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    Lazy Llama

lefty party predictions

SpackleFrog you're a TUSC bod aren't you?

if you don't mind, could you give a run-down of the TUSC thought process that saw them decide to go for so many constituancies?

what i see is a group with limited resources just spunk cash and people up the wall in constituancies they didn't even campaign in - in my constituancy the TUSC candidate did a good interview with the local rag, kept it practical and local, and generally came across as grounded and sensible. but that was it - no posters, no canvassing, no leaflets, no newspaper adverts.

not only does the choice of constituancy puzzle me (Worcester, a Lab-Tory marginal/swing seat, and not exactly fertile TUSC territory), but i'm bemused as to why they went for the scattergun approach rather than choosing half a dozen seats where they've a good candidate, a solid local issue to go on, and chucking cash and supporters at them.

TUSC deposits for this GE must be nearly £70,000, spending that in a handful of seats would have bought a lot of posters, petrol money for supporters to hit the streets at weekends, leaflets, newspaper adverts etc..


TUSC deposits for this GE must be nearly £70,000, spending that in a handful of seats would have bought a lot of posters, petrol money for supporters to hit the streets at weekends, leaflets, newspaper adverts etc..


I understand they - or Socialist Alliance as was - received a substantial legacy on the proviso that it was spent on electoral activity. That maybe partially explains their activity at this election.
SpackleFrog you're a TUSC bod aren't you?

if you don't mind, could you give a run-down of the TUSC thought process that saw them decide to go for so many constituancies?

what i see is a group with limited resources just spunk cash and people up the wall in constituancies they didn't even campaign in - in my constituancy the TUSC candidate did a good interview with the local rag, kept it practical and local, and generally came across as grounded and sensible. but that was it - no posters, no canvassing, no leaflets, no newspaper adverts.

not only does the choice of constituancy puzzle me (Worcester, a Lab-Tory marginal/swing seat, and not exactly fertile TUSC territory), but i'm bemused as to why they went for the scattergun approach rather than choosing half a dozen seats where they've a good candidate, a solid local issue to go on, and chucking cash and supporters at them.

TUSC deposits for this GE must be nearly £70,000, spending that in a handful of seats would have bought a lot of posters, petrol money for supporters to hit the streets at weekends, leaflets, newspaper adverts etc..


Part of it was the fact that getting the money for the deposits was conditional on launching a serious campaign. The Socialist Alliance, such as it is, has a presence in both LU and TUSC, and offered money left as a legacy of some sort to people willing to stand.

But a big part of it is also that there are rules/guidelines in the media about who they cover. If you stand in 15% of seats, you get an election broadcast and the BBC gives you "fair coverage". That may or may not in turn help you get into local papers, they have varying guidelines based on companies and local preference, but it can influence it. You say there was a good piece in your local paper, but there might not have been if it weren't for the scale of seats contested. If we'd stood in just a few seats, we wouldn't have built any kind of profile at all and the results would almost certainly have been slightly worse. Before this election absolutely nobody had heard of TUSC, now we're meeting a few people who've heard of us cos they saw us on TV or caught us on the radio or because they've voted for us before cos we stand bloody everywhere we can manage, especially in locals, which are free. It's limited but it's a hell of a step forward when you think about it.

I also think if we weren't standing so widely there would be a motion to affiliate to TUSC going to BFAWU conference from a senior official this year, or that FBU and RMT branches would be actively supporting left of labour candidates in this election, and we wouldn't be giving shape to an idea of what the trade unions financing a serious alternative might look like which is useful to take up within the unions and the general anti-austerity movement, such as it is.

We're fucked if there's another election this year mind.
SpackleFrog in my constituancy the TUSC candidate did a good interview with the local rag, kept it practical and local, and generally came across as grounded and sensible. but that was it - no posters, no canvassing, no leaflets, no newspaper adverts.

If they did nothing at all that's just stupid but it might have been they were standing in two constituencies in the town or something like that - we have one constituency we've done not very much in in Sheffield and two* where we've campaigned quite hard - also standing in multiple areas makes it easier to do work in town centres/football matches etc. Was leafleting at the Blades game Sunday - mixed response but spoke to a few people saying they would vote for us in Barnsley, Chesterfield, Donny, Sheffield, all over.

*Well, I assume the swops have done some campaigning in B+H.
Why not actually get on the ground and try and become entrenched in working class communities.

Ignoring the slightly snide implication that we're not "on the ground" or "entrenched in working class communities" for a second, what do you mean by that exactly?

Tell me how you'd "actually get on the ground and try and become entrenched in working class communities".
35,000 for TUSC then. A lower average vote than the RCP's Red Front in 1992. Absolutely abysmal. Half a million pissed away on egotism.

Be interested to hear the assessment from those involved in TUSC on their results. And from other lefty groups who seem to have done even worse
35,000 for TUSC then. A lower average vote than the RCP's Red Front in 1992. Absolutely abysmal. Half a million pissed away on egotism.

e2a: 1987, sorry, not 92

We spent quite a lot less than half a million mate :D What were you expecting?
The people who run the left wing parties, all of them, must resign en masse and hand over their parties to the youth. (Plus some real leftist economists, see Syriza, Podemos.)
They must go home and never campaign again. They must abandon all their political aspirations, they are rank failures and relentless losers. Go away, give up and get out of the fucking way.
The people who run the left wing parties, all of them, must resign en masse and hand over their parties to the youth. (Plus some real leftist economists, see Syriza, Podemos.)
They must go home and never campaign again. They must abandon all their political aspirations, they are rank failures and relentless losers. Go away, give up and get out of the fucking way.

Alright tim.
They did even worse than I expected. What can you expect from thousands of paper candidates though.

TUSC did retain a councillor in Southampton though.
The people who run the left wing parties, all of them, must resign en masse and hand over their parties to the youth. (Plus some real leftist economists, see Syriza, Podemos.)
They must go home and never campaign again. They must abandon all their political aspirations, they are rank failures and relentless losers. Go away, give up and get out of the fucking way.
I believe our spackletrot is young enough to remember buying his first bic.

age isn't what keeps the red tide from turning, there is more to it than that.
dot: sure. but there are no solutions from the losers.
iirc, bristol, labour 22,000 left unity 92, bermondsey: labour 25,000 left unity 150. ellesmere: labour lots, felicity dowling 190.

time to move aside.
They must be radikal - i'll give then the back page on me paper. Kidz korner. Get out of the way adults (BUY GOLD).

You're a fucking idiot fonz. PR surface, trendy vicars and shall we put in some of that grime?
They must be radikal - i'll give then the back page on me paper. Kidz korner. Get out of the way adults (BUY GOLD).

You're a fucking idiot fonz. PR surface, trendy vicars and shall we put in some of that grime?

:D Yeah mate sure. I hear your relentless self-regard, don't worry.
I don't know who they are, where they are, but they can't do any worse than what is going on now. Pretty basic point imo.
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