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Kamala Harris' time is up

What might go against him

"Walz is a gun owner and a hunter who previously received endorsements and donations from the National Rifle Association and had an A rating from the group. But he shifted: he gave donations from the group to charity after the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, and he supported an assault weapons ban after the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida. While governor, he has signed bills into law that restrict guns. He now has an F rating from the NRA."

(From the graun)
What might go against him

"Walz is a gun owner and a hunter who previously received endorsements and donations from the National Rifle Association and had an A rating from the group. But he shifted: he gave donations from the group to charity after the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, and he supported an assault weapons ban after the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida. While governor, he has signed bills into law that restrict guns. He now has an F rating from the NRA."

(From the graun)
Harris has already called for more gun controls. She included it alongside union rights, affordable healthcare and abortion rights in her very first speech as candidate. Anyone for whom this is a crucial issue is already lost to Trump.
What might go against him

"Walz is a gun owner and a hunter who previously received endorsements and donations from the National Rifle Association and had an A rating from the group. But he shifted: he gave donations from the group to charity after the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, and he supported an assault weapons ban after the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida. While governor, he has signed bills into law that restrict guns. He now has an F rating from the NRA."

(From the graun)
Other way round even, if a gun enthusiast can change might reassure middling hunter but not nutjob types.
Other way round even, if a gun enthusiast can change might reassure middling hunter but not nutjob types.
Yep. We're not coming for your guns - look, they're just like the VP's guns.

Surely even in the US, there isn't a significant constituency of people who vehemently support other people's right to own assault weapons when they don't own such things themselves. But even if there is, they're already for Trump anyway.
Didn't Walz start the 'wierd' attack line, which seems to be cutting through.

I think he's a good pick, especially seeing one of his videos in the run up to a previous election where he starts with a money saving tip about how to replace a shoddy Ford car part with a 7.99 third party part.

Strong 'dad who when he comes to visit, fixes that sticking door lock, before taking you out for burgers and a beer' energy, and actually passing bills to ensure school children get fed, and to protect LGBT people. That's before you get to the ex military, ex teacher, likes his hunting, humble, small town thing
Looking up Walz's record, this does look like a strategically good choice.

He's hung on to the governorship of Minesota relatively comfortably. He was always only ever a narrow winner in his seat in the House of Reps, which he took from a Republican and is a mostly rural district, but he never lost it.

And he has a 'normal' non-politico history, working in factories, National Guard, geography teacher, football coach. He's Middle America, geographically and figuratively.

If Harris appears West Coat and metropolitan, Walz provides a good contrast.
Walz seems like a solid choice - I wonder if Republicans will criticise him as a diversity hire because of Harris' all-white guy shortlist
Yesterday they were saying that if the Dems don't pick Shapiro, it's because antisemitism. Dunno if they're going to continue down that line...
Guess that middle murica wouldn't have been able to handle both KH and the likes of Pete Buttigieg, so it kinda makes sense.
One of the arguments against him was that he is a "career politician"... but aren't they all, in either of the two main parties?
Not in the same sense as those who are always on a track towards politics, such as Harris. College then law school then work in the prosecutor's office, then stand for election as district attorney. This is very common in the US, of course, not just Harris, but she's never not had a job that was aligned towards her political career.

By contrast, Walz was a teacher up to the age of 42. He has spent half his working life doing something other than politics for a living, and in a 'normal' job at that.

ETA: Sorry, you meant Shapiro, didn't you? Yes. That's why Walz is surely the better choice. And why, no doubt, the Republicans wanted Shapiro.
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Can't bear to watch these videos, sorry. Where's the breakdown at, will click on that...
Why? I understand if they are long ones and you are short on time, but Farron's pieces are usually 5 minutes and less. Basically the orange creep is having a meltdown about the polls, and we can expect his base to do his bidding after seeding that all polls are fake, so they can have another attempt at overthrowing democracy.
I'm not a fan of those videos either. Not because of the videos themselves but because I seem to have been watching the same video for years: an excited host telling me "this time Trump is really done for". And for years Trump has not been done for at all. He's still walking around talking dangerous nonsense. So yeah, I'm over those gotcha videos. I just want to see him banged up, retired from the race, actually finished in one way or another.
I'm not a fan of those videos either. Not because of the videos themselves but because I seem to have been watching the same video for years: an excited host telling me "this time Trump is really done for". And for years Trump has not been done for at all. He's still walking around talking dangerous nonsense. So yeah, I'm over those gotcha videos. I just want to see him banged up, retired from the race, actually finished in one way or another.
Each to their own, but I find a lot of them very informative. I don't do twitter, and our news barely touches on what is going on over the pond. By watching a range of different commentators, my knowledge of US politics has expanded. They don't all do "gotcha's" on the fuckwit, but they do give the details of the political scene, so much so that I have been able to notice when some of our reporters fuck up with their info.
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