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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

They smashed the Labour party of years ago, and the modern left are being used by the 'daily mail' types of today as heralds of a dystopian future, painting a picture of a bunch of crackpot communists running an extremist party that will destroy Britain.

The truth is unimportant, but the image is so, the more the hard left push, the lesser the chance of a socialist government.
Enjoy the likely new Boris Johnson government and all it brings, because the left of the party are too entrenched in their own opinions to see they're working for him.

what do you mean by the ‘old labour day party?’
Atlee? Wilson? Callaghan?

If so, how did these leaders differ from Corbyn? My own assessment is that on foreign policy they didn’t possess Corbyn’s ‘anti/imperialism of fools’ but were well to the left of him in terms of the economy and state involvement in its management. They appointed union leaders to the cabinet, something that Corbyn couldn’t dream of doing. They managed the economy with the agreement and via negotiation with unions.

Its worth looking at the last 40 years through a wider lens at time. Especially when trying to locate where and who Corbyn is.
Er Tony Blair smashed the Labour Party of years ago

Blair was a cash hungry tory bastard that realised he could do better pretending to be a socialist, and he did very well. However, the left of the party smashed Labour's chances of an election win for many years before he got the big job. That shit gave us Thatcher - big fucking win there.
Well done, the far left, and future congratulations for a new Johnson government.

It's probably too late to stop Johnson now, but Labour is going to have to find a new leader the moment this election is over so there's opportunity in the commons to show up the new tory government for what they are, and plan for the next election.
Blair was a cash hungry tory bastard that realised he could do better pretending to be a socialist, and he did very well. However, the left of the party smashed Labour's chances of an election win for many years before he got the big job. That shit gave us Thatcher - big fucking win there.
Well done, the far left, and future congratulations for a new Johnson government.

It's probably too late to stop Johnson now, but Labour is going to have to find a new leader the moment this election is over so there's opportunity in the commons to show up the new tory government for what they are, and plan for the next election.
I didn't know Red Jim Callaghan was so left wing
The average of the 10 polls after the commons voted for a GE is 11%, the average of the 10 polls before gave them 12%, so not much narrowing there.

I've read a couple of articles saying the Tories will be worried if they get anything under an average of 10% in the polls, as because of where votes could fall, they may not get a majority, basically squeaky bum time.

The most recent polls are narrowing and the Tory campaign is off to a car crash. The Tories should be worried, because if they simply pile up votes in Chipping Torybury they will not get an overall majority. And then the friendless bastards will be out.
The most recent polls are narrowing ...

Based on the polls since the GE was called, they are not, it's just some polling companies tend to show a lower lead than others, the lowest recently is the ICM one showing a 7% lead, but that is up 1% on their last poll. ComRes came up with 8%, that's 4% up on their last one. Survation is unchanged on 8%. ORB is also on 8%, but their last poll was ages ago and had Labour ahead. The other 4 polling companies all have them on between 11 & 16%.

A month ago there were polls showing them as low as 3, 4, 5 & 6%

Generally speaking they are all over the place, as usual, but no sign of any narrowing just yet, but it's early days.

Opinion polling for the 2019 United Kingdom general election - Wikipedia
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