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Keir Starmer's time is up

I think he chose not to engage with it, instead giving a pretty decent explanation why he thought the taking of the knee was worthwhile. We've all wasted many hours of our lives 'calling out' racist conspiracy theorists to zero effect, tbh I can't really blame Starmer for trying a different approach.

" I think he chose not to engage with it......... We've all wasted many hours of our lives 'calling out' racist conspiracy theorists to zero effect, tbh I can't really blame Corbyn for trying a different approach."

imagine...just imagine ..... lolz
If you are an antiracist, you call out white supremacist conspiracy theories. It is as simple as that.

If he did not recognise the conspiracy theory even after it was said to him twice, he should be no where near the leadership
Seriously though, Ferrari is an open "go back to your own country" racist. Starmer should not be raising his profile in this way

I don’t think Starmer is doing it to raise Ferrari’s profile. He’s the absolute wrong person to do it, but the more engagement there is with the programme’s listener’s the better. The more shit ideas are debunked the better.
Quite a clever piece of trolling really. By framing ethno nationalism in Israeli terms.What could Starmer say to that that wouldn't be construed as "anti semitic".

They put a lot of energy into coordinating it. Doesn’t seem to be getting them (PA) anywhere

They tried it with majid nawaz the other day. Their fella (calling himself Oswald) just lost his shit
recognising racists on your side vs 'calling out' a racist on the other? of course there is.
So not being exactly the same makes something completely different? Naah. He missed/ignored the racist claim and just waffled about opposing all racism (and and then claimed we all 'have the right to self-determination' which is just nonsense)
So not being exactly the same makes something completely different? Naah. He missed/ignored the racist claim and just waffled about opposing all racism (and and then claimed we all 'have the right to self-determination' which is just nonsense)
Or he chose not to engage with the fascist on the terms the fascist tried to engage him in. Let's be honest, the tactic of 'calling out' stuff hasn't exactly proved to be massively successful - and she was hoping to be called out. That's why she called.

I don't think there's any easy way of dealing with this kind of provocation tbf - it's lose/lose in many ways. But refusing to be baited and pushing home a clear anti-racist message is one way, and I don't think it's any worse than getting involved in some on-air slanging match about racist conspiracy theories.
You don't need to get in a ding dong, but you do need to say the claim isn't true. And his anti-racist message wasn't clear or even accurate.
The caller wasn't calling in and certain people won't be nodding along because they've got a point of fact wrong. Putting aside the details of Starmer's response, "class not race" isn't just a slogan. Why reply to a racist question on their terms - ie. race? It's nice to give Starmer a kicking and all but you're being really stupid here.
The caller wasn't calling in and certain people won't be nodding along because they've got a point of fact wrong. Putting aside the details of Starmer's response, "class not race" isn't just a slogan. Why reply to a racist question on their terms - ie. race? It's nice to give Starmer a kicking and all but you're being really stupid here.
Damn, you're right, the best way to oppose racism is to talk about something else and pretend racism isn't an actual issue. That's always worked really well in the past.
I don’t think Starmer is doing it to raise Ferrari’s profile. He’s the absolute wrong person to do it, but the more engagement there is with the programme’s listener’s the better. The more shit ideas are debunked the better.
You misunderstood me if you thought I was saying Starmer went on this to raise Ferrari's profile. I know why he went on, and he shouldnt have.

Sir Starmer made a point of refusing to give an interview to the Sun, because of the Hillsborough coverage some 30 years ago now.
This piece of shit Ferrari in the last few months asked a British women of colour why she doesnt go back to her own country, and scaremongered that Jamaican paedophiles and racists will be moving in to a street near you. He's a long history of it - heres a complaint of racist incitement upheld back in 2003. I'm sure there are endless other incidents, I do not follow the mans utterings unless I can avoid it. He puts a green light on for racist callers and thats why you get fake calls like the one today on his show. LBC happily employed Katie Hopkins and Nigel Farage - both open ultra-nationalist racists and white supremacists. The station is a sewer, and Ferarri is one of their proudest turds floating in it.

Starmer is meant to be the prime minister in waiting. I presume as such he wouldn't do an interview with David Icke, even though he would be communicating with that all important part of the electorate, the ever growing army of conspiracy loons. Nor would he be doing a cooking slot on Nick Griffins BNP Kitchen youtube channel. He's already said he won't do the Sun (until he inevitably does of course).

So why go on Nick Ferrari show? Why treat him as a respectable broadcaster, one who is of a status to interview a Prime Minister? Obviously Boris Johnson will go on there because racist nationalists like to stick together and wank off their mutual base. I couldn't even be in the same room as that piece of shit. But hey maybe Starmer has got a blind spot to racism? Maybe he needs to go on a racism awareness course? Maybe he leads a party that doesn't take racism seriously?

