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Kamala Harris' time is up

Some cybersquatter has had the domain name since her 2000 run:

I read that earlier.

You'd think, in the current US climate with so much at stake, and as someone who claims to be a Democrat and a Harris supporter, that he'd just let Harris/Walz have the domains so they're not used and abused against them, as the previous ones he sold were. We're talking $15k here, not a fortune, not anything life-changing. Why not give them to them as a gift, a goodwill offering for the greater good of the future of his country in its time of need?

I hope the Harris/Walz ticket ignores him and/or tells him to go shove his domains up his self-serving, faux-supportive, opportunist arse.

On the plus side, good that the domain names he's holding have been made public so people will be wise to their message should they end up in grubby orange hands.
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Why? I understand if they are long ones and you are short on time, but Farron's pieces are usually 5 minutes and less. Basically the orange creep is having a meltdown about the polls, and we can expect his base to do his bidding after seeding that all polls are fake, so they can have another attempt at overthrowing democracy.
It's clickbait. Trump isn't having A COMPLETE MELTDOWN he said the polls were fake news, same shit he's been saying for years. A waste of five minutes.
It's clickbait. Trump isn't having A COMPLETE MELTDOWN he said the polls were fake news, same shit he's been saying for years. A waste of five minutes.
Well no-one is forcing you to watch it, so it's down to you if you wasted five minutes. I don't see anywhere where it says it's compulsory to watch, so you might want to calm down. As for him having a meltdown, he most definitely is. Oh, and he believes the polls when they go in his favour.
Well no-one is forcing you to watch it, so it's down to you if you wasted five minutes. I don't see anywhere where it says it's compulsory to watch, so you might want to calm down. As for him having a meltdown, he most definitely is. Oh, and he believes the polls when they go in his favour.
Not forced but you posted it once and then posted again that it's really good. Sorry but it's shit : D Trump says something is fake news in 2024 is no longer news!

I do look forward to him properly having a meltdown....I want to see uncontrollable shaking, some dribbling and maybe his hairpiece falling off
Each to their own, but I find a lot of them very informative. I don't do twitter, and our news barely touches on what is going on over the pond. By watching a range of different commentators, my knowledge of US politics has expanded. They don't all do "gotcha's" on the fuckwit, but they do give the details of the political scene, so much so that I have been able to notice when some of our reporters fuck up with their info.

For me, Breads, it's far more to do with just not wanting to be unexpectedly confronted with footage of a live trump.

I deliberately stopped watching anything 'live' a couple of years ago. And I've stuck with it. I just can't bear the repulsive physical sight and sound of him.

Reading rather than watching is my safe space.
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Not forced but you posted it once and then posted again that it's really good. Sorry but it's shit : D Trump says something is fake news in 2024 is no longer news!

I do look forward to him properly having a meltdown....I want to see uncontrollable shaking, some dribbling and maybe his hairpiece falling off
Please don't put words into my mouth. Would you care to check back? I posted a precis of what the commentator said.

I get it. You don't like vids. Just don't watch them. But don't twist my words.
For me, Breads, it's far more to do with just not wanting to be unexpectedly confronted with footage of a live trump.

I deliberately stopped watching anything 'live' a couple of years ago. And I've stuck with it. I just can't bear the repulsive physical sight and sound of him.

Reading rather than watching is my safe space.
I understand your squeamishness, as he is enough to make you want to vomit :). However, you won't find footage of him in all of the commentators I watch. For example, Farron, (who I posted upthread) never shows footage, he just talks for around 5 minutes. Short, concise vids, unlike some who do really long and detailed ones. You just find your favs.
I read that earlier.

You'd think, in the current US climate with so much at stake, and as someone who claims to be a Democrat and a Harris supporter, that he'd just let Harris/Walz have the domains so they're not used and abused against them, as the previous ones he sold were. We're talking $15k here, not a fortune, not anything life-changing. Why not give them to them as a gift, a goodwill offering for the greater good of the future of his country in its time of need?

I hope the Harris/Walz ticket ignores him and/or tells him to go shove his domains up his self-serving, faux-supportive, opportunist arse.

On the plus side, good that the domain names he's holding have been made public so people will be wise to their message should they end up in grubby orange hands.
On the bright side this is one of 15 he bought with other combinations of Harris{possible vp pick} and the other 14 aren't worth shit.
For me, Breads, it's far more to do with just not wanting to be unexpectedly confronted with footage of a live trump.

I deliberately stopped watching anything 'live' a couple of years ago. And I've stuck with it. I just can't bear the repulsive physical sight and sound of him.

