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katy hopkins fails at tweeting

The far right are apparently moving over to a platform called "parler" where they can rant to their hearts' content and not bother the rest of us ...apparently some Tory MPs recently joined, but one of them basically said it was too much for them...

Parler sounds a bit French to me, won’t please the Brexit crew.
The far right are apparently moving over to a platform called "parler" where they can rant to their hearts' content and not bother the rest of us ...apparently some Tory MPs recently joined, but one of them basically said it was too much for them...

I think Milo whatshisface was complaining about those kinds of platforms after he was booted off Twitter, etc - for people like him and Hopkins, their whole schtick is posting outrageous tweets and reveling in the attention and outrage, when they're pushed into the murky corners of the Internet they belong, they get upset because they're not getting much attention, and a lot of what they do get is from people criticizing them from even further right.
Parler is mental. I signed up for an account yesterday and it’s mainly yanks but I followed a couple of accounts and did some searches.

The main stuff about London was anti Sadiq stuff including a petition that the whole of the uk should vote for London mayor for some reason.

Checked in again today and had a few followers despite not posting anything. Including Jayda from Britain First.
#london on there right now:

lots of stuff about the aggro in Brixton last night including unpleasantness about BLM, why is nobody reporting it (lol), send in the army

the building of freemasons hall

white flight

Sadiq Khan - it’s all down to him appaz
Hopkins is posting screenshots from twitter on her Parler account, which hardly suggests a clean break or that Parler is the promised land.
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