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Katie Hopkins

.......continued from above.......

Deaf to distress, her indifference towards anyone else's feelings makes sense.
But I'm confused about how she reconciles her contempt for emotional messiness with a private life so colourful that she once listed "stealing husbands" as her hobby on her CV. Her first husband was just one of a string of married fathers whom Hopkins seduced away from their families, including her second husband, the father of her five-year-old son.
Another narcissistic trait.

How can someone so impatient with indisciplined self-indulgence justify wreaking havoc in so many lives, in of all things the name of love? "Oh, spare me the oestrogen tears," she groans. "We've all got skeletons in our closets. I couldn't be disingenuous enough to say I'm sorry for those women or children, because lots of us have done things wrong. When you look at the statistics for men and women having affairs, it's huge."
Lots of women are a size 18, but in Hopkins' book that's inexcusable. So why is poor impulse control acceptable in sexual behaviour, but not anything else? "For me there are certain standards of life. Intrinsic to my life are work, fitness, discipline." So if I was fat she'd call me disgusting, but if I tried to steal her husband she'd say: 'Fair enough'? "Yeah."
Narcissists are hypocrites
How can she be so sure her standards are objectively right? "Because when I look at the things I think are important, they're all things that don't ask anything of anybody else. If you are healthy and not obese you're not asking the NHS for anything. I'm not asking the taxpayer to fund my benefits. Because I'm not asking anything from anyone, I think that that gives me the right to say: 'This is how it should be.'"
But dear Kate, you are taking, you stole men from women and children, you didn't bother asking - hypocrite bullshitter.

I had put Hopkins' horror of being weak and needing help down to nothing too terrible ever having happened to her. But the horror is too visceral for that, and the real explanation is a revelation. She can see how some people have suffered awful things, "but I just don't connect with that, because I still have my thing going on." It takes a moment to realise she is talking about epilepsy. All of a sudden she speaks very quickly, as if the words were burning coals.

Narcissists have shame, (toxic shame was mentioned on here the other day) dear Kate has such a lot of shame she has projected it onto an illness she genuinely cannot help and is stigmatising it.

Has anyone ever suggested, I ask, that she is profoundly disconnected from her emotions? "No, I think I'm just very male." I think her emotional disconnect is quite extreme. "Do you?" She looks surprised. "I don't think it is." But being "very male" wouldn't explain her violent disgust for others' failure to live up to her standards, nor why women's failings upset her so much more than men's. It doesn't explain why she never watches herself on TV, not even her debut on The Apprentice. "Yes, that is odd," she concedes, when this curious fact emerges. "I hadn't actually thought that before, but I suppose it is." And it doesn't explain why the only response she seems unable to deal with is sympathy. If I glowered at her she would be quite impervious – but a sympathetic look is a kind of agony for Hopkins, making her literally squirm, and I think this has distorted her entire perspective on other people's problems.
I think the interviewer hit some real salient points here. Insistencies are rife with narcissists. Sympathy would be an insult to her fragile ego, these people don't have big egos, they compensate by inflating their tiny egos, so they look big and pompous. She is a fragile little angry school girl who has not got over the abuse perpetrated by the nuns.

They lose. The truth is, life is just not fair."
Life is what we make it, myself included. Those with a win-lose attitude are often narcissists. Pecking orders are important with bullies, my Dad even mentioned a pecking order.

The child I've just described (born to addicts) didn't do anything to cause its circumstances – so why is it right for that human being to lose?

"I really don't have an answer for it," she admits. "But if you're the sort of parent who can't give a toss, then I can't give a toss about your child either."
Pure arrogance.

Katie Hopkins is an angry little girl with a fragile ego.
..memorably described by Charlie Brooker as an 'evil, peeled dormouse'.

She's got multiple issues imo, with my armchair psych hat on. Her odiousness is her business strategy, her resentment at the world and all the planets adjacent is palpable.

Unless she wants to address her issues, challenge, point and laugh is the best approach imo...
Not laugh at her, but challenge yes, which I think the interviewer in the guardian did really well imo.
Not laugh at her, but challenge yes, which I think the interviewer in the guardian did really well imo.

