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Jeremy Hunt Chancellor/Next PM , your time is up.

I'd say Hunt as chancellor was probably the price Truss had to pay the suits not to pull the pin tbh
I think this is it; satisfy the other wing of the parliamentary party with a more controlled and rational (in relative terms) economic policy. Keep Truss going to suck up as much poison as possible, then clean break for someone more floatable at the next election or before then if she’s served her purpose.
In 2010, a crap MP was made a minister by a pig-fucking PM to use skills he didn't have. This man promptly fucked up not only that role but the NHS and foreign office before escaping to the backbenches. Today, he's wanted by the government once again as a soldier of misfortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him ... maybe you can hire Jeremy Hunt to make another ungodly mess of things.

We can all look forward to the first journalist to mispronounce the new chancellors name, wonder if they’ve got a sweepstake

Maybe Roger Mellie has an interview booked

Just the person to assure "the markets" of our continued immiserisation and theft of our public services.
Yeh cos obviously getting in one man from another - not the other - wing of the party to put in place the pm's policies is going to make all the fucking difference. The notion hunt was necessarily her first choice to replace kk is really daft - likely two or three other people had told her where she could stuff her offer. And hunt is not the man who fucked the nhs simply one of the more prominent people who've buggered it up.
Hunt on Sky this morning basically saying that there will be real terms spending cuts; he phrased it as 'spending will not rise as much as people want', 'there will be very hard choices' etc etc.

This is very bad news for millions of people undermining as it does their incomes and services and infrastructure on which they depend. It also brings him into direct confrontation with Truss and her spending promises (leaving aside Johnson's commitments re. benefits and pensions).

It is not a sustainable situation, and that is before you factor in the potential for popular resistance/opposition. It is going to be a tough but interesting winter.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Hunt on Sky this morning basically saying that there will be real terms spending cuts; he phrased it as 'spending will not rise as much as people want', 'there will be very hard choices' etc etc.

This is very bad news for millions of people undermining as it does their incomes and services and infrastructure on which they depend. It also brings him into direct confrontation with Truss and her spending promises (leaving aside Johnson's commitments re. benefits and pensions).

It is not a sustainable situation, and that is before you factor in the potential for popular resistance/opposition. It is going to be a tough but interesting winter.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Truss hasn't said spending will rise as much as people want and her government has been preventing eg the tocs coming to terms with the rail unions. The great funding gap at the heart of the mini budget showed that no matter what warm words Truss said, there were going to be cuts ahead. The direction of this government hasn't changed, the only difference is someone marginally more competent has been inserted
Hunt on Sky this morning basically saying that there will be real terms spending cuts; he phrased it as 'spending will not rise as much as people want', 'there will be very hard choices' etc etc.

This is very bad news for millions of people undermining as it does their incomes and services and infrastructure on which they depend. It also brings him into direct confrontation with Truss and her spending promises (leaving aside Johnson's commitments re. benefits and pensions).

It does not bring him into direct conflict with Truss on that matter. The following was part of her opening remarks at yesterdays press conference:

We will do whatever is necessary to ensure debt is falling as a share of the economy in the medium term.

We will control the size of the state to ensure that taxpayers’ money is always well spent.

Our public sector will become more efficient to deliver world-class services for the British people.

And spending will grow less rapidly than previously planned.

(from PM press conference opening remarks: 14 October 2022 )
Truss hasn't said spending will rise as much as people want and her government has been preventing eg the tocs coming to terms with the rail unions. The great funding gap at the heart of the mini budget showed that no matter what warm words Truss said, there were going to be cuts ahead. The direction of this government hasn't changed, the only difference is someone marginally more competent has been inserted
Fundamentally agree. However, there is the opportunity to attack both Hunt and Truss for either:

1. the apparent contradiction between her election bluster, her pmq response and Hunt's thinly veiled it's austerity time again folks speil;

2. or dismiss Truss as either a liar and/or a fool for her worthless/dishonest claims, and go after Hunt for enabling/maintaining such a liar/fool in office.

Keep them fighting but keep them linked to each other for as long as possible.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Fundamentally agree. However, there is the opportunity to attack both Hunt and Truss for either:

1. the apparent contradiction between her election bluster, her pmq response and Hunt's thinly veiled it's austerity time again folks speil;

2. or dismiss Truss as either a liar and/or a fool for her worthless/dishonest claims, and go after Hunt for enabling/maintaining such a liar/fool in office.

Keep them fighting but keep them linked to each other for as long as possible.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Think two weeks is about the longest that they'll be colleagues in government
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