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Laurence Fox. The twat.

If they checked and checked and checked again how did they manage to accidentally overpay five grand?

I'm going to stick my neck right out and say it's because they're administratively incompetent.

Personally, I think there are two options
Option 1: He's too stupid to fill in the forms correctly, or if they are that complicated, and he's too unaware of his lack of abilities and hire someone else to do it. Perhaps some of the subscribers are FotL types who are not on the Electoral Roll.

Option 2: He deliberately messed up the forms so he could play the victim and possibly grift more money from his followers

and I think option 2

And while I wouldn't rule out altogether the idea that this is a cunning plan intended to demonstrate that Fox is being knobbled by Sadiq Khan's dark forces, I think it's much more likely that a mixture of stupidity and arrogance has led him and his team to fill in the forms incorrectly, or fail to check that those named actually meet whatever criteria are needed to qualify as nominators
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I'm going to stick my neck right out and say it's because they're administratively incompetent.

And while I would rule out altogether the idea that this is a cunning plan intended to demonstrate that Fox is being knobbled by Sadiq Khan's dark forces, I think it's much more likely that a mixture of stupidity and arrogance has led him and his team to fill in the forms incorrectly, or fail to check that those named actually meet whatever criteria are needed to qualify as nominators
hanlon's razor
TBF is some supporter of Fox knocked on my door looking for support for his nomination, I would be happy to provide a signature.

With a totally fake name, that wouldn't match the electoral register.

TBF if a supporter of Fox knocked on your door in Worthing looking for support for his nomination, you could safely use your own details secure in the knowledge that you wouldn't qualify as a nominator in the election of the London Mayor.
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Personally, I think there are two options
Option 1: He's too stupid to fill in the forms correctly, or if they are that complicated, and he's too unaware of his lack of abilities and hire someone else to do it. Perhaps some of the subscribers are FotL types who are not on the Electoral Roll.

Option 2: He deliberately messed up the forms so he could play the victim and possibly grift more money from his followers

and I think option 2

Nah, Hanlon’s Razor.

In this case probably Occam’s Razor too - he and his supporters are fuckwits, so no surprise when they do something fuckwitted.
He needed ten valid signatories from every one of the Boroughs and the City of London. 330 in total.
I doubt he played a hands on role in getting them. If he had he'd probably be far more than just four short.
Yes, I read above too, but one of the boroughs in which he only submitted nine signatures was the one that he lives in. It struck me as a particularly abject detail.
After Loser threw his toys out of the pram on x-twitter last night, London Elects, the independent body which is responsible "for delivering and encouraging participation in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections", issued a statement:

Laurence Fox and Reclaim Party file incomplete nomination paperwork for Mayor of London elections - London Elects

The Reclaim Party candidate’s representatives met with London Elects for the first time on Tuesday 26 March, less than 24 hours before the close of the nominations deadline. At that time, the paperwork was incomplete. Mr Fox’s representatives were advised to ensure that completed forms were submitted well before the Wednesday 4pm statutory deadline. The paperwork was submitted very shortly before 4pm. Upon inspection, the nomination forms contained errors which - the deadline having passed - were too late for Mr Fox’s team to correct.

Today Loser deletes that initial "it's not the not winning it's the not taking part" tweet, with it's arguably defamatory claims about Sadiq Khan, and in a rather different tone responds to them:

Loser: ''This smalls fishy.''

Laurence Fox @LozzaFox
Every nomination paper from every borough was oversubscribed and double checked.

We have written to you repeatedly asking you which nominees are invalid and for what reason.

Please can you get back to our team with these perfectly reasonable questions.

This smells fishy. Happy to be proved wrong.

Last edited 11:39 AM - Mar 28, 2024 -- x-twitter link

I suppose it could be worse. At least nomination signatories aren't required to provide ID, unlike mere voters, so we're not able to tell whether they included this chap.

Loser in blackface
Wonder if he thought he could sign it himself as one of the ten in his area and it wasn't accepted/counted? :hmm: (although i don't know the law so maybe that's allowed)
It isn't in other elections, so I doubt it is here, sadly. There were also only 9 nominations from Islington. My preference would be he hadn't noticed that one of his nominees was 'Adolf Hitler'
The "Reclaim Party" spend even more of Jeremy Hosking's money on legal letters to London Elects:



Wedlake Bell

London Elects

Date 28 March 2024

Dear Sirs

Mr Laurence Fox and the Reclaim Party - London Mayoral elections

We act for Mr Laurence Fox and the Reclaim Party.

