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Keir Starmer's time is up

I'm not a judgemental person. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and meet them halfway. I hate being sneery.
This is a challenging watch

I think we have to accept that England in particular is right wing in inclination and Labour can only get on by getting some of them onside. Starmer definitely did not have to pick a fight with Corbyn and alienate a huge chunk of the "hard left" which not so long ago would have been seen as centre-left traditional Labour voters. The disgust with the current Govt was doing enough anyway. The problem is I don't think Starmer is just full of hot air to get the votes, I think he believes what he says. In a way I'm glad I live in an area where I don't have to vote for him just out of fear that the Tories could win. It really is time for PR
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I think we have to accept that England in particular is right wing in inclination and Labour can only get on by getting some of them onside. Starmer definitely did not have to pick a fight with Corbyn and alienate a huge chunk of the "hard left" but not so long ago would have been seen as centre-left traditional Labour voters. The disgust with the current Govt was doing enough anyway. The problem is I don't think Starmer is just full of hot air to get the votes, I think he believes what he says. In a way I'm glad I live in an area where I don't have to vote for him just out of fear that the Tories could win. It really is time for PR
No we don't
I tried watching question time last night (I'm not proud of it, I was terminally bored) and when after Thornberry gave the Tories a good ripping about immigration she then started to avoid questions about what labour's plans were and I fell asleep waiting for her to give a proper answer.

In short Thornberry shouldn't go as she is my new cure for insomnia.
Yes she does seem to have lost her mojo since Whitevangate. Having said that she didn't get much air time by Bruce, the diminutive "my constituents" Tory and the even duller Spectator hack got most of it
Oh yes we do.

No returns!
I think we have to accept that England in particular is right wing in inclination and Labour can only get on by getting some of them onside. Starmer definitely did not have to pick a fight with Corbyn and alienate a huge chunk of the "hard left" which not so long ago would have been seen as centre-left traditional Labour voters. The disgust with the current Govt was doing enough anyway. The problem is I don't think Starmer is just full of hot air to get the votes, I think he believes what he says. In a way I'm glad I live in an area where I don't have to vote for him just out of fear that the Tories could win. It really is time for PR
The reason shammer has moved the party to the right doesn't mean that England is in some way peculiarly inclined to the right. It's because shammer a) really wants to be his own man, b) because he's a rw shit, and c) because he has misunderstood the result of the 2019 election. He played a massive role in fucking up the last election for Labour with his stupid policy on brexit. But he's fucked off a great ton of people on the left of the party or who've been forced out of the party and who won't campaign for a shammerite party. Plus there's a campaign to run and shammer will drop votes every day that lasts.
Starmer relying on his personality to get votes. We're fucked then :eek:

After the pronouncements by the Great Man, the major benefit to people promised in that promotional video seems to be no rise in Council Tax ("Yes, you heard that right"). Nothing about energy or food prices or rents then which have been the real causes of price rises :facepalm:
Starmer relying on his personality to get votes. We're fucked then :eek:

After the pronouncements by the Great Man, the major benefit to people promised in that promotional video seems to be no rise in Council Tax ("Yes, you heard that right"). Nothing about energy or food prices or rents then which have been the real causes of price rises :facepalm:
I think John Majors’s soapbox would probably out-charisma Starmer
Starmer relying on his personality to get votes. We're fucked then :eek:

We're fucked whatever happens. Either way it's yet another government that will just run everything into the ground to prop up carpetbagger capitalism for a few more years. Either way it's an anti-worker government, an authoritarian government, a government in hock to the culture war nihilists who own the press.
What a load of bollox this is:

I do wonder sometimes if he actually knows that he's full of shit or if he thinks he's somehow doing the right things for good reasons.

But this kind of shit is so transparently cynical, there's no way that he doesn't know exactly what he's doing. He's a conniving bastard, and not even a good one. He's got no craft, no cunning, just a complete lack of shame. Makes Boris Johnson look like a brilliant politician. Johnson may be a one-trick pony, but that's one trick more than Starmer's got.
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