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King Abdullah accused the UK of ignoring Saudi's forewarning of the 7/7 bombing.

Seeing as the story has nothing to do with Jazzz's famous 'poor patsies' yarn, faked CCTV footage claims and all the rest of the 7/7 garbage he spouted here, perhaps you might explain what he has to do with King Abdullah's comments?

Here's the actual story:
King Abdullah, currently on a state visit to Britain, said in an interview that his country had "sent information before the terrorist attacks" which was not acted upon and which "may have been able to avert the tragedy".

However, MI5 has hit back with a rare public statement on the agency's website stating: "No prior warning of the attacks was received from any source. The Saudis provided information about possible planning for an attack in the UK which was materially different from the attacks that took place in London on 7 July."

A Whitehall official added that the tip from the Saudis was "vague and lacking detail".

...The King's comments on the 7/7 attacks, which killed 56 people, were interpreted as an attempt by the Saudis to deflect criticism expected during the visit that they are not doing enough to tackle terrorism.

Yeah, I seem to recall them mentioning something like this afterwards as well, with MI5 making the same response.

Frankly I'd trust the Saudis' word on it even less than I'd trust Blair mind you. Well, okay, you can't have negative trust, admittedly.
That's not a contradiction. According to MI5 the Saudis provided "warnings" which did not actually refer to the bombings themselves. The Whitehall spokesperson adds that they were vague and lacking in detail. Both of those can certainly be the case; something can be both vague and inaccurate. "Something nasty will happen to you in a shopping centre" is vague, and also inaccurate if nothing happens to you in a shopping centre.
It's an old story and was copvered in Bob Woodwards State of Denial pages 400-402 in 2006. Memo 14 Dec 2004, man called Adel, Saudi national, caught with false passport & interrogated by Saudis, he said in 6 months there'll be multifaceted London operation, using explosives from Bosnia, including area round ''Edgewood Rd'' ( sic). 4 people carrying it out, one with tattooed fingers, co-ordinated by a Libyan businessman, cost $500k, supported by European-looking Caucasians, the bombers would come from 4 different countries, Syrian phone number would give the signal.

That was not enough to stop the bombs - some of the details are wrong, no dates, no contacts, Syrian number didn;t check out, and it was shared with CIA and Uk intel at the time . It should however have affected the security level which was decreased on 6/7/05.

The info which is not new is being wheeled out by the wiley King A to quell criticism about why so much Saudi money is funding Wahabbi Islamic projects in the UK, a fundementalist form of Islam which is relatively new in Europe and quite different to Pakistani Barelwi Islam
Blagsta said:
Yes, and?

Oh I get it - you're in a hole and trying to dig yourself out. Again.
You're not wrong there.

What possible justification is there for having a thread about Jazzz in the "UK politics, current affairs and news" forum?
Anyone else think this was just a clever ploy to distract the papers being filled with BAE stories or protests against his visit?
Blagsta said:
Yes, and?

Oh I get it - you're in a hole and trying to dig yourself out. Again.

Don't be a berk.

The thread was intended as such but the post you quoted had fuck all to do with what you was banging on about.
The thread was intended as such what? You're not even making any sense anymore. Are you OK?
Kid_Eternity said:
Anyone else think this was just a clever ploy to distract the papers being filled with BAE stories or protests against his visit?
Absolutely. Good day to bury bad news basically, in a round-about fashion innit.
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