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Natalie Elphicke defecates to Labour

I appreciate it's unlikely to happen, but if Elphicke had a decent sense of humour she's got the chance to do something really funny here, now Starmer's rolled out the red carpet she should now just announce "oh, by the way, I think Corbyn was right about the claims of antisemitism within Labour being exaggerated for factional purposes" or similar.

Penny Mordaunt got in a pretty good dig by saying she couldn't defect to labour because she's too left wing.
Penny Mordaunt got in a pretty good dig by saying she couldn't defect to labour because she's too left wing.
Just looked it up and, presumably from the same speech:
"What next: a photo op with a bulldog? A lecture on how misunderstood Enoch Powell was?"
Whole thing a setup, bitch Has no moral anyway, classic psychopath...heres a giant wad of cash go see if those dull fuckers over there will let you in their club that'll lose the feckers a few votes you're no use to use over here anyway
Sorry, I had assumed it was; it is by me, at least. Perhaps I should have made that clear?
IMO, yes, the term is historically established and completely relevant and appropriate for those that impose their dehumanising ideology for their own greed.
You don’t feel uncomfortable using the same language to describe people you don’t like as those who have committed genocide? I certainly do.
No, not at all, but I respect your sensitivity.
(lower than) vermin is actually a pretty good descriptor for those that are ideologically harmful to and parasitic upon the common good.
I get there are differences - being a Tory is a choice after all. I’m sure I have used similar language before about political enemies, bullies and other people who are unpleasant by choice.
But I still feel uneasy about it. Feels like stooping to the level of those who use similar language about immigrants. I felt the same when there was a trend on here to describe certain people as ‘surplus’.
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perhaps "at the same level as vermin" or even "slightly better than vermin" to show that we've mellowed over the years?

Was actually a bit unfair asking you for an alternative, as Johnson pointed out you don't need to be a cobbler to know that your boots don't fit.
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