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Labour leadership

Looks like the Dark Lord himself has been trying to sneakily pull the plug on the whole election.

Labour leadership hopeful Yvette Cooper has admitted that there have been behind-the-scenes manoeuvrings to persuade candidates to bow out of the race to prevent veteran leftwing MP Jeremy Corbyn from winning.

Against a backdrop of increasingly desperate interventions from senior party figures appealing for those registered to vote to back anyone but Corbyn, ballot papers are expected to start arriving through the letter boxes on Monday of the 450,000 people who have registered to take part – many in the wake of Corbyn’s breakthrough in the polls.

The Daily Telegraph reported on Sunday night that former Labour cabinet minister Peter Mandelson attempted a “secret plot” to convince Corbyn’s three rival candidates – Yvette Cooper, Andy Burnham and Liz Kendall – to pull out to annul the contest.

Increasingly desperate is right, and increasingly outrageous that these people should go to such lengths, in broad daylight, to sabotage a democratic process. Have any of them even tried to come up with an excuse for all this?
What do they think would happen if they did manage to bollox the election? A whole heap of those enthusiastic new members and supporters would leave immediately. Any candidate they did choose would be dead in the water as the one who couldn't beat Corbyn in a fair fight, endless fodder for Tories and internal dissent. Corbyn and his backers would, presumably, have to go into proper revolt against internal corruption and the whole LP would be a joke. These 'sensible' political grandees are like kids having temper tantrums. You'd at least expect them to be smart(er).
Looks like the Dark Lord himself has been trying to sneakily pull the plug on the whole election.

Increasingly desperate is right, and increasingly outrageous that these people should go to such lengths, in broad daylight, to sabotage a democratic process. Have any of them even tried to come up with an excuse for all this?

This (the idea that the other three pulling out would invalidate the process) was mentioned on one of the other threads recently. I thought then that this was bollocks and even the briefest checking confirms that Gordon Brown was elected/appointed leader unopposed.
This (the idea that the other three pulling out would invalidate the process) was mentioned on one of the other threads recently. I thought then that this was bollocks and a little checking confirms that Gordon Brown was elected/appointed leader unopposed.

as Mandleson knows though, shouting long and loud about the invalidity of an uncontested election would give traction in party and press to declare the result null. Wheras Gordy had been the heir apparent for so long it just seemed natural lol
Just "the disabled" alone should earn her a good kicking, fucking essentialising cretinous fuckwit! :mad:

Lots of people use that term , yes, its demeaning, but most do not mean anything negative about it, I do think the "we are not victims' line" of DPAC, etc, is important, but many sick people would not really benefit from its main tool, the social model, no amount of structural support, eg access, etc, can help a sick person if they are bed bound, unable to move, etc*, ,while a disabled person, with support can often take on the world.

*though more home support is sorely needed.
Lots of people use that term , yes, its demeaning, but most do not mean anything negative about it, I do think the "we are not victims' line" of DPAC, etc, is important, but many sick people would not really benefit from its main tool, the social model, no amount of structural support, eg access, etc, can help a sick person if they are bed bound, unable to move, etc*, ,while a disabled person, with support can often take on the world.

*though more home support is sorely needed.
I think it's more the 'we should help disabled people but also normal people too' that makes what she said so horrendous.
social democrats are all about the mixed markets though right? nationalise infrastructure, let the rest be 'free'

Essential industries (whatever they decide that means) as well as infrastructure. Often as not it's national security, which is why rolls-royce were nationalised in the 60s or 70s iirc (they were going bust and make aircraft engines we need for war!), rather than actually essential cos otherwise farming and supermarkets would be talked about.
as Mandleson knows though, shouting long and loud about the invalidity of an uncontested election would give traction in party and press to declare the result null. Wheras Gordy had been the heir apparent for so long it just seemed natural lol

I'm sure it would get some traction, though I'm doubtful as to how much, given how utterly transparent a move it would be.