I get that. But the point from her perspective may be to simply generate rancour and attention. Once you've clocked the hurtful nature of picking on the weak to enhance a media career, laughing and ridicule can help drain the genuine horror of her worldview of power and influence. That's how people have coped with Trump to some extent :)
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I get that. But the point from her perspective may be to simply generate rancour and attention. Once you've clocked the hurtful nature of picking on the weak to enhance a media career, laughing and ridicule can help drain the genuine horror of her worldview of power and influence. That's how people have coped with Trump to some extent :)
Another narcissist with a disturbed childhood.
I don’t think she really thinks some of the stuff she writes/says. She’s sold her soul. Will say horrible things for cash. She may have regrets on her death bed. Trying to be charitable here, but I’m not even convincing myself.
Nah, look at the way her mind was corrupted by those nun's horrible treatment and her Stockholm syndrome way of processing it, admiring them and saying school was enjoyable, she hasn't processed the trauma and unprocessed trauma leads to destructiveness in word and deed.
they don't sound like working class fella, had the backing of someone, access to a film crew and were able to publish

are they not her equals

aside from they both are not race baiting wankers

and have never been ejected from south Africa for doing ketamine

Who is the leader this week ?
Is it still Jo Swinson, or am I getting mixed up?
Scuse my ignorance but what exactly do UKIP stand for?
I read racism and wanting a US insurance style healthcare system, but there is also "don't believe all you read"
I can't handle loads of text but a quick comprehensive few lines on here as to what they stand for will do me.
Worth mentioning that after Farage left, they took a hard shift to the far-right under Batten:
Although they might have had another change since then, I've not been following them too closely.
hey panpete

have you seen when she was tricked into taking a fake award :hmm:
I just watched the video and made a post on here.
Her speech was obnoxious to say the least.
Still, while she behaves cruelly I feel that cruelty to people who behave cruel is coming down to their level.
I'm just reading the comments on Katie Hopkins interview: 'Can you imagine the pent-up rage?'.
I like to think I can spot a good piece of writing, at the time of reading I aimed to express the articulate way Ms Aitkenhead the interviewer handled the interview, I found a comment so eloquently put about what the interviewer thought of KH that I have put it below.
My sentiments exactly.
In a finely written article, Ms. Aitkenhead's insight reveals to us as deeply insecure woman, one who, as a child, apparently could only save herself physically by sacrificing herself psychically. Hopkins is hardly the first child who, when faced with complete dependence on cruelly authoritarian parents, resorted to sacrificing her emotional self, still to this day under 24-hour lock-down, in order to internalize her parents' authoritarian obsessions as her own.

"Her parents were strict about exams and homework, but didn't need to be, because 'I wasn't going to come second. One of the frustrating things with my children now is that I understood very quickly what you had to give the teacher to get a top mark. ' "

Aitkenhead disarms Hopkins for us and even presents her as a person in deep need of the same empathy which she, just to survive, had to render herself incapable of offering others--empathy for the common and ordinary faults and failings of others.
Hopkins is the adult emotional wreckage that survives the stunted and bannished child which never had a chance in her parents' home. She is very fortunate that, with routine resort to the public health system, she can manage her epileptic fits well enough to enjoy a lucrative career as a mass-media shock-jock, heaping scorn and rebuke on others who the public health system largely leaves suffering alone, untreated and fending for themselves.
Hopkins is also fortunate to live in a society which is so depraved in its voyeurism and so cruel in its vaunted selfish and intolerant materialism that it offers a comfortable living to one who can outwardly present herself as a social and moral exemplar while inwardly, she's an emotional zombie.
Is Hopkins possessed an ounce of Aitkenhead's insight, her fragile inner insecurity would be revealed to her.
Her own children, today still quite young, may, in growing up, present her with inescapable evidence of the tortured child she buries within herself, and they may do that whether or not they themselves are similarly the victims of an overbearing authoritarian parent whose love demands and requires that they sacrifice their own child's emotional selves."
Pete, don't bother. She's just one of them cunts that doesn't even deserve understanding or empathy. There's a shitload about at the moment, don't waste your oxygen that feeds your brain on them
I see what you mean, I have an interest in abnormal psychology, and wanted to illustrate that Kate is not simply a controversy seeker, she has deep psychpathology.
I'm just reading the comments on Katie Hopkins interview: 'Can you imagine the pent-up rage?'.
I like to think I can spot a good piece of writing, at the time of reading I aimed to express the articulate way Ms Aitkenhead the interviewer handled the interview, I found a comment so eloquently put about what the interviewer thought of KH that I have put it below.
My sentiments exactly.
In a finely written article, Ms. Aitkenhead's insight reveals to us as deeply insecure woman, one who, as a child, apparently could only save herself physically by sacrificing herself psychically. Hopkins is hardly the first child who, when faced with complete dependence on cruelly authoritarian parents, resorted to sacrificing her emotional self, still to this day under 24-hour lock-down, in order to internalize her parents' authoritarian obsessions as her own.
Never read comments on newspaper articles
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