Urban's Village Idiot
Well as he’s proven himself completely unfit to be PM, this is all rather moot. Jezza will turn this country into the European Venezuela. He is wholly unfit to lead Labour, never mind the country.As someone pointed out on Twitter, Trump is older than Corbyn and Murdoch is substantially older than both.
e2a this is from January 2018
No, Jeremy Corbyn is not too old to be prime minister – here's why
His response to that Times piece was extremely telling, and only goes to prove how egocentric and arrogant he is. He is the far-Left Trump, I'm astonished his fan club aren’t all wearing MBGA hats.
Like Trump, Corbyn only superficially cares about the state of the country, he cares more about his ‘legacy’ and how he’s perceived. If Jez cared about the country, he’d have been screaming for Remain; he’d have been marching the length and breadth of the country wearing a EU flag T-shirt, he’d have vigorously challenged Vote Leave and Leave.EU, on their lies and propaganda, but he didn’t. He is on record as saying that he believes that migrants are responsible for the current economic crisis, they are responsible for low wages and rising homelessness. He believes that EU workers are stealing jobs from U.K. workers. I don’t want a xenophobe as PM.
What this country needs is a forward-thinking, progressive globalist as PM, Jeremy Corbyn is nationalistic and insular, just like Boris and, also just like Boris, he’s also incredibly racist.
It is extremely telling that he has been completely silent on the fact that his party is being investigated by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission over anti-Semitism (and has done precisely fuck all to address the issue, quite the opposite he’s allowed the main offenders back into the party (yes, I know Chris ‘Nosferatu’ Williamson (veganism: not even once) has been suspended again - but for how long…? I’ll give it less than a week)) but as soon as a paper publishes a story that paints him in a less than favourable light, he’s demanding a full civil service enquiry. He is an egotist, there’s no other way to describe him and, for as long as he remains Labour Leader, the party is heading the same way as the Tories: extinction.
Thing is, he’s so paranoid someone might challenge him, that he’s taking steps to ensure that doesn’t happen, by ensuring that all future election candidates are 100% loyal.
Corbynistas can’t understand why I loathe him; apparently being disabled and on benefits means that I should automatically be screaming “Jezza for PM!”
He needs to go - now, before the damage done to Labour becomes irreparable. Thing is, his refusal to back a People’s Vote likely means it’s alreal too late.
Boris isn’t the British Trump, Jeremy Corbyn is.