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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

This came unto my radar in the last week or so...No idea about this particular site and can't see it published anywhere else other than other blogs but I do think it adds to the points made here about climate/context and how the anti-corbyn/national threat rhetoric permeates...

‘I work in the civil service – and it will resist a Corbyn government’

I remember meeting a few high ranking CS in the DoH through some work/shadowing exchange thing and during a discussion about their attitudes towards the work and what happens when a new government is elected in they insisted they knew their job was to adapt and work with the elected party/government for the good of the 'nation'. Hmmm.
Such things as military coups require what historians call retrospectively necessary preconditions. Otherwise plots won't get too far. The plot against Wilson didn't get very far as it happened, although Wilson himself was concerned about the idea, and was labelled paranoid for being concerned. Turns out he was right to have been paranoid.

A climate within the army that sees Corbyn as a potential threat to national security would be a necessary precondition for an attempted coup. A country in political chaos, perhaps following something like a brexit, with the government collapsing and being replaced by Corbyn, perhaps with a wafer-thin majority, and with now-opposition tories shrieking that he is a Marxist and worse than Chávez, would see certain other necessary precondition boxes getting ticked. An army with whole regiments of fuckwits who think it's a lark to shoot at images of Corbyn might be another.

As it happens, I suspect that one necessary precondition probably wouldn't arise. Like Wilson, Corbyn just wouldn't actually be very left wing in the end. It doesn't take much, though. We're not talking communist revolution here, merely mild threats to the interests of the capitalist and propertied classes.

It got further than is acknowledged. My old man had his orders and rail warrant to get there. He lost the rail warrant and there was a bit of a brew haha about it. Mind you knowing my Dad and the place he was supposed to take over would have been worse than Peterloo.

But ALL the party leaders of the time were compromised one way or another, and the country was going down the tubes, we ended up going cap in hand to the IMF...
This came unto my radar in the last week or so...No idea about this particular site and can't see it published anywhere else other than other blogs but I do think it adds to the points made here about climate/context and how the anti-corbyn/national threat rhetoric permeates...

‘I work in the civil service – and it will resist a Corbyn government’

I remember meeting a few high ranking CS in the DoH through some work/shadowing exchange thing and during a discussion about their attitudes towards the work and what happens when a new government is elected in they insisted they knew their job was to adapt and work with the elected party/government for the good of the 'nation'. Hmmm.
No idea about tribune?

Posted numerous times already - opens up questions about cheering on the US secret state for daft liberal doesn't it? Or maybe not given the madness some of them have decided on as regards Corbyn.
The paras were dicks but the image is horrific and some poor int corp officer is Using cartoons and small words in the big font to explain the concept why soldiers in uniform shooting at photos of opposition MPS is terrible probably given up:facepalm: and just going for don't put stupid shit on the net:(.
As nobody does bad propaganda ideas for preschoolers:D
This came unto my radar in the last week or so...No idea about this particular site and can't see it published anywhere else other than other blogs but I do think it adds to the points made here about climate/context and how the anti-corbyn/national threat rhetoric permeates...

‘I work in the civil service – and it will resist a Corbyn government’

I remember meeting a few high ranking CS in the DoH through some work/shadowing exchange thing and during a discussion about their attitudes towards the work and what happens when a new government is elected in they insisted they knew their job was to adapt and work with the elected party/government for the good of the 'nation'. Hmmm.

Isn’t this just the plot of ‘Yes Minister’?
Isn’t this just the plot of ‘Yes Minister’?
Yes, but I’ve alwsys thought that was basically true.

In local government, it’s certainly what the officials do. I’ve seen documents re-presented with a new title when a new administration comes in.
Which other possible 'governments' has it arisen as a potential issue for?

The article talks about a generalised inertia and resistance of the establishment. That wouldn’t be a new phenomena and Governments of either hue have experienced it.

Yes, we would expect the establishment to resist radical things a Corbyn Government proposed, but then they’d have to propose some radical things.
It is amazing how little changes over time.

WENT into a public 'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, " We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' " Tommy, go away " ;
But it's " Thank you, Mister Atkins," when the band begins to play
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's " Thank you, Mister Atkins," when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' " Tommy, wait outside ";
But it's " Special train for Atkins " when the trooper's on the tide
The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
O it's " Special train for Atkins " when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap.
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an` Tommy, 'ow's yer soul? "
But it's " Thin red line of 'eroes " when the drums begin to roll
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's " Thin red line of 'eroes, " when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an` Tommy, fall be'ind,"
But it's " Please to walk in front, sir," when there's trouble in the wind
There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
O it's " Please to walk in front, sir," when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an` Chuck him out, the brute! "
But it's " Saviour of 'is country " when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An 'Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool - you bet that Tommy sees!

Not as salient as it was truly was once, though the number of homeless servicemen testify it is still there.
Hesiltine was quoted as saying the civil servants were masters of giving him vital paperwork that filled the entire day he only caught on when he took a break and came back to discover exactly same amount of paperwork.
With headlines like this in the Telegraph, be hard to deny that Corbyn's team have played this bit well...so far.

This is exactly what I think has happened.

You always think you know what happened. But you don't. Cos you're never there. You're just certain you always know how it all must have gone down.

You've heard from other soldiers here, serving and ex

Have we?

Who posting on this thread is current or ex forces? I'm not aware of anyone, save from the fantastist who thinks the Rough Ramblers club is some sort of proxy for the SAS.
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