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Katie Hopkins

We don't bloody want her! Lots of stranded Aussies are very aggrieved that she has managed to get in to Oz while they struggle get back home due to the border caps. Is she really here though, or is she just pretending to wind everyone up?
We don't bloody want her! Lots of stranded Aussies are very aggrieved that she has managed to get in to Oz while they struggle get back home due to the border caps. Is she really here though, or is she just pretending to wind everyone up?

She is a well known liar. And having been exposed as a ket-head you’d think she’d be barred from getting a visa on that alone…
She's reportedly set to be on Celebrity Big Brother in Australia, but looks like they'll try to get rid of her first:

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said he had no issue deporting Ms Hopkins if she was found to have broken infection control rules.

“I'm the one who wanted to send home Johnny Depp's dog so I have no problem sending home someone who wants to flout our laws,” he told the ABC

Joyce also threatened to euthanise Depp's dog, IIRC, I don't think many people would object to that happening in this case.
Is she coming back here? I fucking hope not. No doubt she'll be waved through our viral-friendly border.

The Oz trade deal once again exporting shit we don't want in return for fuck all
That's fine, I don't watch GBNews so he can spout his bile all he likes on this minor station hidden down the arse end of the Freeview channel list broadcasting to the other small minded, bigoted dick heads, just so long as he kept off the mainstream media.
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