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Keir Starmer's time is up

Fair report from BBC,

At the time Sir Keir, who was then the shadow Brexit secretary, praised the manifesto saying it offered "real change" and "an ambition to meet the needs" of the country.

When he ran for the Labour leadership in 2020, he also said he would not "trash" the record of Mr Corbyn.
Just to add what I found so offensive about Starmer comments on Tory manifesto was that taking another swipe at Corbyn was unnecessary.

The Tory government is on the ropes. Its manifesto can be pulled apart without any references to Corbyn.

Bringing Corbyn in was purely gratitious nasty stunt typical of the right of the party.
Just to add what I found so offensive about Starmer comments on Tory manifesto was that taking another swipe at Corbyn was unnecessary.

The Tory government is on the ropes. Its manifesto can be pulled apart without any references to Corbyn.

Bringing Corbyn in was purely gratitious nasty stunt typical of the right of the party.
yeah hes enjoying himself now
Is he saying to them I don't want your vote? That's how it comes across.

yes - it's like the mandelson / blair 'where else are they [working class / left voters] going to go?' only more so.

it might just not matter to them this time if previous labour voters either don't bother, or vote for a fringe party - there's maybe a handful of seats where anyone remotely left of labour might get elected, and not that many seats this time where the anti-tory vote could be split enough to let the tories in (especially with refuck splitting the tory vote) and that handful of seats is unlikely to be enough to make a lot of difference to the majority.

it may well bite them in the arse come 2028/9.
Only leaflet we’ve had is from the ‘definitely not SWP’ candidate. It’s a bit shit.

I guess we’ll get ones through the post eventually. Bugger all campaigning being done here.
My partner is in a book club with a Labour councillor who confirmed that the CLP is basically on strike around here due to the imposition of the candidate. Not seen a single Labour sign up, which is unusual.

I mean, they're going to walk the election, but they're sowing the seeds of the mother of all comeuppances once reality sets in....
My partner is in a book club with a Labour councillor who confirmed that the CLP is basically on strike around here due to the imposition of the candidate. Not seen a single Labour sign up, which is unusual.

I mean, they're going to walk the election, but they're sowing the seeds of the mother of all comeuppances once reality sets in....
8 July then
Only leaflet we’ve had is from the ‘definitely not SWP’ candidate. It’s a bit shit.

I guess we’ll get ones through the post eventually. Bugger all campaigning being done here.
Same here. The Lib Dems have sent their official mailing. Nothing else.
The tory did get her face in the local paper claiming credit for something at the local hospital, but given she's only just transferred in, it looked a bit ridiculous. She's even stopped wittering on about the wonderful work the tory government did about shit in our rivers.
Wandering around town there's normally a few of the posher houses with vote tory signs, but I haven't seen a single one yet.

It's such a nailed on Lib Dem gain from Con that I'm seriously considering voting Green.
at this point corbyn is a free floating signifier for bad wrongness, it doesn't require any fleshing out just call something 'corbyn like' and everyone starts crossing themselves and making signs against evil
Oh, shit, "Corbyn" is Labour's "woke", isn't it?

The catch-all, lets your audience fill in the blanks boogie-word.
Watched him on Sky last night. I was not convinced he's an alternative to Tory party.

Then I watched Sunak. He convinced me of nothing, except he has a smarmy look about him.

So I then watched Panorama and the SNP leader.

Finally I came away with a decision.

There's not a single one I'd trust to tell me the time and be honest about it.
Watched him on Sky last night. I was not convinced he's an alternative to Tory party.

Then I watched Sunak. He convinced me of nothing, except he has a smarmy look about him.

So I then watched Panorama and the SNP leader.

Finally I came away with a decision.

There's not a single one I'd trust to tell me the time and be honest about it.
Thats how i feel too. It is just a money making venture to them all.
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