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Keir Starmer's time is up

Keith's top priority is defence spending. Not looking after the citizens of our country during a pandemic, defence spending.

TBF Corbyn should have done some of this - not so much bland discussions of defence spending not being high enough, but highlighting what the 2010-2015 and its successor government actually did to the military and its personnel.

Not doing it gave them a free run in an area that they really should have been crucified over, the sacking of people just to save paying them the pension they'd earned especially. There were people who were made redunant whilst they were overseas, including in Afghanistan. The firm that runs the (privatized) defence housing rips service personnel off, and is next year going to rip them off even more.
That is so bland I want to puke. Labour Party. Back to being a controlled opposition.

Mild opposition to this tory shitshow is tacit support. The terms of reference set by the tories are accepted unquestionably, and any objections are merely technical in nature. So it's a failure of statecraft Johnson is guilty of, not complete moral and political bankruptcy or what is effectively criminal insider trading on behalf of his chums who have gambled on the collapse of the UK economy. Starmer's supposed to be law and order isn't he? The man who put people in jail for years for stealing stuff worth pennies? Why then does he see Johnson's fuckery as a mere failure of management, rather than a deliberate and criminal act of sabotage?
Sir Starmer was on LBC this morning for a Call Keith session with Nick Ferrari. Some white supremacist loon calls up and starts banging on about the replacement conspiracy theory. Does Keith call out white supremacy on a national radio station? Oh no....

Peak centrism.
Some groyper tried to get starmer to engage in discussion about ‘whites becoming a minority by 2066’. Starmer either ignored this or didn’t pick up on it
He talks about how all racism is bad and taking the knee at footy is good and completely ignores the conspiraloon stuff, doesn’t bother saying it’s not true.
If failing to call out someone spouting the great replacement neo nazi conspiracy theory is handling it well, he did an amazing job.
I think he chose not to engage with it, instead giving a pretty decent explanation why he thought the taking of the knee was worthwhile. We've all wasted many hours of our lives 'calling out' racist conspiracy theorists to zero effect, tbh I can't really blame Starmer for trying a different approach.
The best I can say for him is he did not know what the great replacement conspiracy was and does not recognise racism. Which does not make things much better.
Getting groyped by a neo nazi yoga teacher living in Ibiza is probably a hazard of going on a radio show hosted by a racist mind. I always thought that the Call Keith half hour would end badly.
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