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Natalie Elphicke defecates to Labour

Anyways...seems like the vermin (CCHQ) have been at their SWOT analysis over the weekend....

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Call me a conspiracist but...

I think Starmer has been played by CCHQ. Elphicke too, for her treachery, but this was something CCHQ knew all the time but Starmer couldn't have. They're just fucking with him, and it's frankly hilarious. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Call me a conspiracist but...

I think Starmer has been played by CCHQ. Elphicke too, for her treachery, but this was something CCHQ knew all the time but Starmer couldn't have. They're just fucking with him, and it's frankly hilarious. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Well, HIGNFY knew last week, before the Sunday Times story. And presumably Private Eye before that. So I don’t think Starmer “couldn’t have” known.
Actually, it was carpenters and tables.
May have been also but I'll swear I remember reading mine years ago because it stuck in my mind. I checked but can't find the reference but I checked for carpenter too and couldn't see that either:(

Nearest I can see after a cursory look is
but that's not the one I was thinking of.
You may abuse a tragedy, though you cannot write one. You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you cannot make a table. It is not your trade to make tables.

I agree that cobblers would have been a better example, because boots not fitting is pretty obvious.
Well I just checked the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (eight double-columned dense pages) and I can't see it there either - I can see yours though. I was convinced it was right because I read (a very little) Johnson when I were young.

Which means it must have been mine, and as you say it's better than Johnson :cool:

You don't have to be a cobbler to know that your boots don't fit

Arthur Jackson

feel free to quote me :)
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Well I just checked the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (eight double-columned dense pages) and I can't see it there either - I can see yours though. I was convinced it was right because I read (a very little) Johnson when I were young since we went to the same school.

Which means it must have been mine, and as you say it's better than Johnson :cool:

feel free to quote me :)
I don’t understand the aphorism and was confused by your attribution to a Johnson. I stupidly assumed you meant Boris, but on reflection I should assume a literary Johnson was being cited, but is it Samuel, Ben, Denis or B.S?
I don’t understand the aphorism and was confused by your attribution to a Johnson. I stupidly assumed you meant Boris, but on reflection I should assume a literary Johnson was being cited, but is it Samuel, Ben, Denis or B.S?
I also thought the Johnson in question was Boris :D

I agree that cobblers would have been a better example, because boots not fitting is pretty obvious.
Yeah, would also agree it's a cleaner example.

Could someone write to Johnson and recommend it as an amendment to the next edition?
Sorry, I don't get that. If she were still a tory then she wouldn't have defected, no?
LP folk crowing about her defection would be the same folk who would have called for her suspension, had she not defected = hypocrisy (See the slime-ball Ashworth out on the media run this am).
Union doesn't think anti-union vermin should have the labour whip:

“The Labour party is the political wing of the labour movement … Attacking trade union members in this way to justify support for draconian anti-worker laws ought to be incompatible with membership of the parliamentary Labour party.

“Natalie Elphicke should never have been given the Labour whip, but these remarks further undermine the decision to accept her into the party. There appears to have been little, if any, due diligence.”

Keeps biting Starmer in the arse.
Anyone hear Chi Onwurah on R4 earlier?

"members of the Labour party and MP's of the Labour party passionately disagree over a range of issues. The real trick is leading the country
and leading the country is bringing those people together from very wide points of view and taking the country forward in a more positive
direction. Natalie has come to the party as she sees us as a party that can achieve that and end this chaos that is holding us back, the
economy, the country, as individuals every household struggles in the current chaos that we are living through and we are determined
to put the country on a more positive direction and I absolutely support him ( Starmer ) in that".

We are all entitled to our views I suppose.
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