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Left Tube and Anarchist Videos

The outrage of the century is upon us: The She-Ra 2018 Reboot has no boobs! Creationist Cat joins Sargon of Akkad, The Quartering, some Rebel Media/Pizzagate girl & Cortez to make sense of what the dreaded SJWs have done to our beloved She-Ra!!! Classic vid from HeyItsVadim (2018) :

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Martin thinks the madness of feudal/capitalist UK, our collective warped psyche, is being expertly played by this tawdry saga.

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A great, beautiful. very satisfying, pleasure inducing video. In this video Anark discusses how 'state socialist' methods have made no progress toward socialism or communism and how horizontalist methods are the only approaches that have ever yielded revolutionary success.

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For those who like that sort of thing, the International Antifascist Defence Fund will be having some kind of a fundraiser video marathon thing happening soon, although I think time zones mean it'll be very early on xmas eve here:
I've been watching this great (left wing) art history channel The Canvas. This may be of interest here on how Salvadore Dali was even worse politically than we thought.

In this video, Anark gives a brief rundown on the arguments of reformists and revolutionaries, laying out the case for why revolution is an absolute necessity.

What does it mean to be human? Andrewism explores the many interpretations of human nature across various philosophies and delves into the true breadth of human possibilities.

In this video Anark gives some brief thoughts on the topic of Meritocracy; how we don't have a meritocracy, why it isn't real, why it's probably not even desirable, and more...

Politics Joe interview with Lowkey, discussing various political stuff. As I said on another thread - I don't always agree with Lowkey and he can be problematic. And I think he probably has different politics to me. But at the same time he seems like a well meaning fella in a sense and this is a good interview.

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LuckyBlackCat is back with an epic 2.5 hours long video about how post-capitalism could work! The video mainly focusses on economics.

Anyone who is interested in alternatives to capitalism should watch this video, and you don't have to watch it all at once.

POST-CAPITALISM: A Detailed Look at How It Could Work

This video explains two alternatives to capitalism, each with no market and no state or central planning – making them unlike the economic system of any country on Earth.

Topics include:
· How can an economic system function without money or the profit motive?
· How can supply and demand be balanced without a market or state planning?
· How can we provide free public goods and services in a society with no state and no taxation?
· How can we avoid overconsumption?
· How can we encourage people to do necessary work, even work that’s unappealing?
· How can people start new enterprises?
· How can an economic system encourage environment sustainability?

Discussing all this and more!

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The latest from LuckyBlackCat. Socialism and communism: What do these words really mean? What’s the truth? This video explains the definitions of communism and socialism, discusses the controversy and debate over their meaning, and looks at differing perspectives on how to define these terms.

Watch out for this specimen says Martin. The further he rises in the Tory hierachy is an indication of their increasing nastiness.

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The latest from LuckyBlackCat. Socialism, as a type of economic system, has many interpretations. There are various perspectives on what a socialist economic system is or should be. This video explains a basic definition of a socialist system, and also a basic definition of a capitalist system, and then proceeds to look at eight different interpretations of a socialist system: - social democracy - democratic socialism - libertarian socialism - market socialism - libertarian market socialism - state planned socialism - orthodox Marxist-Leninist concept of socialism - unorthodox Marxist-Leninist concept of socialism This video also explores the debate over whether each of these is or isn’t “real” socialism.

In this video, Anark discusses some thoughts on the topic of the boycott, its effectiveness, and how it functions as a tool for pressure.

Dr Justin Sledge. This isn't a politics channel, but a scholarly channel on esoterica and religion. However this video about the American satanic panic in the 80's is of interest here I think. Rooting the panic in the medieval persecution of Christian minorities and the early modern witch craze, combining with a systemic analysis and topping off with his own experience of persecution. Excellent channel in general albeit usually discussing some very obscure ideas.

A typically well researched video essay from BadEmpanada on operation car wash that levelled spurious charges of corruption against Lula and Dilma Rousseff to put Bolsonaro in power.

Not watched it yet, but here's a new half-hour film about Alfredo Cospito's hunger strike:

London Greenpeace, McLibel, Poll Tax and local Community Action - Dave Morris reflects on nearly 50 years of activism (March 2023)

Dave Morris was invited by the Co-Directors of Greenpeace UK to do a talk/discussion on 30th March 2023 at their HQ. It was attended by 30 Greenpeace office staff and at least another 25 online. He was asked to speak about his experiences and thoughts about the McLibel case and campaign, about London Greenpeace (which had been set up in 1971, 6 years before Greenpeace UK), and about his nearly 50 years as a community activist - mainly in Haringey. He was invited as Greenpeace UK are reviewing their priorities as an organisation and as part of that considering the importance of community organising and action, including by their local support groups. They also want to be more involved in and supportive of current wider movements.

Dave speaks for about 15 mins, followed by 45 minutes of questions and discussion. He was able to distribute paper copies of the original, inspirational Greenpeace Broadsheet produced by Peace News in 1971, a 4pp History of London Greenpeace, and information about the Friends of Parks movement across the UK (as he is currently the Chair of the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces). A free youtube link to the McLibel 2005 documentary was circulated beforehand.
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