On the BBC lunchtime news today but only mentioned briefly in a wider 'Has Corbyn lost touch with Labour core voters?' type piece. Much more emphasis on Owen Smith.
It's probably partly because this was already gone over in 2015 in the mainstream media - they could still go for this again ofc (and it'd be better if they did, really, because it's more significant) but even journos need novelty.
I don't actually think Corbyn's all that bright in some ways. I think he's a hard-working plodder. There was an episode of Gogglebox he was on where they were watching University Challenge and I don't think he was faking not knowing some pretty easy questions.
And look at his atrocious spelling of people's names in that Facebook post - he didn't check whether he'd got the names right and for an MP I'd expect fact-checking like that in a post that would be seen by the public. That's partly why I believe that he didn't really look at the picture or notice the anti-Semitic tropes in it. It's a failing of his, being too trusting of his allies and not checking things. Fortunately it's a failing that can be corrected over time, and can be helped by having good advisers (elected ones, preferably, ie other MPs), and he does seem to have got better. Easily trusting his allies is very likely to have been broken from him by now, that's for sure.
In theory I'd love a politician who was brilliant and quick off the mark and didn't trust people too much, but we've had those (Blair especially) and they didn't use their brilliance for good. I don't want a complete moron either (like Trump) but maybe someone a bit more in the middle could be worth a try. There's nobody else who can do better and even if there were changing leaders constantly would be detrimental.