yay! Yay! Yay! I say ... VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Every chance you have! The more elections the better! Vote early! Vote often! Again and again and again!

Personally. It's just not for me. I will boycott. As is my right.


I wouldn't go so far as to say that "China didn't do shit." Most of the US's problems are self-inflicted, but China has been quite happy to exploit those issues. For instance, China is the largest Fentanyl supplier in US. I can't say if the tables were turned, that the US wouldn't be just as happy to exploit those issues too.
Are they still up to that sort of shit. China's attempt to get Britain addicted to tea and rhubarb are not forgotten.
You're all fucking idiots!

Every "true" socialist recognises that the only "proper tea" is rhubarb flavoured, with a drop of opium and a twist of lemon.

Anything else is just theft! Shirley?

Anyway ...

Come Bella. It's late. Let's leave these gifted peeps to determine the appropriate percentages of ingredients.

My bet goes on the Liberation Front for the Liberation of Proper Tea.

Otherwise. All bets are off!

We have another battle to fight tomorrow, dog. One that's far from academic.

It's very late. Best rest now.

Be nice to each other peeps.

Come Bells.

Are they still up to that sort of shit. China's attempt to get Britain addicted to tea and rhubarb are not forgotten.

Not to worry. We're not lacking in defenses. We've deployed fast food and celebrity culture to China. It's only a matter of time now....
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Some good articles about Wang Huning, the intellectual of the Central Committee and thought to be the main ideological driving force behind the Xi era.

I think I will try to get a hold of his books on America and Sovereignty as what is discussed in them does seem to fit in with the behaviour of the Chinese state in recent years.

In short, he is very influenced by Huntington "Clash of Civilisations" style of thinking and views the influence of foreign culture and entertainment as a threat, and considers a strong and culturally unified state as essential to China's success.

IMO his influence on China's politics is poison and he fails to understand how culture is malleable and not zero sum. For example, neither South Korea nor Japan have closed themselves off to foreign cultural imports, yet nobody could say that they have lost their own cultural distinctiveness, and are still lightyears ahead of China in terms of global cultural influence - China's has probably diminished in recent years as a consequence of Wang Huning's influence.

I think it is important to understand and engage with these ideas so that they can be critiqued. Criticisms of the Chinese Government over human rights fall on death ears because the Chinese government is looking at things through a wildly different lens. A critique should be focused on why a "Clash of Civilisations" is a false paradigm, and on how cultural exchange need not be zero sum.

The 3 articles below are highly recommended if you want to understand the thinking of the Chinese top leaders:

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