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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

The point in that vid for me is not who posted it, or why they posted it, more it shows how Corbyn is seen by many, including me.
He's an idiot that won't stand up to his own thoughts and say them outloud - People see that and it's very likely to damage the Labour party and hand brexit to the tories.
He should have been dumped ages ago but, unless there's a big upset in the weeks up to the election, he's out if (probably when) the Labour party get hammered in the polls.
He's worse than Johnson, not because he's a bigger cunt (that would be hard to manage), but because he's a bloody idiot.

Any thoughts yet on who should replace him?

Given the time you've been mulling this over I am ready to be impressed.
It strikes me as a pretty pointless argument to say Corbyn must go given the current state of play. Clearly he is going to be the leader at the election and after that he'll either have a good election and be in No 10 or he will not be in No 10 and is unlikely to remain Labour leader. Its not easy to see many (if any) scenarios where he doesn't get the keys to No 10 and stays on as leader.

I don't think another hung parliament with tories the largest party will cut it. My thoughts anyway.
With the polls narrowing ...
The average of the 10 polls after the commons voted for a GE is 11%, the average of the 10 polls before gave them 12%, so not much narrowing there.

I've read a couple of articles saying the Tories will be worried if they get anything under an average of 10% in the polls, as because of where votes could fall, they may not get a majority, basically squeaky bum time.
The main reason to have wanted Corbyn to go is that he hasn’t seemed likely to win an election. With the polls narrowing and Labour rising the argument isn’t one for now. It’s all get behind Captain Corbo.

As Cupid says polls ain't narrowing But getting being Mr Corbyn is probably the sensible idea what with him being leader and it being an election and all. Mind you Labour spent the last one plotting how to be rid of him and he managed to defy expectations so it could be a thing
Maybe you should put some thought into how you've come to have the same view of Corbyn as the makers of a far right propaganda video.

The far right are a bunch of twats, but they have Corbyn summed up well. Just because they're 100% wrong in their politics doesn't mean they can't be right about him, even if their motives are shit.
The far right are a bunch of twats, but they have Corbyn summed up well. Just because they're 100% wrong in their politics doesn't mean they can't be right about him, even if their motives are shit.
I think you are failing to understand at least one of the concepts of 'politics' and '100%'
Don Troooomp There's plenty wrong with Corbynism, but none of the criticisms from you and the far right tossers you think along with are worth a tuppeny fart. Anyway, haven't you got some planes to point at instead of trotting out your ill informed shite on here?
The far right are a bunch of twats, but they have Corbyn summed up well. Just because they're 100% wrong in their politics doesn't mean they can't be right about him, even if their motives are shit.
Their politics are bad but their political attacks which are intrinsically linked to their politics are good don trooooomp aged 43
What's wrong with Corbyn?

He refuses to answer questions when he knows his answers will be unpopular - not just in that video, but all the time

He's deeply unpopular with the electorate, so is an albatros around Labour's neck

He has no hope in this world of outperforming Johnson in front of a TV audience, either in parliament or anywhere else.

Like Micheal Foot, he looks a mess, and that's lousy publicity, something that's hurting everything.

He gets outmaneuvered by Johnson on everything, even the NHS where the tories have a terrible record, but he just doesn't have the force of personality or anything else to show up what the fucking twat PM is up to.
Their politics are bad but their political attacks which are intrinsically linked to their politics are good don trooooomp aged 43

The tories are a fucking disaster, and another five years will be a bastard for Britain, so that's all the more reason Corbyn should have resigned when Johnson took office.
Yes, there's no question the PM is an utter cunt of the worst sort, but you don't send a rabbit to hunt a fox, you get someone with a hunter's mind and a fucking shotgun.
What's wrong with Corbyn?
He’s accused of reading Marx but hasn’t.

He refuses to answer questions when he knows his answers will be unpopular - not just in that video, but all the time
You mean like a politician?

He's deeply unpopular with the electorate, so is an albatros around Labour's neck
This is mainly the result of a hostile press.

He has no hope in this world of outperforming Johnson in front of a TV audience, either in parliament or anywhere else.
Perception wise that’s probably right. I can’t understand the appeal of Johnson, but people seem to like the bumbling posh dick routine.

Like Micheal Foot, he looks a mess, and that's lousy publicity, something that's hurting everything.
This is ageist bullshit. Boris is a mess but that’s apparently adorable.

He gets outmaneuvered by Johnson on everything, even the NHS where the tories have a terrible record, but he just doesn't have the force of personality or anything else to show up what the fucking twat PM is up to.
I don’t think much of his ability either, but then I don’t think much of Johnson’s.
The tories are a fucking disaster, and another five years will be a bastard for Britain, so that's all the more reason Corbyn should have resigned when Johnson took office.
Yes, there's no question the PM is an utter cunt of the worst sort, but you don't send a rabbit to hunt a fox, you get someone with a hunter's mind and a fucking shotgun.
Have you a digital spy account you can use
Anyway, he's there, looking stupid and dithering his way to what looks likely to be a massive election defeat, then he'll get kicked out.
Pity it's probably going to mean brexit and a general fuck up, but that's what the far left are supporting with that guy.

The choice was between an attempt at a far left run for government that was always going to fail, or a more sensible and electable mid left socialist government, but the far left of the party made a massive error in assuming Corbyn was popular when it was really May that was so unpopular.
Basically, Corbyn is a fuck up that's going to cost Labour and the UK a lot.

Yes, I'm not a Marxist or militant, but it's a lot better to have a Labour government in power that will get rid of all the shit the tories have done to the welfare state, than Corbyn as leader of a weak, ineffective opposition that has to sit wanking and moaning while they watch the conservatives do whatever the fuck they fancy.
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