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Keir Starmer's time is up

She can have whatever views she likes and have whatever friends she likes, but that kind of attitude is not going to get people coming back to Labour, it’s probably why Starmer felt the need to come down like he did.

I think that’s trivial in the scheme of things.

But today she’s walking out of the NEC in support of a former leader who she found toxic on the doorstep. It doesn’t suggest anything is moving on for her cohort in Labour and while Starmer feels he has to favour Hodge over Corbyn it certainly isn’t moving on in any other cohort either.
They walked out because of the way they were being marginalised in general, using the change in process for choosing the chair (a very significant role for choosing what gets discussed and how) as the specific breaking point.

The idea Starmer could win any election without those members and voters who were inspired by Corbyn is laughable.
Laura Pidcock, who lost her seat for the first time since the '50s with a 13% swing and who couldn't be friends with a tory was involved, why don't this lot just fuck off?. So much time and energy wasted.

You centrists are pretty authoritarian aren't you. Glad to see all pretence of a broad church has been suddenly dropped since Sir Keith Stalin took over on a bed of lies to the membership .

Perhaps your idiotic second referendum Brexit position caused that seat to fall , but accepting that would mean accepting some responsibility which you people seem to be unable to do.
As for time wasted, Starmer did not have to start this factional war on Corbyn. It was either his decision or he was bullied into it by your right wing faction and Tory trolls like the Board of Deputies.

But aye, you keep on cheering on this utterly hopeless clown's war on the left whilst the Tories are robbing the country.
So here we go, Starmer admits his Brexit policy cost seats in the North (via the Sun lol) which comes hot off the heals of his admittance that his war on Corbyn is factional (via a threatening letter he sent to the Young Labour chair)

The man is a shambles

The Sun have reported it - its highly unlikely that he has briefed the Sun on this.
He did give a speech saying he'll never talk to the Sun - so expect him to do so ahead of the next election
Perhaps Starmer will end up sending an aggressive letter to the FBPE types threatening them into silence, like he did with Young Labour.

At that point, there cannot be many demographics he has not thoroughly pissed off.
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