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Katie Hopkins

bizarre that while thousands of Australians are stranded abroad because of border restrictions, they'd grant Hopkins a visa to be on a TV game show in the first place. that looks bad even if they're not a fascist demagogue wannabe.
you think someone at the production company would've made the point that they could've just hired enough domestic celebrities?
bizarre that while thousands of Australians are stranded abroad because of border restrictions, they'd grant Hopkins a visa to be on a TV game show in the first place. that looks bad even if they're not a fascist demagogue wannabe.
you think someone at the production company would've made the point that they could've just hired enough domestic celebrities?

It’s not like they’re short of home grown racists down there is it.
That's fine, I don't watch GBNews so he can spout his bile all he likes on this minor station hidden down the arse end of the Freeview channel list broadcasting to the other small minded, bigoted dick heads, just so long as he kept off the mainstream media.
see it does have another use after all, not just about point and laugh
The woman clearly has an overinflated view of her own importance, did she truly believe that she could publicly cock a snoot at the Australian Govt and they just accept it?
The woman clearly has an overinflated view of her own importance, did she truly believe that she could publicly cock a snoot at the Australian Govt and they just accept it?

Though I suspect she doesn't have an overinflated, etc - it's more likely that, deep down, she knows she's nothing (or worse), and compensates by projecting this huge egotistical persona. And, because she's doing that, she's never stopping to check whether she's crossing any lines...in fact, she's made a virtue out of crossing lines, and is thus presumably floored/outraged when she finds herself being held to account for it.
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