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Keir Starmer's time is up

The FBPE guys are operating in a totally different political landscape now though tbf - last year there was a minority government and a vague chance - though slim - of somehow reversing Brexit by putting pressure on Labour. That isn't there anymore.
From the silence of the abusive FBPE cult, it has become quite clear that their main aim was to oppose Corbyn and not Brexit.
I think that's a mischaracterisation - they really did and still do hate Brexit, though because they didn't respect the referendum (which was a truly shit unspecific referendum tbf) nothing but outright second-referendumism-with-a-view-to-stay-in was good enough for them, hence anti-Corbyn sentiment. With Brexit about to happen any day now theres not much to oppose. There's bound to be a lot of complaining in the new year...and ever more.
I expect the rejoin brigade will be campaigning by the next election and Europe will be a divisive issue for Labour, as it was for the Tories, for years to come.
The FBPE guys are operating in a totally different political landscape now though tbf - last year there was a minority government and a vague chance - though slim - of somehow reversing Brexit by putting pressure on Labour. That isn't there anymore.

This is not the sort of wishy washy commitment to the cause I expect from them.
OK I'm confused.

I had to Google FBPE. Full Brexit Prompt Exit Twitter thing? Surely they're for Brexit not against unless it's some strange irony that I don't understand.
On another note, the very fact that journalists have not door stepped Theresa May and cohorts this morning after the damming Windrush EHRC report, there is not wall to wall breathless media coverage and (so far) Sir Keith has so far been silent about it - very much suggests Mr Corbyn was correct and antisemitism coverage has been overblown.
A complaint from a former Workers Power member and mad Paul Mason contemporary has led to the two expulsions and two suspensions of four EC members of Liverpool CLP.
The substance of the complaint is that they circulated an open letter critical of their local MP.


"I am writing to you to register a formal complaint regarding a bulletin I received from the Secretary of Wavertree CLP on 26 May 2020. Specifically I want to complain about a letter that was included in this bulletin to our local MP, Paula Barker, and that was signed by four Executive Committee members, Nina Houghton, Chair, Wavertree CLP, Kevin Bean, Secretary, Wavertree CLP, Helen Dickson, Women’s Officer, Wavertree CLP and Hazuan Hashim, BAME Officer, Wavertree CLP.

The letter is a response to an article Paula published in the Jewish Telegraph. The letter states of Paula that “she failed to clearly and unequivocally defend Wavertree CLP from the slanders thrown at us over the last two years”. This astonishing claim has been circulated to every member of our CLP. It may well be the opinion of the four authors but it has now been published as a fact to our many hundreds of members in a so-called “Members’ Bulletin” by the authors.
Which leads directly to my complaint. The authors of the letter may believe that our MP is now an enemy of Wavertree CLP but by publishing the letter and declaring
war on our MP in a bulletin that has already made it into the public domain, by whatever means, they have brought the entire CLP into disrepute. I believe:
· that it was inappropriate to include such a letter in a members' bulletin, which should be used exclusively to communicate information rather than serve factional
· that in the light of the restrictions on meetings the decision to publish such a letter ina member’s bulletin without the approval of an appropriate leading body is a
breach of the collective responsibility of the Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the CLP
· that by signing their names to the letter in their official capacity rather than in a personal capacity the authors have misled the membership of the CLP that the letter is
somehow an authoritative representation of the views of the leadership
· that the disclosure of a private letter to an MP by four individuals (purporting falsely to be in their official capacity) without clearly stating that it is an “open
letter” is a breach of confidentiality.
In the light of the above I regard the actions of the above four named people to be unfit to serve on the CLP’s Executive Committee and I request that
action be taken to remove them forthwith."
A complaint from a former Workers Power member and mad Paul Mason contemporary has led to the two expulsions and two suspensions of four EC members of Liverpool CLP.
The substance of the complaint is that they circulated an open letter critical of their local MP.


"I am writing to you to register a formal complaint regarding a bulletin I received from the Secretary of Wavertree CLP on 26 May 2020. Specifically I want to complain about a letter that was included in this bulletin to our local MP, Paula Barker, and that was signed by four Executive Committee members, Nina Houghton, Chair, Wavertree CLP, Kevin Bean, Secretary, Wavertree CLP, Helen Dickson, Women’s Officer, Wavertree CLP and Hazuan Hashim, BAME Officer, Wavertree CLP.