Also, they'd have to refund all those £3 supporter sign-up fees :D
Listening to Liz Kendall on R4 World at One, she is such a drip, couldn't lead her way out of a wet paper bag!

No doubt before long she will be retiring from politics and getting a job on some TV station as a political commentator.
They are usually clueless too.
Was the now infamous Granita restaurant where Blair and Brown made their diablocal agreement in Jezza's constituency? Ironic that the deal hatched there would possibly lead to Jezza taking the reins 20 years later :D
I think it's more the 'we should help disabled people but also normal people too' that makes what she said so horrendous.

Not that the common misuse of the word 'normal' as so often applied to sick and disabled people, especially those of us with obvious physical differences, learning difficulties and mental illness, is in any way offensive to many of us. So offensive, in fact, that's it's common for Aspies to describe non-Aspies as 'neurotypical,' rather than 'normal' because the word 'normal' often has rather different connotations for people like us.
Never mind a general election there needs to be an opposition - Tories are ramming through legislation at lightening speed . By the time the next election happens the damage will be done
social democrats are all about the mixed markets though right? nationalise infrastructure, let the rest be 'free'
Yeah sure, but it's the delusion there can be a harmonious relationship between a 'socialised' public sector and the free market. I think the level of support corbyn is getting is positive and it's certainly entertaining watching the anguished blairites squealing as their project hits the buffers. Just think the corbyn project, however much better it would be than full on austerity, is a dead end - it really is warmed up social democracy, despite some of his comments about new models of public ownership. I'd certainly rather see the hundreds who are attending his meetings get actively involved in anti-cuts protests.
Yeah sure, but it's the delusion there can be a harmonious relationship between a 'socialised' public sector and the free market. I think the level of support corbyn is getting is positive and it's certainly entertaining watching the anguished blairites squealing as their project hits the buffers. Just think the corbyn project, however much better it would be than full on austerity, is a dead end - it really is warmed up social democracy, despite some of his comments about new models of public ownership. I'd certainly rather see the hundreds who are attending his meetings get actively involved in anti-cuts protests.
*mystic dotty consults his crystal balls*

if they do a JP 1 on him and murder the last pretensions of a labour left then perhaps a new party (not like that one) will rise from the ashes. I mean much as I assume you do, I wish corbyn and his support all the best but I stopped having any hope about parliamentary routes to socialism a long time ago. Still its nice to see them all freaking out and crying 'STALINISM!'. Best bit of political theatre for ages.
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Was the now infamous Granita restaurant where Blair and Brown made their diablocal agreement in Jezza's constituency? Ironic that the deal hatched there would possibly lead to Jezza taking the reins 20 years later :D
naah, it was in Islington South (Emily Thornberry)
The odd thing about all of this is that while most sensible folk recognise that Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether, the other three candidates currently look like they could do just about the same thing through a different route.

When did Labour stop producing competitive politicians?

Corbyn isn't even very inspirational or charismatic and the others are much, much worse.
This, after a parade of ex MPs/leaders etc.have been set out to rubbish JC on Burnham's (& Co) account.
On Monday, Burnham will reach out to Corbyn and his supporters in an appeal for party unity as the leadership election threatens to tear Labour apart.

The shadow health secretary will say it would be “unforgivable” if infighting after the result is announced on 12 September prevented Labour from standing up to the Tories.

At what point will it dawn on these neo-lib poodle MPs that they will have to bray and wave their order papers when Jezza stands in the HoC as their leader?
The odd thing about all of this is that while most sensible folk recognise that Corbyn will render Labour totally unelectable for the length of his stewardship and might actually lead to the destruction of the party altogether, the other three candidates currently look like they could do just about the same thing through a different route.

When did Labour stop producing competitive politicians?

Corbyn isn't even very inspirational or charismatic and the others are much, much worse.

I love it when people make these catastrophic assertions without any attempt to back them up.

"Everyone" is saying it, so it must be true! :thumbs:
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