Well-Known Member
Agree. imo its much worse now, loads and loads of people who never had a problem with jews before, probably never even thought about them, now hold us responsible for the destruction of the corbyn project. thats what actually hurts. And that's where Corb's statement could be said to be right, about the overblown media attention hurting jews. It’s just not what he meant.
can't speak for anyone else much, but amongst our local CLP left, the resentment is aimed squarely at Starmer and David Evans at present (we've been banned by SW regional from even discussing their conduct at our only CLP meet for 9 months, this thurs - so resentment is at an all time high ) , and on a longer term basis, at the PLP trash who weaponised ( existing / real) AS from the off, mainly for their own, anti Corbyn ends.
Don't know where you get the ' loads and loads ' having ' a problem with jews' idea from, but do you mean from real life experience / real people, or the distorted , amplified, degraded version of everything that exists on social media ?
( On the other hand, I cldn't ever pretend that having the likes of vile bully Ian Austin, sex pest Jon Woodcock, or the laughable c*nt John Mann very noisily fighting my / or my peeps corner, purely for their own benefit ( and hats off, did that ever work out nicely : 3 peerages for 3 of the sleaziest also ran / non ents in the HoC ) sounds like a particularly edifying idea tbh.)
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