The letter is a response to an article Paula published in the Jewish Telegraph. The letter states of Paula that “she failed to clearly and unequivocally defend Wavertree CLP from the slanders thrown at us over the last two years”. This astonishing claim has been circulated to every member of our CLP. It may well be the opinion of the four authors but it has now been published as a fact to our many hundreds of members in a so-called “Members’ Bulletin” by the authors.
Which leads directly to my complaint. The authors of the letter may believe that our MP is now an enemy of Wavertree CLP but by publishing the letter and declaring
war on our MP in a bulletin that has already made it into the public domain, by whatever means, they have brought the entire CLP into disrepute. I believe:
· that it was inappropriate to include such a letter in a members' bulletin, which should be used exclusively to communicate information rather than serve factional
· that in the light of the restrictions on meetings the decision to publish such a letter ina member’s bulletin without the approval of an appropriate leading body is a
breach of the collective responsibility of the Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the CLP
· that by signing their names to the letter in their official capacity rather than in a personal capacity the authors have misled the membership of the CLP that the letter is
somehow an authoritative representation of the views of the leadership
· that the disclosure of a private letter to an MP by four individuals (purporting falsely to be in their official capacity) without clearly stating that it is an “open
letter” is a breach of confidentiality.
In the light of the above I regard the actions of the above four named people to be unfit to serve on the CLP’s Executive Committee and I request that
action be taken to remove them forthwith."

hang on, I thought it was the left who were Stalinists
This might be time to tell the country that it is a bad deal and vote against it, instead of being complicit in a Tory Brexit but that would involve having some balls and competence and having some free time from waging factional war on anyone left of the Board of Deputies.
It will be a bad deal, and should have been opposed all along, but it’s too late now.
Some balls and competence opposing a Tory brexit, what did you make of Corbyn and the lexiteers then?
Aren’t Wavertree CLP the ones who harassed Luciana Berger out and whose chair appeared on David Ickes show denouncing the Rothschilds?
Luciana Berger was (and is) right wing shite, did her. Tho the chair is a complete dick too.

The above mentioned Kevin Bean (who I knew years back when he was a milly) was expelled not for the letter, but for speaking twice at a cpgb event. Sadly for him, the useless buffoons in the cpgb put one video up under his real name and one under his party name, thus exposing him.
Aren’t Wavertree CLP the ones who harassed Luciana Berger out and whose chair appeared on David Ickes show denouncing the Rothschilds?
They passed a motion of no confidence in their MP Luciana Berger and there was certainly allegations of harassment but I'm not sure where the complaint finished up. The then chair appeared on the Richie Allen show (a different conspiracy theorist to Icke), but doesn't seem to have denounced the Rothschilds while on it. So apart from most of the detail being wrong, that is the CLP you're thinking of, yeah.
They passed a motion of no confidence in their MP Luciana Berger and there was certainly allegations of harassment but I'm not sure where the complaint finished up. The then chair appeared on the Richie Allen show (a different conspiracy theorist to Icke), but doesn't seem to have denounced the Rothschilds while on it. So apart from most of the detail being wrong, that is the CLP you're thinking of, yeah.
He did come out with the Rothschild bullshit on at least one of those shows
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They passed a motion of no confidence in their MP Luciana Berger and there was certainly allegations of harassment but I'm not sure where the complaint finished up. The then chair appeared on the Richie Allen show (a different conspiracy theorist to Icke), but doesn't seem to have denounced the Rothschilds while on it. So apart from most of the detail being wrong, that is the CLP you're thinking of, yeah.
I’m not sure where the complaint finished up either, he certainly seems to have been around to choose her successor, along with Margaret Tyson in the front row who said Ms Berger supported the “Zionist Israeli government” whose “Nazi masters taught them well”

I did get my conspiracy theorists mixed up, it was the Richie Allen show broadcast by David Icke, thanks for that clarification. He did denounce the Rothschilds.
With Corbyn your would have got a sensible exit. You're welcome.
In that alternate world it wouldve been a Norwayesque deal: the Brexiters wouldve never let it lie, the Remainers wouldve never let it lie - full on Brexit arguing into infinity - I actually prefer a 100% Tory owned Hard/Crash Out Brexit with Labour internal civil war for a few years outcome
Oh dear. How did we get such a team of amateurs in charge of the Labour Party. I have a theory that Starmer is been bullied by the big business he is in hock to and the Board of Deputies which is why he keeps getting himself in these messes. He has been instructed to stamp out the left so no one else gets any funny ideas about social democracy. when he fails he will be cast aside.

One interesting thing, there is no reason why Starmer would not release the records... unless he was guilty of lying to the Jewish community orgs, and if that is the case, he is history.

This could well be yet another case of centrists underestimating Corbyn and getting egg on their faces.
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