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Keir Starmer's time is up

No-one decided not to vote for RLB because of her Catholicism - that was just something lobbed at her to disrupt her campaign.
Did anyone give this any consideration all when deciding to vote? I find that pretty hard to believe.
Long Bailey wouldn't have mentioned it if she didn't think it would have some impact. She would have thought it was in her interest. But others wouldn't. Personally I would never vote for any devout adherent of any organised religion to represent me in any sphere of life. (There may be exceptions to this absolute rule, of course.)
How would it disrupt her campaign?
every day spent having to deny that she wants to restrict women's reproductive rights was a day she wasn't able to talk about her transformative political programme
Good job she wasn't Jewish, eh?
Absolutely. Although in the current context, a similar attack against a jewish candidate would probably have been deemed a bit on the nose.
It used to be the longest serving member got it, second longest vice, and then vice gets the chair ie, buggins turn. It was changed four years ago to a rolling basis, with the vice taking over from the chair after a year. Thus the right were chair twice under Corbyn and Ian Murray was due up.
Laura Pidcock, who lost her seat for the first time since the '50s with a 13% swing and who couldn't be friends with a tory was involved, why don't this lot just fuck off?. So much time and energy wasted.
Kerry Anne Mendoza

Is she still a thing on the crank left? Anecdotally, I never see online (by which I mean on Twitter or Facebook posts) the piss poor publication she was ‘editor’ of. It’s used to be fairly ubiquitous but seems to have gone out of fashion?
Is she still a thing on the crank left? Anecdotally, I never see online (by which I mean on Twitter or Facebook posts) the piss poor publication she was ‘editor’ of. It’s used to be fairly ubiquitous but seems to have gone out of fashion?
After the 2017 election facebook altered their algorithms, which seemed to have a significant effect on the various crank left clickbait sites – as far as I can tell they all still exist, and people like Mendoza still have influence, but they don’t have the same reach they once did. I don’t really keep tabs atm though mind…
FWIW I think it's pretty clear that viral facebook content from Canary, Another Angry Voice etc did have a significant impact on the 2017 election - I saw some analysis from Jim Waterson at the graun comparing the 2017/2019 election campaigns on FB and the difference was pretty stark - whereas in 2017 the leftwing viral pages cleaned up, the action in 2019 was all in closed right-wing groups - and not at all visible to those outside them, and leftwing content which would probably have taken flight in the 2017 election struggled to make any headway. I can't find the piece right now though, annoyingly.
Do you think it was 'her fault'? Do you think the voters of North West Durham were voting for or against Laura Pidcock, or her party?

No. Without question her abrasive style would have put people off, reinforced ideas people received about those sorts of left wingers the press were banging on about, but not enough to sway the outcome which was due in the greatest part to Brexit.

It’s just also clear from what she says that antipathy towards Corbyn was also a big factor that she experienced first hand.
As long as we're clear it wasn't Laura Pidcock not wanting to be friends with tories that was responsible.
She can have whatever views she likes and have whatever friends she likes, but that kind of attitude is not going to get people coming back to Labour, it’s probably why Starmer felt the need to come down like he did.
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