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Kamala Harris' time is up

I am going to be interested to see what reposts Kamala is going to use with Trump. I think everyone expects him to go after her as he did against Hilary, so Kamala is going to need some pointed responses.
I am going to be interested to see what reposts Kamala is going to use with Trump. I think everyone expects him to go after her as he did against Hilary, so Kamala is going to need some pointed responses.

Serious 😄 I don't think she's the one that needs to worry here. 😄

Unless of course you think that he might have some higher ground, some carefully considered and intelligently articulated charges up his bigly orange sleeve, with which he'll reduce her to a quivering wreck?

Back in the real world, Kamala Harris is so not the needy one here.
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That'd be a weird choice, hard to see Harris picking Raimondo even if she was worried about the Democrats losing Rhode Island's 4 electoral votes for the first time since 1984

it would, and it looks like she's not on the short list.
i remain worried about this

first test for harris

A few days ago, billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman gave $10 million to the Kamala Harris effort, and promised a lot more. Hoffman is a Silicon Valley titan, part of the “PayPal mafia” that includes Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, though Hoffman sits on the Democratic side of the aisle. This morning, Hoffman went on CNN and issued demands. Harris must end Biden’s tariff and antitrust regimes, he said, and fire Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan.


This appearance was followed by reporting that there’s a Silicon Valley fundraising tour for Harris being planned by none other than… Reid Hoffman. Ok, so it’s pretty stunning for an oligarch like Hoffman, with a net worth of a couple billion dollars, to publicly make such a demand. So why is he doing it? One reason is that there’s a lot of money involved. As the Lever reported, Hoffman is on the board of Microsoft, which is right now being sued and investigated by the FTC. It’s a pretty good gig, if you get to fire the law enforcer investigating your misdeeds.

Still, there’s another reason. Hoffman is a sophisticated operator who wants to be a kingmaker in politics. The money is real enough, but he’s likely leaking the fundraising tour as a means of forcing Harris to be seen to do his bidding. Hoffman wants Harris to get rid of Biden policies which protect workers through trade and antitrust so that big business can do what they want. And he’s going to supply the financing for Harris’ campaign if she does what she’s told.

especially since now she seems open to taking his money

Mentioned on a Trump thread, but I'm not convinced yet. You'd hope so but:

I reckon Harris is going to get more popular and go on to win. All those undecided?

What happens afterwards will be another story.

I think it depends entirely on who the VP is. Walz or Kelly and she wins, Shapiro (or some other career politician) and she doesn't.
Maybe she should reimburse his $10,000,000 with an unequivocal 'unlike with my opponent, my presidency and policy decisions are not for sale' public announcement whilst pointing to Trump getting the begging bowl out for big oil and promising to overturn all relevant environmental regs if they just punted him a cool billion for his campaign. Kills a few birds with one stone: tells the billionare to fuck off, puts other dickheads with a fat chequebook on notice and puts the focus back on Trump's corrupt practices... They're currently making $$ hand over fist from small and first-time donors. A move like this may spur those grassroots types to dig deeper and may even sway some independents who are of the "they're all corrupt as fuck" persuasion....
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