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Katie Hopkins

No one's making cute little tabletop gaming miniatures of Hopkins, though.
I was thinking more of something like this.
I guess Katie Hopkins would love it if she knew there was an 82 page thread devoted to her.
I wonder, does she have some kind of personality disorder?
I know I wouldn't be able to sit in the same room as her, I bet her negative energy is really palpable.
I would refuse to sit in a room with her because I'd probably bite her :)

Some people are just shitweasels without any underlying pathology behind it, it's just human nature :)
I sense pathology in her, school bully type, well more than school bully, maybe she was jealous malicious etc as a girl.
I know people called Nigel Farrage a Poundshop trump but holy fuck they really are running with that branding aren't they.

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Scuse my ignorance but what exactly do UKIP stand for?
I read racism and wanting a US insurance style healthcare system, but there is also "don't believe all you read"
I can't handle loads of text but a quick comprehensive few lines on here as to what they stand for will do me.

UKIP stands for U.K. Independence Party.

They wanted independence from Europe. Nigel Farage started the party because he wanted Brexit.

That got wrapped up with anti-immigration.

Which soon attracted racists to the party.

As a general rule, people who are anti-immigration are racists,

So racists like UKIP.

When the referendum returned a “leave” result and Brexit was certain, the party had no further reason to exist.

However, Farage and the people who liked him wanted the party to continued so that they could pursue racist ideas under cover of a legitimate party. So UKIP continued.

They have tried to reposition the themselves as “not racist” and they have tried to present other policies, but it hasn't worked. Because they thing that they all have in common is racism, and not much else matters to them. Everything else they want or believe stems from their racism.
Didn’t she become famous from The Apprentice? Being odious is part of the job specification for that
..memorably described by Charlie Brooker as an 'evil, peeled dormouse'.

She's got multiple issues imo, with my armchair psych hat on. Her odiousness is her business strategy, her resentment at the world and all the planets adjacent is palpable.

Unless she wants to address her issues, challenge, point and laugh is the best approach imo...
Surely that's not a tabletop gaming miniature

Yes way, dude

Yes way, dude

Is it my birthday today or something? It started out good and just keeps getting better :confused:

That is totally non bogus DaveCinzano and I need it in my life :cool:

UKIP stands for U.K. Independence Party.

They wanted independence from Europe. Nigel Farage started the party because he wanted Brexit.

That got wrapped up with anti-immigration.

Which soon attracted racists to the party.

As a general rule, people who are anti-immigration are racists,

So racists like UKIP.

When the referendum returned a “leave” result and Brexit was certain, the party had no further reason to exist.

However, Farage and the people who liked him wanted the party to continued so that they could pursue racist ideas under cover of a legitimate party. So UKIP continued.

They have tried to reposition the themselves as “not racist” and they have tried to present other policies, but it hasn't worked. Because they thing that they all have in common is racism, and not much else matters to them. Everything else they want or believe stems from their racism.
Thanks for such a concise and specific reply.
Here’s a quick gallop through her back story.

I'll read that because I wondered about her early life as a chlid, I imagine her to be a mean spirited jealous girl but with an abusive home background.
Here’s a quick gallop through her back story.

Thanks for this, it gives a great insight into why KH is the way she is. I haven't finished reading it either, but read enough to want to read on as it jives with how I imagined her childhood to be, (lower down)
I hope my comments make for good reading.
Can't comment on Big Benefits Row - never saw it. Great company? all narcissists are - until their dark side is out.

"scandalising audiences with a set of opinions typically held by mean girls bitching in the playground" Very apt for KH.
When not on telly, she can be found calling Nelson Mandela a "cantankerous old git" in her weekly Sun column, or tweeting prolifically about her disgust for people who are fat, or unemployed, or badly dressed.
Poor Nelson, I like him. I have some relatives and some ex work colleagues who used to people watch but not in a good way, "She needs to lose weight" "look at her fat ar5e"
Most famously, she has declared ginger-haired babies "harder to love"
Ridiculous cobblers talk.

As for her opinions on class, well.....need I say more :rolleyes:

she tries to pick a couple of fights when I haven't even disagreed with her.
I know people like this who would argue with the saints in heaven for the sake of it, they like to make the atmosphere of a room negative, typical narcissist.
In between the jokes and giggles she is coiled to spring from what she calls "girly chitchat" into TV studio rottweiler mode, but whenever she does, she stops listening, so it seems pointless. We already know what she thinks. I'm more interested to know why.
Rude to boot.

