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Keir Starmer's time is up

I'm a floating voter so will vote for whatever party best represents me at the time. My voting issues are wealth inequality, the environment, drug policy and various other things. I have the privilege of living in Scotland so currently it's the SNP for me. They are our (as in the Scottish people's) only way out of Brexit and Nicola is a far better opposition leader than Starmer is (though I've neither been in love with her or Scottish independence historically).

Some choppy water coming up for the SNP from what I understand
Didn't know which of the two pillocks' threads to put this on, but this one was on the first page of New Posts :D

Why does Johnson keep pushing the line that Starmer's support for government initiatives is flaky and he keeps changing his mind, given the government's own well-documented history of frequent u-turns?

I honestly don't know if it's actually gaining any traction out of PMQs and the like. Are the public/media buying it?
Some choppy water coming up for the SNP from what I understand

Maybe. It's not like I agree with them on everything, although they are our only way back into the EU. I have half an eye on the Scottish Greens, but not sure they even fielded a candidate in my area the last time, and it's always a worry the Tories could get in somewhere due to the Yoon vote.
Didn't know which of the two pillocks' threads to put this on, but this one was on the first page of New Posts :D

Why does Johnson keep pushing the line that Starmer's support for government initiatives is flaky and he keeps changing his mind, given the government's own well-documented history of frequent u-turns?

I honestly don't know if it's actually gaining any traction out of PMQs and the like. Are the public/media buying it?
Johnson’s mo at pmq’s is to not answer questions presumably because he does not know the answers & instead accuse Starmer of trying to play politics with Covid & so on. Johnson just continues with this like a stuck record. Anything Starmer says about export problems post brexit then it’s just accusations of being a remainer. Johnson has even been told off by the speaker about the refusal to answer questions & just take the piss but nothing changes.

It is populism I suppose. Playing to his supporters. I think this is why Starmer is keeping things a bit low key right now. I would have thought even 2 years is enough time before the next general election to mount a gradual election campaign so there is time left yet. Also if Labour do decide to change their leader they probably need to do it over 2 years before next ge. I can’t see it though. I reckon Starmer will either be prime minister or ex leader of the opposition after next ge.

I wonder many people actually watch or listen to pmq’s though ?
Johnson’s mo at pmq’s is to not answer questions presumably because he does not know the answers & instead accuse Starmer of trying to play politics with Covid & so on. Johnson just continues with this like a stuck record. Anything Starmer says about export problems post brexit then it’s just accusations of being a remainer. Johnson has even been told off by the speaker about the refusal to answer questions & just take the piss but nothing changes.

It is populism I suppose. Playing to his supporters. I think this is why Starmer is keeping things a bit low key right now. I would have thought even 2 years is enough time before the next general election to mount a gradual election campaign so there is time left yet. Also if Labour do decide to change their leader they probably need to do it over 2 years before next ge. I can’t see it though. I reckon Starmer will either be prime minister or ex leader of the opposition after next ge.

I wonder many people actually watch or listen to pmq’s though ?
you do know there are local and regional elections in between general elections? that there are elections to the scottish parliament in a few months? if sks is being shite now it's likely because he's not playing the long game but he's simply not as good as he thinks he is at this game.
you do know there are local and regional elections in between general elections? that there are elections to the scottish parliament in a few months? if sks is being shite now it's likely because he's not playing the long game but he's simply not as good as he thinks he is at this game.
I think he has decided it is better to play the long game for reasons I stated but I agree with you that he is not as good as he thinks he is. Question I asked earlier though. When do Labour kick him out of the job & who do they replace him with ? I think Labour have written off Scotland though.
I think he has decided it is better to play the long game for reasons I stated but I agree with you that he is not as good as he thinks he is. Question I asked earlier though. When do Labour kick him out of the job & who do they replace him with ? I think Labour have written off Scotland though.
never mind the long game, he might show he has some politics. he's been abysmal over brexit, absolutely supine. there's been nothing there to suggest he has any ideas to put forwards about the country's relationship with the eu. he's been abysmal with the covert human intelligence sources bill. this isn't about prime minister's questions, this is about the larger issue of does he have any politics or principles? and i suspect he doesn't. as for who they get, i don't imagine they'll be much of an improvement.
never mind the long game, he might show he has some politics. he's been abysmal over brexit, absolutely supine. there's been nothing there to suggest he has any ideas to put forwards about the country's relationship with the eu. he's been abysmal with the covert human intelligence sources bill. this isn't about prime minister's questions, this is about the larger issue of does he have any politics or principles? and i suspect he doesn't. as for who they get, i don't imagine they'll be much of an improvement.
During the leadership election someone asked my OH if she was going to vote for SKS and she used the old (apocryphal ?) 1994 Miners' response to the similar question about Blair...nah, I'm Labour.
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Didn't know which of the two pillocks' threads to put this on, but this one was on the first page of New Posts :D

Why does Johnson keep pushing the line that Starmer's support for government initiatives is flaky and he keeps changing his mind, given the government's own well-documented history of frequent u-turns?
I don't really have a proper answer for this, but I think it'd be funny if Johnson just went full in on it. Like "last month I was saying this thing and Starmer said he agreed with me, and now I'm saying the complete opposite, and yet Starmer still thinks I'm right. He has completely changed his position over the course of the last month, the man is unreliable and cannot be trusted!"
Maybe. It's not like I agree with them on everything, although they are our only way back into the EU. I have half an eye on the Scottish Greens, but not sure they even fielded a candidate in my area the last time, and it's always a worry the Tories could get in somewhere due to the Yoon vote.
In terms of European politics a vote for SNP or Scottish Greens used to lbe a vote for the same party.
Maybe. It's not like I agree with them on everything, although they are our only way back into the EU. I have half an eye on the Scottish Greens, but not sure they even fielded a candidate in my area the last time, and it's always a worry the Tories could get in somewhere due to the Yoon vote.
Whilst the Labour left rage at Kieth for wanting to wrap himself in the Union Jack...
He will transform the war on drugs by repurposing the term k-hole to apply instead to the ultimate destination for him and his policies.

Bernard Cribbins hopes that Starmer doesnt take too long to complete this transformation, since theres a song he'd like to repurpose for the occasion whilst he is still alive.
Team Starmerarma must be a bleak place to be right now.

Johnston is about to get a poll bounce as science potentially saves us and him from the pandemic. The botched PPE, the botched test, track and trace system, the 3 previous attempts to release lockdown, operation moonshot, the criminal incompetence, the lives lost - will all seem a distant memory to enough people soon. Johnston will - if he manages to not fuck it up - benefit from the genius and hard work of others.

In Scotland Labour continues to decompose.

Local elections loom.

But, as the last few pages of this thread show, Starmer looks safe purely on the basis that there is no credible successor.

During happier times for his now departed fan club on here, and his media pals, he was compared to Wilson. A more apt description appears to be Michael Howard. An unloved leader, a party doomed to defeat, a party out of ideas....

Caption competition anyone?
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