Yesterday, our clients filed nomination papers with London Elects in relation Io the nomination of candidates for the forthcoming Mayoral and GLA elections.

The nomination papers were filed with you prior to the expiry of the deadline for their submission (a fact we understand is not in dispute).

At 5.47pm yesterday. [REDACTED] the Deputy Greater London Returning Officer sent an email pointing out some alleged issues with Mr Fox's Mayoral address booklet.

However, at 7.48PM [REDACTED] sent a further email to our clients' [REDACTED] In that email he stated that whilst the papers had been submitted in time, following an inspection of the 330 subscribers supplied with Mr Fox's nomination papers, there were anomalies. He said in the email:

‘The Islington and Lambeth nomination papers only had nine valid subscribers, not the required ten. Three further subscribers for other boroughs could not be reconciled to voter register records....
The mayoral nomination is therefore not valid and the earlier issues relating to the booklet no longer arise...
"....Please do not hesitate to contact me or [REDACTED] ccd if you have any questions. '

[REDACTED]'s email says that not enough "valid subscribers" were provided for the Islington and Lambeth nomination papers. It is not dear from this description whether he means that only nine subscribers were provided or whether he means that more than nine were supplied but that some of them were not valid.

This is significant because we understand from our clients that more than the minimum required ten subscribers were supplied for each of Islington and Lambeth. [REDACTED] has repeatedly and urgently sought clarification from you as to why you have concluded that only nine "valid subscribers' were provided for those boroughs. But he has not been given an answer.

Action urgently required

Under regulation 10 of Schedule 3 to The Greater London Authority Elections Rules 2007 the returning officer must state his reasons for declaring a Mayoral candidate’s nomination papers invalid.

As we have stated above, it is unclear from [REDACTED]'s email what those reasons are.

Our clients urgently require this clarification.

Accordingly, please provide us in writing by no later than 5.30pm today with the following:
  1. full reasons why the returning officer concluded that there were only "nine valid subscribers" to Mr Fox’s Mayoral nomination papers for the boroughs of Islington and Lambeth and if any of the subscribers were found by the returning officer to be "invalid" what the reasons for such alleged invalidity were;
  2. complete copies of all the nomination papers for Islington and Lambeth, including the returning officer's endorsement of his reasons for rejecting them as being invalid;
  3. full details of the three other subscribers and their boroughs which London Elects were apparently unable to reconcile with voter records.
We look forward to hearing from you in relation to the above as a matter of urgency. Meantime, all our clients’ rights remain fully reserved.

Yours faithfully
Wedlake Bell LLP

71 Queen Victoria Street. London EC4V 4AY | Tel +44 (0)20 7395 3000 | Fax +44 (0)20 7395 3100 DX 307441 Cheapside | www.wedlakebell.com
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He's going to be complaining about the rigged, stolen election :mad:

He already is, because postal votes exist, therefore this election will be rigged - he stated so in the tweet he deleted (why does he even bother when he knows it'll have been screenshot?).

And although postal votes do have the potential for fraud, and in my borough I think there should be thorough checks if a suspicious number of people register from one address (because it would either indicate lying or dangerous levels of overcrowding), doing away with them would disenfranchise a hell of a lot of people.
In other legal news:

Mukhrar: ''My solicitor just confirmed to me that Laurence Fox paid his contributions towards my legal costs. It's a significant amount.''

Mukhtar @I_amMukhtar
My solicitor just confirmed to me that Laurence Fox paid his contributions towards my legal costs.

It's a significant amount.

5:06 PM ¦ Mar 28, 2024 -- x-twitter link

Mukhtar @I_am Mukhtar
I don't have to send the bailiffs in.

5:13 PM-Mar 28, 2024 -- x-twitter link

Mukhtar @I_amMukhtar

He really hated losing against me.

The way he didn't want people finding out that he settled, to now sending significant amount and But it just said that it was sent from 'FX'.

6:12 PM ¦ Mar 28, 2024 -- x-twitter link

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