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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

I am a new member to this forum and the first comment to me is "FUCK OFF".
So, is this a discussion forum or a pool for foul mouth mini nerds?
Milliband wasn't just another upper middle-class politician wrestling in the traditional way with popular food items, he was someone of Jewish heritage eating something non-kosher.
Perhaps I'm overthinking it because I'm nominally "vegan" and have moral issues around what I eat ...
I listened very carefully to the TV and radio stations over the past 2 or 3 years. I specifically focused upon the UK modus of reporting the alleged antisemitism in the Labour party. Did anyone notice that UKIP under Gerald Batten instantly disappeared from the mainstream media? literally overnight!!! It does not matter if you like or hate UKIP my point is the power of the MSM in refusing to report/mention them ever again from a give date. So I say, an MSM with this power can easily set the agenda to take Corbyns socialist party down. It is impossible to block Labour, if they could they would.
Did I mention WMDs?? Ooops?? Anyway, regards antisemitism - not once did I hear or see one single MSM station/outlet report an actual solid case of antisemitism. Just as they never report on David Lammy with his racist incitements > FACT. This guy should be in prison.
Can anyone show me a case in the form of this example >>> "Labour MP says JEWS are ......................." Then report the actual occurrence. Its not rocket science. They report cases of Tommy Robinson and many others who literally were arrested and jailed???? for "saying stuff" !!!

this thread :rolleyes:
worth noting that our recently departed warrior against ZOG is using the same themes as others have in this thread:

“I’ve never witnessed it”
“Ah but they didn’t say ‘Jews’”
“It’s just MSM SMEAARS!”
the caricature of Miliband does have a number of anti-Semitic features - the big nose, the hunched shoulders and the ketchup dripping from the sandwich looking like blood etc.
I thought there was a lot of dog-whistle anti-Semitism stuff about Miliband, perhaps most notably the Daily Mail piece about his father being disloyal to the country.
I listened very carefully to the TV and radio stations over the past 2 or 3 years. I specifically focused upon the UK modus of reporting the alleged antisemitism in the Labour party. Did anyone notice that UKIP under Gerald Batten instantly disappeared from the mainstream media? literally overnight!!! It does not matter if you like or hate UKIP my point is the power of the MSM in refusing to report/mention them ever again from a give date. So I say, an MSM with this power can easily set the agenda to take Corbyns socialist party down. It is impossible to block Labour, if they could they would.
Did I mention WMDs?? Ooops?? Anyway, regards antisemitism - not once did I hear or see one single MSM station/outlet report an actual solid case of antisemitism. Just as they never report on David Lammy with his racist incitements > FACT. This guy should be in prison.
Can anyone show me a case in the form of this example >>> "Labour MP says JEWS are ......................." Then report the actual occurrence. Its not rocket science. They report cases of Tommy Robinson and many others who literally were arrested and jailed???? for "saying stuff" !!!

sensible / useful book end to this thread , the Corbyn yrs, the world etc

thanks (goes off to commit hari kari )
I thought there was a lot of dog-whistle anti-Semitism stuff about Miliband, perhaps most notably the Daily Mail piece about his father being disloyal to the country.
the first time Labour = anti-semites got an airing as well. After Miliband actually condemned Israel's latest invasion of Gaza it started up. Maureen Lipman tore up her party card for the first time.
So on a day when you'd have thought the PLP might be aflame with attacks on Cameron, Osborne and their fellow 1. % ers, instead Progress's 8 point plan to combat alleged LP anti semitism seems to be a much bigger preoccupation for many of the usual suspects .

Don't know if anyone's looked into this deeper than me ( wldnt be hard ) , but so far the evidence I've seen mentioned supporting the idea of a wave of LP anti semitism is 2 / 3 weirdos on Twitter spouting crap, and a resignation from / subsequent investigation of Ox Uni Lab Club that never seems to throw up anything concrete / otherwise .

Anyone else highly suspicious here, on all sorts of fronts ? ( ie : usual attempts to smear opponents of Israeli illegal occupation / settlements/ oppression, - blatant attempt to undermine Corbo / McDonnell / Milne - desperation of Progress to reassert in any way they can - wider, global attempts to delegitimise anti Zionism / # BDS etc etc ) .

From late 80s SWP membership, to now, have personally barely come across anyone I even suspected of anti semitism on the left ( dodgy Cnut on a Palstine march long time ago, some anarchos shut him up,+ a div last year who mentioned ' Zionist Bankers' on Twitter, and then went quiet when challenged ) , does anyone have different experiences / is this in any way more legit than it looks?
Sadly no it isn’t

it’s a conflation of

1) genuine Zionists wanting to suppress criticism of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians

2) the Labour Right weaponising the above to put the Left on the defensive.

very sad: and I expected nothing of Starmer hence I’m not disappointed. Wonder how long it will take naive Labour Party members who voted for this creep to realise they’ve been mugged? serves them right, except for it affects others too.
plus 3,600+ posts on this thread giving an average of more than 2 posts a day for 4 years (just missed the anniversary :( ) pushing 'labour & anti-semitism' to the top of the New Posts Urban consciousness

"must all be anti-semites after all then" :thumbs:
"must all be anti-semites after all then" :thumbs:

no, but there is strange obsession with ‘disproving’ Antisemitism. As you allude to, this didn’t exactly make the LP seem less Antisemitic. And as I said above, it has been a gift for actual Zionists
It is, particularly seeing as how the Yougov surveys seem to show that antisemitism is (a) actually less in the labour party than society more widely and particularly less than racism in the tory party and (b) has decreased since corbyn took office.

I'm not all that keen on Nandy but I though she was right when she said (as I recall) that labour's problem was with a few high-profile anti-semites who weren't dealt with properly which made it look like there was a problem with rank-and-file labour members which just wasn't true.
So today the Jewish Chronicle went into liquidation after nearly 180 years of operation - I found out because it was trending on Twitter. The Jewish Chronicle to go into liquidation Most of the first tweets about it were people braying about how it was a nasty Zionist rag, viciously anti-Corbyn (and it was, tbf - the last editor Stephen Pollard had taken it down a horrible, paranoid, right-wing path). Although I was not a fan of its politics I found it rather gross people making the JC about them and their politics and ignoring what its loss might mean to individuals, non-politically, as a community resource keeping people in touch with what was going around the country and world.
I haven't read anything about that happening today Cloo I won't condone any nonsense 'braying' however given how much the JC has had to pay out in legal costs & compensation over the few years it's been on my radar for the drivel/libel they have published I can't say I am surprised tbh.
The editor was an arse and really did target people unnecessarily - sad he squandered JCs money and energy on this stuff so this potential community asset is lost. Saw one good tweet saying people should save their ire for Pollard, not the JC.
The editor was an arse and really did target people unnecessarily - sad he squandered JCs money and energy on this stuff so this potential community asset is lost. Saw one good tweet saying people should save their ire for Pollard, not the JC.

That's a fair point for sure. Equally, the JC hasn't run off the back and decisions of just one person and just like with other papers, the people that contribute to it are also seen as 'partly' responsible because of their participation/collusion.
The editor was an arse and really did target people unnecessarily - sad he squandered JCs money and energy on this stuff so this potential community asset is lost. Saw one good tweet saying people should save their ire for Pollard, not the JC.

Pollard and Lee Harpin have a lot to answer for
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