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Keir Starmer's time is up

People will often tell you who they are in the moment of surprise.

... sometimes they even tell you who they are when there is no moment of surprise ...

How big business took over the Labour Party

Labour Recruits MI6-Linked Consultants to Help Woo Business

Labour beats Tories in conference battle to lure business exhibitors

Keir Starmer Has "Reshaped" Labour's Relationship With Businesses That Flocked To Conference

Keir Starmer offers business a ‘partnership’ with government





"Britain's Future"
Ah a proportional representation guy. Sort of fits with that youthful Miliband thing he's got going on. Still, points for making Mr Grey a bit more uncomfortable (and glittery).
Nah Starmer was too realistically repulsed at being touched by an oik for that to be a setup (he's also got that stick wedged far too firmly up his arse to willingly accept being glittered)
A quip about still finding glitter come the general election or something would've done. 🤷‍♀️
Starmer attacked with glitter. Not sure what the protester is saying, sounds like "we demand a people's tout", maybe he couldn't get tickets for Les Mis. Unless it's "people tout" and he's advocating slavery.

Shame it wasn't an egg. Would have been more environmentally friendly.
Starmer's being interviewed in the 08:10h(ish) slot on Today. He's a charisma vacuum. He's stuttering and umming and ahing a lot. He's not at all confident or convincing.

I'll pass. Wound up enough by world events at the moment. Listening to more bullshit from Starmer might send me over the edge.. :mad:
If Keir Starmer were a holiday he'd be a chilly weekend in Cromer.

If he were a car, he'd be a grey Nissan Micra.

If he were a football match, he'd be a goalless draw on a gale-swept muddy swamp, between Swindon and MK Dons. In February.

If he were a vegetable, he'd be an arid, tasteless GM tomato hothoused in a non-place in Holland.

If he were a newspaper he'd be a silly season August Sunday Supplement in the i.

If he were legislation he'd be obscure codicils buried in the drier parts of Luxembourg's tax laws.

If he were a book, he'd be an unsold copy of Iain Duncan Smith's The Devil's Tune that had somehow escaped the pulper.

If he were an album, he'd be the Genesis comback 12" no one's waiting for.
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