Reading rather than watching is my safe space.
It is extremely hard to watch the orange one without feeling physically ill. Transcripts I can laugh at, hearing it speak is like idiocracy with severe brain damage (two of my relatives had it but managed not to be uncontrollable arseholes, maybe they had a higher starting point than far below zero).

Edit both of which were born far before he was.
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For me, Breads, it's far more to do with just not wanting to be unexpectedly confronted with footage of a live trump.

I deliberately stopped watching anything 'live' a couple of years ago. And I've stuck with it. I just can't bear the repulsive physical sight and sound of him.

Reading rather than watching is my safe space.

I get you , footage of a dead Trump would be so much better...
fundamentally important article. i encourage everyone to read it all.
teachout will ring no bells in blighty but she's quite substantial here in NYS.

The Democrats lose when they try to have it both ways, to be the party of the worker and the CEO, of Uber management and Uber drivers. The stronger path to win—and the more just way to govern—is to take up trustbusting, reject neoliberal trade policies, and plant a flag firmly on the side of citizens against corporate donors.

i wonder if walz's selection is an indicator.
JD vance going up against him in a debate ought to be interesting. Walz' life story would be rejected as too unrealistic if you were to present him as a fictional character and yet:

*Born in rural Nebraska and spent early years on parent's farm
*His father is a military veteran, he followed in his footsteps and joined the national guard and served 24 years rising to the rank of sergeant major
*Upon leaving the military, used his GI bill entitlement to go to college to train as a teacher.
*Moved to rural small-town Minnesota and took up a teaching position at a local high school.
*Met his wife (a fellow teacher) working at the school
*Taught geography social studies at high school and coached the school's football team taking them from being perpetual losers to winning state.
*Stood for congress in a district that hadn't returned a democrat in over a century and won.
*Stood for state governor and won.
*Is apparently the best marksman on capitol hill.

..there's a bunch of other stuff as well. Harris covers it all in her intro to him. Basically, the man is pretty much the living embodiment of the romanticised view a significant swath of the country has about small-town rural america and apparently, that matters.

Harris' intro, if anyone's interested:
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If anyone's interested in the VP pick's speech, here is Tim Walz. Some pretty funny moments when he goes after Vance and Trump...

Shapiro was one of the people hoping to be Harris's v-p choice.

Walz has style. First portion of his speech was praising Shapiro.

He presents well, and I think that Vance may have problems trying to attack him during the v-p debate.

Thanks for posting the speech, Nylock!
JD vance going up against him in a debate ought to be interesting. Walz' life story would be rejected as too unrealistic if you were to present him as a fictional character and yet:

*Born in rural Nebraska and spent early years on parent's farm
*His father is a military veteran, he followed in his footsteps and joined the national guard and served 24 years rising to the rank of sergeant major
*Upon leaving the military, used his GI bill entitlement to go to college to train as a teacher.
*Moved to rural small-town Minnesota and took up a teaching position at a local high school.
*Met his wife (a fellow teacher) working at the school
*Taught geography social studies at high school and coached the school's football team taking them from being perpetual losers to winning state.
*Stood for congress in a district that hadn't returned a democrat in over a century and won.
*Stood for state governor and won.
*Is apparently the best marksman on capitol hill.

..there's a bunch of other stuff as well. Harris covers it all in her intro to him. Basically, the man is pretty much the living embodiment of the romanticised view a significant swath of the country has about small-town rural america and apparently, that matters.

Harris' intro, if anyone's interested:

Sounds like they’ve chosen the politician version of Coach Taylor from Friday night lights which would have been the favourite tv show of that small town demographic

I wish I weren't so compulsive about voting polls and I'm going to resist ... but :)

In a new poll released Tuesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has taken an enormous lead on former president Donald Trump among independent voters.

Harris is up nine points with that group (53%-44%) after being down 14 points with them when she launched her campaign just two weeks ago.

In early July, Trump was beating President Joe Biden by four points with independents.

Overall, Harris has built a 51%-48% lead over Trump, according to the latest NPR/PBS News/Marist poll. That’s a four-point improvement for Harris, who became the Democratic choice when Biden bowed out. Harris maintains a three-point lead (48%-45%) when third-party choices are included.

Harris leads by 13 points with women (55%-42%), but is losing men by nine points (54%-45%).
Oh no, he called her "Kamabla," I guess she has no choice but to drop out of the race after being destroyed by such a devastating insult from the master of put-downs

There doesn't be a Trump nickname for Tim Walz yet, maybe Trump's busy arguing with aides who say Crazy Radical Marxist Who Will Literally Impose Full Stalinism on America and Send You to a Gulag While Banning Christmas, Easter, and the Fourth of July Tim Walz is too long
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