Jeff Robinson
Marxist-Lentilist: Jackboots and Jackfruit
Revisionist Starmer less favoured and more unfavoured than Marxist-Lentilist boss man J Corbyn:
Revisionist Starmer less favoured and more unfavoured than Marxist-Lentilist boss man J Corbyn:
and quoting the fucking s*n
Revisionist clique ramp up bourgeois law and order rhetoric
It'll be loyalty cards and redermable e-vouchers nextaside from the utter shamelessness of it all - facepaw indeed! - its also a classic non-policy, barely counts as a tweak. There are already restorative justice boards - whatever the fuck these new "victim payback boards" are its not much + its terrible tabloid language to use regarding crime - payback ffs
He certainly has the countenance of an Android.
It'll be loyalty cards and redermable e-vouchers next
'These aren't the policies you' re looking for, move along'He certainly has the countenance of an Android.
Revisionist humour in action:
Frankly I don't think the right wing of the Labour party (for it is them driving what passes for policy at the moment) give a flying fuck about poor. disadvantaged people.Honestly, what is the point of Labour, if it's indistinguishable from the Tories?
I understand their argument is not to give the game away about what their policies will or won't be at the next general election.
The problem with adopting that stance is that they'll have spent years, failing to stand up for working class people, failing to stand up for benefits claimants (many of whom actually working, so the solution isn't 'get on your bike, and get a job'), failing to stand up for disabled people, the elderly and children living in dire poverty, and when they want to start pushing glossy leaflets through letterboxes in the run up to the next GE, no one's going to believe their election pledges and policy promises, because it will come across as insincere and opportunist, and also who will they get to do all that leafleting and door-stepping after purging and alienating so many lefties.
I suspect that many who turned to the Tories over the last couple of general elections might now be deterred from supporting them again due to the cost of living crisis and Brexit fall-out and mishandling of the pandemic/giving £billions in contracts to their cronies.
But Labour isn't giving people anything to vote for. So I suspect many will abstain and there will be a low turnout.
Starmer and the rest of the centrist dads are taking the working class and poor people's votes for granted again, they seemingly haven't learned from the Red Wall turning blue. What are they hoping to achieve by prevaricating and not only failing to stand up for some of society's most impoverished and vulnerable people, but also failing to stand up for public sector workers like social workers, nurses and teachers, etc?
Many of them must be wondering: 'If Labour won't stand up for us, why should we stand up and turn out for and vote for them?'
Reeves certainly doesn't give a flying fuck. She needs to trot over to the other side of the floor with kieth.Frankly I don't think the right wing of the Labour party (for it is them driving what passes for policy at the moment) give a flying fuck about poor. disadvantaged people.
Banning environmental protests, innit."Shelves of winning policies" apparently? Like the non-existant non-dom one perhaps? Or ... err ... ?
Labour has shelves of winning policies. Now the party must get people to listen | Polly Toynbee
As Johnson’s cabinet flounders, Starmer’s team has some brilliant ideas to improve this country. But voters also want a clear vision, says Guardian columnist Polly
I might be being a bit idealist about the US VP, but can you imagine any UK Labour politician talking like this?