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Keir Starmer's time is up

As is pointed out by one or two of the people commenting on that vid nowhere in the motion to bar Corbyn from standing is antisemitism mentioned, so......?

Yeah hence Starmer talking about one and then the other without actually linking the two. Because he knows full well there is no link, and nobody expects him to bother because he and the RW media have already shaken hands on a narrative.
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This, from John Gray, makes you wonder why he was so determinedly opposed to Corbyn, who may have offered at least a partial solution to the economic, if not social crises we face. He does address this in the article, but unconvincingly.

'A meme has it that the Labour leader has revealed himself to be exceptionally ruthless. A truly ruthless leader would take care to conceal their lack of scruples, but let that pass. If Starmer fails to inspire trust among voters – as is plainly the case – it is because he is unable to explain what he believes... He has denied ever having supported nationalising utilities, a claim that is hard to take seriously, since bringing Royal Mail and parts of the energy and water sectors into public ownership was included in the manifesto he defended in 2019, when Jeremy Corbyn was leader.

'A reassertion of the primacy of the state over the market is a precondition of any socially tolerable future for Britain. Public utilities ought to be taken into public ownership and cease being instruments for racking up the profits of private companies, often foreign-owned. No mainstream party offers voters that option.

Since the Cameron-Clegg coalition came to power in 2010, a progressivist fusion of economic and social liberalism with technocratic management has come to define the centre ground. William Hague and Tony Blair’s A New National Purpose: Innovation Can Power the Future of Britain, published in February by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, is a manifesto for this consensus. It is not one that has ever reflected the values of the British majority.

Today’s progressivist ideology – a farrago of critical race and gender theories imported from America – is a legitimating formula for a system in which institutions that once protected workers from markets have been dismantled. When social divisions are framed in terms of ethnic and gender identities, class hierarchies can be disregarded. Despairing working-class communities in post-industrial wastelands can be demonised as retrograde and deplorable, while would-be elites overproduced by a bloated higher-education system scramble for a foothold on crumbling career ladders. With class warfare masquerading as social justice, progressivism is the ruling version of bourgeois ideology. Somewhere, Marx’s shade must be laughing.'
you've as much political nous as the man who does the racing tips on the toady programme
A stopped clock is right twice a day. Starmer is the new Kinnock of our age. Supported by the right wing, the tories, Murdoch etc just so he can attack the left. They will turn on him. But just enough so labour lose. Not to get rid of the cunt.
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I worked in TGWU headquarters, Transport House at 16/17. During the miners strike. I was told to make him tea, a bit to put me in my place as I was a bit loud then. I thought about the ethics of spiking him and didn't do it. I left the teabag in a long time though.
I worked in TGWU headquarters, Transport House at 16/17. During the miners strike. I was told to make him tea, a bit to put me in my place as I was a bit loud then. I thought about the ethics of spiking him and didn't do it. I left the teabag in a long time though.
Should have just pissed or wanked in it mate.

According to the briefing, attended by figures including national campaign co-ordinator Shabana Mahmood and Starmer’s campaign director Morgan McSweeney, these voters believe that “we should not increase immigration numbers. They believe Britain should be proud of its past. They believe that young people do not respect British values.”
I may be "Message-sender in safe Labour seat"
I have been "Nose pincher" at most elections., .quite often"random stabber"at local ones..."can't be arsed" at most recent mayoral referendum....
He appears to be a classic example of a bullied kid who later achieves prominence and uses it to get back at the bullies. And fuck the rest of you. If Labour wins the next GE we can look forward to plenty of policies aimed at social control rather than social good.
At the end of the day, 13 million or so of the electorate are distinctly dodgy.
Only demographics can help us and it's going in the wrong direction ...
He appears to be a classic example of a bullied kid who later achieves prominence and uses it to get back at the bullies. And fuck the rest of you. If Labour wins the next GE we can look forward to plenty of policies aimed at social control rather than social good.
all policies are aimed at social control
He appears to be a classic example of a bullied kid who later achieves prominence and uses it to get back at the bullies. And fuck the rest of you. If Labour wins the next GE we can look forward to plenty of policies aimed at social control rather than social good.

I'm not convinced he will win the next election. It'd take a special kind of useless cunt to fail to beat this utterly discredited rump of a tory party but Starmer is a very special kind of useless cunt.
by no means, i'm on to the scout one now. but all policies are nonetheless aimed at social control - i take it from your ad hominem you can't think of an example which isn't

Not one example no, too many to count.

Maybe all policies are on some level aimed at preserving the state but the state has often been willing to trade an attenuated level of control for its own survival. Your interpretation effectively erases all progress won by social movements.
Not one example no, too many to count.

Maybe all policies are on some level aimed at preserving the state but the state has often been willing to trade an attenuated level of control for its own survival. Your interpretation effectively erases all progress won by social movements.
Too many to count but not a single example
all policies are aimed at social control

I'm not going to argue but I'm sure there have been at least a couple of government policies from some government at some point that were aimed at some kind of social good. It's not a hill I'd choose to die on, I can't think of any off the top of my head, and I don't see any policies aimed af social good in the near- to mid-term future, from anyone. Still I'd go with nearly all, because I'm feeling shit today and I don't want to feel worse.
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