I'm sick of all these bigoted cunts being treated like serious and respectable people, appearing on Question Time and all the rest. They should be barred from pubs, never mind allowed prime spots on mainstream media. And Starmer going on there just gives them that tick of approval, of reputability, enabling the whole ideology and in turn dragging this country by the hair backwards to the 1970s.
You misunderstood me if you thought I was saying Starmer went on this to raise Ferrari's profile. I know why he went on, and he shouldnt have.

Sir Starmer made a point of refusing to give an interview to the Sun, because of the Hillsborough coverage some 30 years ago now.
This piece of shit Ferrari in the last few months asked a British women of colour why she doesnt go back to her own country, and scaremongered that Jamaican paedophiles and racists will be moving in to a street near you. He's a long history of it - heres a complaint of racist incitement upheld back in 2003. I'm sure there are endless other incidents, I do not follow the mans utterings unless I can avoid it. LBC happily employed Katie Hopkins and Nigel Farage - both open ultra-nationalist racists and white supremacists. The station is a sewer, and Ferarri is one of their proudest turds floating in it.

Starmer is meant to be the prime minister in waiting. I presume as such he wouldn't do an interview with David Icke, even though he would be communicating with that all important part of the electorate, the ever growing army of conspiracy loons. Nor would he being doing a cooking slot on Nick Griffins BNP Kitchen youtube channel. He's already said he won't do the Sun (until he inevitably does of course).

So why go on Nick Ferrari show? Why treat him as a respectable broadcaster, one who is of a status to interview a Prime Ministers? Obviously Boris Johnson will go on there because racist nationalists like to stick together and wank off their base. I couldn't even be in the same room as that piece of shit. But hey maybe Starmer has got a blind spot to racism? Maybe he needs to go on a racism awareness course? Maybe he leads a party that doesn't take racism seriously?

I'm sick of all these bigoted cunts being treated like serious and respectable people, appearing on Question Time and all the rest. They should be barred from pubs, never mind allowed prime spots on mainstream media. And Starmer going on there just gives them that tick of approval, of reputability, enabling the whole ideology and in turn dragging this country by the hair backwards to the 1970s.
Agree with this post, but it's worth saying Starmer only made a point of refusing to give an interview to The Sun because he was asked about it at a leadership hustings in Liverpool - it certainly wasn't a point of principle.
Agree with this post, but it's worth saying Starmer only made a point of refusing to give an interview to The Sun because he was asked about it at a leadership hustings in Liverpool - it certainly wasn't a point of principle.
yeah i know that but i want to use it against him for my argument ;)
So why go on Nick Ferrari show? Why treat him as a respectable broadcaster, one who is of a status to interview a Prime Minister? But hey maybe Starmer has got a blind spot to racism? Maybe he needs to go on a racism awareness course? Maybe he leads a party that doesn't take racism seriously?

Maybe it’s none of those reasons? Maybe Starmer, or someone in his office, recognises that beyond the host and the committed racists among the audience, that the vast mass of those tuning in are precisely those that Labour needs to engage with and win?

As I say, the efficacy of Starmer’s drab metropolitan elite liberalism is another matter.

We aren't going to agree on this, but contesting these spaces, instead of shouting at them from outside, should be an organising principe.
I’ve got no issue with engaging with and undermining that kind of rhetoric. None at all.

Yes I know and your post suggested that is what should be done instead of boycotting shows like that and moaning from the outside...How would you do that then is my question? Because from where I am sitting KS didn't do that and if he is going to sit next to Nick Fuckshit on the regular and take calls he is going to have to do just that.
The PA woman’s 2066 date (which they have as the mast head to of their website, counting down the seconds no less) is easy to undermine - it’s an estimate from (I think) ten years ago, made by one bloke.

one way to undermine the politics of racial animus and ancestor worship is to is stop looking the other way when it suits

Also ask them why so many of their milieu are nonces with weird pseudonyms, and why they are so keen to recruit: children, autistic people - this is a thing (there are some very unpleasant autistic men - Jonty bravery for example) and ex alcoholics.

And challenge their eugenic ideas. Not a good look to be into killing kids, old people, the vulnerable (which is why the NHS is so keen to cover up of course).
Also ask them why so many of their milieu are nonces with weird pseudonyms, and why they are so keen to recruit: children, autistic people - this is a thing (there are some very unpleasant autistic men - Jonty bravery for example) and ex alcoholics.
On face value that appears an unnecessarily unpleasant observation.
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