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Labour leadership

Is there anyone from Labours past left now who they can wheel out to warn of a thousand years of darkness if Corbyn wins?
Do you think that Corbyn could ever be elected as Prime Minister?

If I say yes (or if I say no) will that in any way confirm or refute your assertion that "Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether"?

If you want people to pay any attention to you and your positions, try coming up with at least some supporting arguments. I'll start the sentence for you and see if you can continue it.

"Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether because..."
OK - I'll play your little game...

Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether because his policies are extremely distant from the majority of the franchise.
OK - I'll play your little game...

Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether because his policies are extremely distant from the majority of the franchise.
Which policies in particular?
Diamond has swallowed the press whole. Unelectable. Says the fuck who? there does appear to be many who disagree. Labour could never have lost scotland, according to the wisdom. Yet they did. I'm not a three quidder because I want violent revolution or nothing. But it is funny to see how the wise heads in the press, repeated uncritically by our very own conflict stone seem to think its never going to work. We aren't in predictable territory anymore. In the meantime lets all load a pipe up and have a good laugh at the guardianista set crapping their pants.
OK - I'll play your little game...

Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether because his policies are extremely distant from the majority of the franchise.

It's not a "little game", it's about attempting a coherent argument, but you apparently need to be led through the process by the hand.

Do have any figures to hand demonstrating public support or otherwise for re-nationalisation of the railways, for example?
The brand is TOXIC, the credit score is DOWN, the liberal media is FURIOUS - what more does a good lawyer need to know?
Which policies in particular?

OK - I'll just throw out a few troubling ones:

Leaving NATO

Getting rid of Trident

Ramping up public spending

Nationalisation (which, on a more technical level raises lots of EU issues around state aid and competition law)

I have different views on each of the above but there is clearly no majority public appetite for any of them.
OK - I'll play your little game...

Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether because his policies are extremely distant from the majority of the franchise.

Labour are currently unelectable. Why is more of the same going to make them electable?

We don't know if Corbyn is electable or not yet. We only know the other cunts aren't because they keep losing General Elections.
OK - I'll just throw out a few troubling ones:

Leaving NATO

Getting rid of Trident

Ramping up public spending

Nationalisation (which, on a more technical level raises lots of EU issues around state aid and competition law)

I have different views on each of the above but there is clearly no majority public appetite for any of them.
Opinion polls consistently report that a majority of people support renationalising the railways.
OK - you folk continue to jabber away in another of your echo chambers - at some point real life catches up and it's not going to be pleasant for Labour if Corbyn gains the leadership.

If you can't see that, you must be either deluded, fanatical or locked into an extremely narrow life featuring few, if any, dissenting voices.
Forever the lower class in this country have been treat like shit and for a very brief period, maybe thirty years from 1945, people had hope that things were going to change. Labour then joined the oppressers and let their supporters down by abandoning the base they had built from.
We have lived through worse times than this and still stuck two fingers up at the bastards. Those involved in this leadership contest need to find some direction and stick to it, not run in the opposite way when the bosses threaten the big stick.
The Labour Party is treading water and being pushed further out. All they need to learn is swim with the current.
OK - you folk continue to jabber away in another of your echo chambers - at some point real life catches up and it's not going to be pleasant for Labour if Corbyn gains the leadership.

If you can't see that, you must be either deluded, fanatical or locked into an extremely narrow life featuring few, if any, dissenting voices.

Are there even opinion polls on NATO membership? I doubt most people even know what it is

Here are a few polls that show opposition to Trident

The idea of 'ramping up public spending' is such a general term that it would be hard to quantify exactly what the general opinion would be
OK - I'll just throw out a few troubling ones:

Leaving NATO

Getting rid of Trident

Ramping up public spending

Nationalisation (which, on a more technical level raises lots of EU issues around state aid and competition law)

I have different views on each of the above but there is clearly no majority public appetite for any of them.

Yeah it's really troubling bringing the railways and utilities into public ownership so we all have a stake in them, keep costs down and not stuff some non accountable greedy shareholder's wallet with cash. It's really troubling removing our ability to vapourise several hundred thousand human beings in a blink of an eye, an ability that costs a hundred billion or so, money that could be used for other crazy things like social care and ensuring people don't starve to death for having the nerve to be wheelchair bound.
Yvette Cooper: I'm the only one who can beat Jeremy Corbyn
Andy Burnham: I'm the only one who can beat Jeremy Corbyn and so's my wife
OK - you folk continue to jabber away in another of your echo chambers - at some point real life catches up and it's not going to be pleasant for Labour if Corbyn gains the leadership.

If you can't see that, you must be either deluded, fanatical or locked into an extremely narrow life featuring few, if any, dissenting voices.

Leaving NATO perhaps. Ramping up public spending is debateable - state borrowing for investment is cheaper than using PFI to do the same job (which is what the Tories and NL have used). Not replacing Trident would correct a huge imbalance in the defence budget (though of course its unlikely that he would spend the money on larger conventional forces, but it isnt impossible).

As for nationalization, bringing back BR is something that almost every poll on the subject has shown people as being in favour of, it would be cheaper than the current mess is, and would not be illegal under EU law as long as competitors had access to the system. The nationalization of the utilities is a bit more tricky given who owns them now, though it should of course be pointed out that on every occasion that the industry wanted major investment - replacement of nuclear reactors, or the Thames super-sewer for instance - it has got the state to pay for it.
OK - you folk continue to jabber away in another of your echo chambers - at some point real life catches up and it's not going to be pleasant for Labour if Corbyn gains the leadership.

If you can't see that, you must be either deluded, fanatical or locked into an extremely narrow life featuring few, if any, dissenting voices.

You've contributed nothing, argued nothing and proven nothing. You're just providing wasted pixels. Try to prove your point, say something interesting or shut up.
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OK - you folk continue to jabber away in another of your echo chambers - at some point real life catches up and it's not going to be pleasant for Labour if Corbyn gains the leadership.

If you can't see that, you must be either deluded, fanatical or locked into an extremely narrow life featuring few, if any, dissenting voices.
Aside from the fact that recent, credible polling indicates public support for at least 2, possibly 3 of those 'policies' that you've suggested, many of Cameron's 'policies' could be shown to be deeply "distant from the majority of the franchise"...and he was 'electable'.
Reduction of in-work benefits, forced sale of HA housing, TTIP, privatisation of NHS etc.
You've contributed nothing, argued nothing and proven nothing. Your just providing wasted pixels. Try to prove your point, say something interesting or shut up.

He just regurgitates establishment 'common sense' and believes that he is confronting 'received wisdom'. It is very transparent.
You lot are truly deluded.

If you see Corbyn standing outside Number 10 Downing Street in 5 years time, you have a more fantastical imagination than mine...
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