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Labour leadership

Labour leadership hustings: Jeremy Corbyn wows audience with Left-wing agenda
Fears of centrist Labour MPs and aides appear to be realised as far-Left candidate helped onto ballot gets most positive reaction during TV debate


Far left or just left wing compared to the Tory stooges that are our alternative?

I don't have a horse in the race but the way the highbrow media goons are wandering around with faces like slapped arses tonight has been very funny stuff. The Guardian's currently doing its best to downplay how things went with a grudging admission that the audience liked Corbyn slightly more than the three little robots before offering extensive quotes from Kendall. Bally terrible idea to give the great unwashed a social democrat option, what what!
Left wing agenda and aspiration.
Selling council houses:- A tory election winner (like it or not ) until the fine print was read.
Labourites bought them in droves but I often wonder whether Labour could have ever have done this, using the money gained of course to buy more.
Could Labour come out with an ideas such as this or even contemplate them? Will they change? Have they changed but don't shout it enough? hmm
Left wing agenda and aspiration.
Selling council houses:- A tory election winner (like it or not ) until the fine print was read.
Labourites bought them in droves but I often wonder whether Labour could have ever have done this, using the money gained of course to buy more.
Could Labour come out with an ideas such as this or even contemplate them? Will they change? Have they changed but don't shout it enough? hmm
No they couldn't. I lived in a Labour controlled council area and asked one of the senior, very experienced councillors at the time if the money from the sales could be diverted to building new ones. She informed me that under what she described as Treaury Rules, this would have been illegal. The Tories knew this and were happy about it.
No they couldn't. I lived in a Labour controlled council area and asked one of the senior, very experienced councillors at the time if the money from the sales could be diverted to building new ones. She informed me that under what she described as Treaury Rules, this would have been illegal. The Tories knew this and were happy about it.

The Tories couldn't let the income from council house sales be spent on building new stock since it would have depressed the very private ownership market they were encouraging people to enter. Also the attack on council housing was a direct attack on councils, in particular those whose voters voted the wrong way; by undermining their role as housing providers you disempower and marginalise the councils themsleves.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I'm angry at Labour for being so utterly shit they couldn't win an election against a government with such an appalling economic record, and worse, for somehow allowing them to portray themselves as having been economically competent when the complete opposite was the case.

Me too.
Your arrogance sums up everything thats wrong with the labour party.
I raised many issues concerning poverty, attacks on pensions, low wages, cuts to benefits etc but you deem that irrelevant. ..all that matters is getting labour elected.
If you beloved labour government had shown that level of contempt for the rich instead of handing out tax cuts out to them like confetti, if they'd shown the incompetent, greedy bankers that level of contempt instead of bailing them out at our expense, if they'd shown Bush that level of contempt when he wanted to finish daddy's project in Iraq then millions of us would have continued voting labour, they'd have been in power, you'd have been happy, we would not be screwed over and millions would not be dead.
But in your arrogance you see nothing to discuss...like the labour party you simply act like a tory who joined the wrong party

They wouldn't have been in power. That's a fantasy world.
The Tories couldn't let the income from council house sales be spent on building new stock since it would have depressed the very private ownership market they were encouraging people to enter. Also the attack on council housing was a direct attack on councils, in particular those whose voters voted the wrong way; by undermining their role as housing providers you disempower and marginalise the councils themsleves.
Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Absolutely, another attack on councils was the creation of Grant Maintained Schools. These were the forerunner to the modern Academies. By trying to eliminate councils - particularly the LEAs (Local Education Authorities) the Tories could get rid of the highest spending councils and in one move get rid of some of the activist base of the Labour Party. This was an attack on local democracy. This took away the power of people to vote for for example Comprehensive schools in their LEA. The Tories have been conistent and devious on these issues.
This place is like North London middle class politics... there was a Guardian piece where they had only discovered how abnormal that is at 10pm on election night.
The risk of getting Cooper, the third Brownite in a row, by virtue of her not being the others, is increasing.

Burnham cannot win a general election.

All are representing factions in the party at the moment - and it will be a long way back to win a general election. Kendall is disappointed in that she's playing up to the faction that her opposition have given her.

Corbyn's inclusion has narrowed, rather than broadened the debate - though there is no debate with the hard left. They say the same things every single time.
This place is like North London middle class politics... there was a Guardian piece where they had only discovered how abnormal that is at 10pm on election night.

Can you answer my previous question please? If you want Liz Kendall to win the leadership contest, and become PM, which policies do you see her either implementing or not implementing which would distinguish her from the Tories?
The risk of getting Cooper, the third Brownite in a row, by virtue of her not being the others, is increasing.

Burnham cannot win a general election.

All are representing factions in the party at the moment - and it will be a long way back to win a general election. Kendall is disappointed in that she's playing up to the faction that her opposition have given her.

Corbyn's inclusion has narrowed, rather than broadened the debate - though there is no debate with the hard left. They say the same things every single time.

Who's to say not? Five years before next time, with all sorts of Tory shit possible of hitting the fan before 2020 (not least their utterly bonkers obsession with Europe and all the related splits).

I'm no particular fan of Burnham, but he's as likely to win the Labour leadership as Cooper, and IMO quite probably more likely. Plus he must surely be more astute strategically/tactically against the Tories than Miliband -- he could hardly do worse anyway.

And in England at least, he could well come over as more 'normal'.
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Who's to say not? Five years before next time, with all sorts of Tory shit possible of hitting the pan before 2020 (not least their utterly bonkers obsession with Europe and all the related splits).

I'm no particular fan of Burnham, but he's as likely to win the Labour leadership as Cooper, and IMO quite probably more likely. Plus he must surely be more astute strategically/tactically against the Tories than Miliband -- he could hardly do worse anyway.

And in England at least, he could well come over as more 'normal'.

He can't do worse than Miliband, I agree. He is infinitely preferable to Cooper who is utterly vanilla in pronouncement and a continuation of Miliband.

I'm depressed at the way the leadership campaign is going though. It's hardly going to unite the sensible wings of the party.
Can you answer my previous question please? If you want Liz Kendall to win the leadership contest, and become PM, which policies do you see her either implementing or not implementing which would distinguish her from the Tories?

Do you really believe that Liz Kendall is the same as the Tories? I didn't answer this because it just seems a strange attack that I thought was a hyperbolic way of saying "she's not as left wing as me".
Do you really believe that Liz Kendall is the same as the Tories? I didn't answer this because it just seems a strange attack that I thought was a hyperbolic way of saying "she's not as left wing as me".

Yes. I want answers from you, which policies distinguish her from the Tory party? What things would she do that they won't? What things won't she do that they would? What would she repeal in 2020?
Kendall used the toughest language by highlighting the “anger and concern” people were feeling. “They are angry about people trying to get into this country illegally, scrambling on to lorries in Calais,” she said. “If you come here legally from Europe, you should come to work and not claim benefits. You should respect the community you live in and our culture, and for people outside Europe we need a strict points-based system like they have in Australia.”

What a cunt. Using the plight of refugees as a scare tactic. Fucking shame on you.
I believe in strong public finances because unless we balance the books, live within our means and get the deficit and debt down, we can’t do all the things we are passionate about – like tackling inequality or homelessness.
If we as a nation carried on spending, borrowing, piling up more debt then down the line we would see the health budget under threat, social services shrinking the life-lines people rely on being squeezed one by one.

Barely a nut hair between 'em.
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