Some critics claim she doesn't believe a word she says, and peddles controversy for money.
I thought this, but I am always open to others opinions if they make more sense to me than my own.
Others think she must be secretly horrified that so many people hate her. I don't detect an ounce of truth in either theory. It turns out Hopkins has never watched herself on television, never cries, is essentially immune to most human emotion, confuses public insults with compliments, and has kept secret the fact that she is hospitalised on average once every 10 days. The curious puzzle of Hopkins only begins to make sense when she describes the first 23 years of her life.
The above, to me, points to a narcissist. She has built a fortress around her fragile ego, so strong that she appears tough, but I have met some people like this and when they get a tiny whiff their ego is threatened they go into a rage or cry hysterically. I read (rightly or wrongly) she has some kind of epilepsy, why hide it? it is not a stigma? Because......you guessed it.....

Now 39, Hopkins grew up in "a regular middle-class family" ....snip.... Both girls attended a private convent school from the age of three to 16. "I don't mean some notion of a grammar school convent school, I mean proper nuns, nunned up to the max. The headmistress was called Sister Philomena, and she," Hopkins adds admiringly, SYCOPHANT"was mean." The nuns tied Hopkins' left hand behind her back to try and force her to be right-handed, and school life was highly regimented. "Oh, beyond! Whistle blows once: don't move. Whistle blows twice: into lines. Whistle blows three times: into class. Can you imagine," she laughs, "the pent-up rage?"
I thought she must have had some highly traumatic background, I would have come out of such a school traumatised.
I can imagine, but it appears Hopkins can't. "Yuh, very exciting. I had a hoot at school, it was a blast, it really was St Trinian's – we were all girls together and it was really good fun."
Maybe KH has repressed the trauma, makes sense.
She can't recall any bullying or teasing,
Was she a bully? No comment from Kate.

no teenage insecurities at all, on account of always getting As, mastering grade eight piano and violin by 14, and being picked for all the sports teams. "I suppose I was one of those girls that was just fine."
Some sporty girls are bullies, not all, no insecurities, eh! Kate, then why are you like this now? Think again pet.

Her parents were strict about exams and homework, but didn't need to be, because "I wasn't going to come second. One of the frustrating things with my children now is that I understood very quickly what you had to give the teacher to get a top mark. It's not rocket science, is it? It frustrates me that mine can't see that yet." Her three children are nine, eight and five.
God help her poor kids.

She knew exactly what she wanted to do. "I was going to be the colonel of the forces. I loved the military. I loved the discipline, the rigour, the big shouty men. I love monosyllabic orders. 'George: Bed! George: Shoes!' That's how I talk to my children, yeah, and I love it. Love it!" She still likes to address her girlfriends by their surnames, "So you'd be 'Heads'", and the very thought of a man in uniform barking acronyms sends her into a schoolgirl froth. "Yes! Someone hot. With muscles. That you can clearly see, despite thick cotton. Definitely!"
This ties in and makes sense as well, traumatised by the perpetrators of abuse, so KH joins them, identifies with them.

But Hopkins' military career came to an abrupt end days before the passing out ceremony. If I didn't slow her down she would have glossed briskly over the details, but it transpires that she had an epileptic seizure on the parade square. "It's not something I talk about," she says quickly, "because I see it as a failing.
So I wasn't wrong re the epileptic shame/stigma.
So it does annoy me a little bit when people say 'she failed at the forces', but of course I never respond. I never say why, because it sounds like an excuse, and I won't have that. I won't have an excuse."

She didn't cry when the army discharged her. In fact, in her whole life she "genuinely can't remember ever crying", and says she doesn't even know what fear feels like. The only failure she can identify was her first marriage, which ended within a year. "That was bad. But am I over it? Yes. Did it really matter? No."
She either sobbed into her pillow in secret and lied about it or has repressed it to the point of near madness. Many of these people marry bullies who overpower them, I know a female like this, never married though. Either that or she married a passive man who saw the light and ran for the hills (just my speculation)

Hopkins joined a business consultancy after Sandhurst, moved to Manhattan and began going out with the boss. When their first daughter, India, was born in 2004, she took two weeks' maternity leave, and was away on business most of the time, seeing her daughter only at weekends.
How is a healthy maternal bond supposed to develop in those circumstances? Poor India, I fear for her dysfunctional life.
The couple moved back to the UK and got married before the arrival of their second daughter, Poppy, the following year. Her husband was present for the birth, but Hopkins had to get herself and Poppy home from the maternity ward 48 hours later, because by then he had left her for his secretary. Neither Hopkins nor her daughters have ever spoken to or seen him again.
Sad but she probably drove the poor man nuts.
She relays all this with the pragmatism of someone describing a little HR restructuring – and looks pleased when I say so. "Well, it sort of was like that, only in a life way." She says she doesn't experience "emotional stuff", has never known a moment's maternal guilt, -SNIP- being in the public eye is exactly like being on the army parade square. Anything is fair game, -SNIP-women in her old platoon who couldn't hack Sandhurst and quit.
The woman is definitely disturbed, pathological, I knew it.
............continued in next post due to too many characters...........
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